Last minute tips, suggestions before leaving


DIS Veteran
Mar 1, 2001
Ok, so I'm not even close to being last minute....Our trip is still 81 days away. But I am starting a list now of things i don't want to forget before leaving for WDW (like faxing my room requests to resort, etc.) and i was wondering if anyone else had any suggestions. Thanks!

<center>"I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing -
that it was all started by a mouse."
tip #1
Give some of the kid's vacation $ in one dollar bills. Explain that on the trip down until you arrive at your hotel room they must be extra good. Each time you had to speak to them about their behavior, they would pay you $1. (Our 4 kids fight often so I thought they would have no $ when we arrived) They bought into it and made a hectic travel day nice. Nobody lost more than $2. Can also use the same thing for the return trip.

bring disposable cameras for each kid. They may waste 1/2 of it but you'll get some good pics of different things. Put and address label on it! If it's lost and turned in it will eventually be sent to you by Disney.

cant wait to go back!!!
Evie from MA

When is spring really gonna get here? Brrrr.
You might check out your local dollar tree, general dollar store, etc for any small disney items you might be able to buy here and just bring with you as little "extras" or surprises for the kids... Such as suckers, stickers, hair things... That would much cheaper than buying little things at disney and you can keep your money for the bigger things...

also I would suggest to buy some bath salts to bring with you.. I bought some at my walmart and brought them with me.. at the end of the evening when we got back to the hotel, I was so tired and sore, so I would take a hot bath with the salts and it helped take the soreness out!

Also bring an extra bag (small) to carry on plane that has maybe a swimsuit, snacks, change of clothes... just in case your luggage gets detained you will have at least one outfit to wear....

Have a great time! :)


Guess I should have mentioned the trip will just be DH and myself, we have no kids and we will be driving down.

Although on second thought maybe I should try that dollar trick with my DH to make a 14 hour trip a little more pleasant :D

<center>"I only hope that we don't lose sight of one thing -
that it was all started by a mouse."

[This message was edited by bweagle on 04-01-01 at 02:44 PM.]
As a police officer I can say that the fastest drivers that I see on a regular basis are the ones on long trips.
Remember that Disney is not going anywhere. It will still be there when you arrive. Take your time and enjoy the ride. You'll make wonderful memories just from the ride.
Drive safe and have a wonderful time!!!
The one thing we now always bring with us is about 4 or 5 disposable rain ponchos that are about $1, get them at Walmart or Dollar Store, and come in a zip lock type pouch. They are very small and fit into your pocket or pack. If it rains you just pull them out and your set to go. The ones at the park are much more expensive and much heavier. At the end of the day we just toss them into the recycle bin.
We then just put another one in our pockets for the next time. When we bring family we load them up to. After almost 100 trips to WDW we have found this one thing the best money and space saver that we have used.
Hi! Some of the best info for "reminders before you go" is at - under the "Debarkation Station" section. They do a terrific job and I found it really helpful to check their lists before we made our first visit to WDW in February.


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