Last minute questions from a compulsive vacation planner


Sep 24, 2000
DH and I will be leaving for California in just over two weeks and now that it's getting close I am getting nervous. I am a pro when it comes to WDW but this is our first trip to DL. I have tons of questions and was just looking for some general ideas. We will be staying at the Candy Cane Inn for 7 nights and have 3 days planned for DL and DCA. Our package also includes a rental car and admission to the San Diego Zoo. My questions are pretty basic: Where should we eat in DL? What not to miss in DL? Where should we eat when not in DL? How is the driving from Orange County airport to Harbor Blvd and from Harbor Blvd to San Diego? Any rides a pooh sized person should avoid so as not to be embarrassed (I am a size 22/24)? Any suggestions for a nice view of the Pacific Ocean? DH thinks I am crazy and says that we will just wing it. NOT! I have picked up lots of info from these boards and would love any additional tips or suggestions. Don't feel like you have to answer each question! Thanks for all the input and I promise to post a trip report when I return. 16 days and counting! :D :D :D

ºOº Peace, Love & Mickey ºOº

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I haven't yet been to DCA (I will in 8 days!) But I know that the new Downtown Disney has some pretty good restaurants. One restaurant not to miss at Disneyland is the Blue Bayou (go for lunch & order the Monte Cristo sandwich!) Some of the Southern California folks will recommend a nice beach and info on the driving time to SD. Not sure about any rides that won't accomodate the Pooh-sized - Disney folks are pretty good about designing their rides for everyone. (I know that there are extension belts for Rocket Rods - but you probably won't need it, especially if you ride that one alone. I think each vehicle has 5 riders: the front two rows for two people and the back for a solo rider.)

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IMO, of the Pacific ocean is from the Scripps aquarium in La Jolla. Panoramic and beautiful. Resturant not to miss - Blue Bayou, second that opinion. Also agree that there should be no problem for a "pooh-type" person. Do not miss Indiana Jones, POC, Haunted Mansion, Big Thunder Railroad, Splash Mountain, you get the idea. Haven't been to DCA yet, so can't help you there.

Drive time - our family drove from SD to DL in the fairly early morning and made it in about 90 minutes.

Have a terrific time and can't wait for your trip report.

Mary :cool:
1. Places to eat at DL/DCA:
*Definitely Blue Bayou - the atmosphere is phenomenal. The food is OK.
*Goofy's Kitchen - Character breakfast at the DL Hotel. I think the character interaction is better than anywhere in DW, and the buffet is really good.
*The icecream place in CA (don't remember the name - something with BRRR in it - but it is in railroad cars) - GREAT icecream and sundaes!
*Try the dinner package for the Eureka parade. It is $41 and is all-you-can-eat soup, shrimp cocktails, hot pastry-type appetizers, desserts, and wine/champagne. You buy tickets at Guest Services. So far, not many people know about it, so you don't have to be there at opening. However, when it takes off, it will be like Fantasmic, where you have to be in line an hour before the park opens!
*Vineyard in CA - we ate in the upstairs outside seating. On a gorgeous day, sitting and watching crowds, sipping wine, and enjoying the sunshine, there is nothing better!! My husband and I shared one of their appetizer platters, and really enjoyed the unique arrangement.

That's all for now. Have a great time!!!!!
I've been to Disneyland several times with my mom, who is also a size 22/24, and the only ride I can recall her being uncomfortable on was Space Mountain. They have individual lap bars that close down on your lap, but it dug into her stomach and the seats are set up two each, side by side and a bit narrow, and when her hubby sat with her (who is also pooh sized), they both felt very squished and comfortable. Perhaps, riding in separate seats would've helped. Other than that ride, they didn't experience any other problems. One note: someone mentioned the Rocket Rods as being a ride that should be fine, however, the Rocket Rods have been removed from Disneyland.

As for restaurants, I concur with the suggestions for the Blue Bayou, in Disneyland. I never miss eating there when I'm at Disneyland, and I do agree also that you should have lunch there. The atmosphere is fantastic! Outside Disneyland, other than the Downtown Disney restaurants (which I haven't tried any yet), there's places along Harbor Drive you can try, such as, Acapulco for Mexican food and Tony Roma's is there for bbq ribs and such. There's also a Denny's and IHOP on Harbor Drive.

I live in San Diego, and I have found the drive between Disneyland and San Diego to average 1 1/2 to 2 hours. If you can, try not to leave for San Diego during the rush hour on weekdays (for example, after 4 pm), or it might take a tad bit longer.

Have a great time! I'm jealous, :D

I knew I could count on the people from this board! Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I am going to print your recommendations and bring them with us! Thanks again! :D

ºOº Peace, Love & Mickey ºOº

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Unless things have changed at Dl, I would suggest going immediately to the Blue Bayou first thing at Park opening and making your priority seatings.

The Blue Bayou is my favorite restaurant in DL. Imagine eating your dinner and being a part of the POC theming!

I can hear those frogs a chirping!


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