Length of Stay Pass $


Aug 18, 1999
I'm trying to decide if we should get a LOS pass or a multi-day pass, but am having trouble finding out how much the LOS is. I was given a toll number to call, but I thought that maybe someone here either knows the cost, knows of a website, or has a toll-free number. I called 1-800-U-Escape and they didn't know the cost. We will be staying at the HRH for 3 nights. I don't care about having the pass for the day of check-in, but I don't know if they will charge less if we don't include that day (like WDW will).
Go to ticketmania.com for prices on the different tickets. All I can find are either 2 or 3 day tickets and then the flex ticket which is good for 14 days. I don't think US does a length of stay like Disney does.
There are no length of stay passes.... We will be there for 8 days and had to buy 14 day flex passes.... This may not be good for everyone but I took the 14 day pass so we wouldn't have to rush and worry about what days we did what. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">
The lady from 1-800-U-ESCAPE told me that there is a LOS pass, but I'd sure believe you all before I'd believe her... She said that she didn't have the price and that concierge at HRH would know the cost. Maybe I'll try this weekend when my 5 cent/minute rate is in effect just to make sure.
hey tigger and belle yes there is a lenght of stay pass i just seen the new universal orlando video and it has a thing on it you can use the pass the whole time you are there
for real i gurantee they have one
from Suz :D :D :D
Length of stay pass was included in the package we just booked.
I bet this is a package deal thing - and , like disney, you'll have to know what the items costs separately to know if you are getting a good deal or not (I'm betting you are quoted a price for hotel and LOS passes all rolled into one- do your homework and price the items out separately and then you will know if the deal is ok or not when they quote you a price over the phone.) I'm just guessing here.


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