"Kids Eat at Universal, Too..." program initiated at Mythos, new menu on its way...


Now known as "TheFirstCook"
Jan 31, 2001
Hi everybody, just wanted to drop a quick line before I left for my statistics class. Since many of you have small spuds running around, you'll be especially interested in this post.

There has been concern apparantly expressed that Universal didn't offer as much in the way of dining selections for children. The chefs have implemented a new program aimed at changing that called "Kids Eat at Universal, too!" I'm not entirely sure what other units will be doing for this program, but I know for a fact what we at Mythos are doing.

First, we have an extened and more exciting children's menu.

Mythos children's burger w/ fries and corn on the cobb.
Applejack chicken fingers w/ cheddar mash or fries and corn (we've adjusted the applejack coating so they are crunchier and not quite as sweet)
Duling Dragons cheese pizza (half cheddar, half mozz). Pepperoni is available for 50 or 75 cents extra.
Ham and chaddar wrap w/homemade fried chips and cron on the cob.
1 fish, 2 fish two colored cheese ravioli w/ sauce of your choice served in a collectible keepsake cat in the hat bowl.

Of course, all kids meals are served with a soda.

The other part of the equation is interaction w/ the kids. Chef Mark has been going around to the tables, talking with the kids personally and giving them stickers.

In other Mythos news, Chef Mark is working on a new menu again. Many of you will be happy to see some old favorites return, some current unfavorites leave, and some new surprsies appear. More details on it as soon as I have them.

We ran a desert special the past coupel of days that is AWESOME!!! It is a kahlula chocolate soufle', served with a nice warm chocolate sauce. It is very light and fluffy, but no less chocolatey than the gooey cake. It is perfect for sharing and completeing a meal. Be sure to listen to us cooks yelling and cheering everytime a desert is ordered!

Well, that's all I know! Look forward to meeting some new faces at MG! Chances are ladiebugg and I will be able to make it that night for Mardi Gras!

They're AWESOME!! :bounce:

My son and I loved them so much we made two batches SINCE returning from Orlando this month! I don't know who's idea it was to crunch up "Apple Jacks" to coat chicken (did YOU have anything to do with it, Randy???) but it was pure genius!

Oh, and by the way, MINE were pretty darn good, crunchy and all! And I should be nicknamed TheBadCook!! :p

My son counts MYTHOS as his FAVORITE restaurants and he's 9. It's why we spent his birthday there!
Thanks for sharing, Randy!

I know last time we dined at Mythos, my older son (Thing 1) had a grilled chicken meal...he raved about it. It was nice to see such a sensible meal choice for a child...even before this program!

I am not happy to see the tortilla soup go, but it will save me money and room for dessert....possibly! :rolleyes:

Robin, someone already crunched up their chicken with Captain Crunch cereal...and frosted flakes, so the logical choice is Apple Jacks! :-)

That soufle' sounds like it would help take my mind of the tortilla soup, no problem!!! ;)

Now, if only they would change the fries...I'd be happy! :rolleyes:

Originally posted by MsDisney
Thanks for sharing, Randy!

Now, if only they would change the fries...I'd be happy! :rolleyes:


rut roh....
umm... exactly what do you mean about the fries?
Fries are my son's main staple of substinance....

I don't wanna ruin MGCon for everyone if my son decides he doesn't like Mythos!!
Cause when a kid with autism ain't happy ain't nobody happy- trust me on this!
Please tell me they have plain ole french fries!?!?!?!

Randy are you listening? help! :smooth:
Randy, I hope that the coffee-encrusted pork and the Chocolate Sampler desert will remain on the menu. Please! I'mmaking a return visit from London in August just for those two dishes (well, I suppose I'm also visiting for WDW, Universal and IoA as well)!

BTW, any chnace you can send me the recipe for the coffee-crusted pork. You did say you would try, but I think the request got lost in all the post 9/11 upheaval.


Robin, someone already crunched up their chicken with Captain Crunch cereal...and frosted flakes, so the logical choice is Apple Jacks! :-)

Karen, the only thing I knew about chicken before this is how to order them correctly in the drive thru....

I can also be called TheDumbCook... :p
Please tell me they have plain ole french fries!?!?!?!

Oh, the fries are plain...don't worry! :D They're fine, and I'm sure your son will be ok with them...I just don't happen to like them...which is odd, because...well, they're fries. :rolleyes:

They are very thin, and very crunchy...almost like they are hot potato sticks...if that makes any sense.
My main complaint is that, being so thin...well, they have no potato in them...

And I'm sure others love them...I just happen to find them very plain, and I don't get them anymore....they have yummy homemade chips. I confess tho, I am a fry girl...and I would rather they improve the fries. But maybe it's just me! :rolleyes:

Robin...would you mind firing the recipe into my mailbox??? I got the recipe for Tortilla soup that Chef Mark said is "easy" and it might be...if you're a chef! I'm not, and it sounds like I could *maybe* handle the apple jack chicken!
robinrs-trust me, the change to the applejack recipe is for the better. The problem we were encountering with the original reciep was two fold- 1)since the crusting was all cereal (ie, sugar), the coating had the tendency to burn before the chicken was cooked. 2)The high sugar content actually cured the chicken, essentially making chicken ham. They were coming out rather tough and un chicken like. Chef noticed alot of fingers not being eaten. Don't worry, the flavor and sweetness of the appljacks is still there!

Oh, and no I didn't have anything to do with that. I'm not quite that high on the creative food chain. I'm mostly responsible for pizzas of the day and the wraps of the day (when we had them).

MsDisney-I'm sorry were getting rid of the tortilla soup and keeping the shoestring fries! I shared the infor with the chef a while ago after your pm, but they're not going to change. That's part of the reason we brought in the chips.

Anyhoo, the cream of asparagus soup starts this friday, should be pretty good.

rob-unfortunately, the coffe encrusted pork has been off the menu for a coupel months now. However, I think we're bringing it back in a slightly different form. When I have more info, I'll let you know. I do have the recipe on my computer somewhere, but it's going to take me a whiel to track it down.
MsDisney-I'm sorry were getting rid of the tortilla soup and keeping the shoestring fries! I shared the infor with the chef a while ago after your pm, but they're not going to change. That's part of the reason we brought in the chips.

S'ok, Randy...I got one last bowl of tortilla soup on Saturday! The soup keeps me from being able to ever try dessert (I mean, I can't finish my meal sometimes after the soup!) :rolleyes:

I've started getting the homemade chips instead, and they're good!

As for the a.j. chicken...my younger son ordered this and I tried it...I told MIB999999, I'd probably embarrass him completely and order THAT next time!!! :rolleyes: Delicious! :) (a little honey mustard and I'd be set for life!) :D
My older son was pleased that he was allowed to order the grilled chicken...he was so upset when he saw it was gone, Keiren quelled his tears immediately by telling him "they can make it for you"! She's just the BEST!!! :)

It was nice to finally meet you, by the way!
Thanks for taking the time to share this info with us!
See ya Saturday!
Thanks Randy, if the pork isn't back on the menu in August I'll just have to rely on you for a suggestion.

If you were able to find the recipe that would be great - although I'm sure my ham-fisted culinary skills would be too poor to try and recreate it!


Randy, after FOUR tries my sister and I think we FINALLY have the chicken down pat. I agree, it does burn easily but a close eye is needed to insure great tenders. I wish I knew about the uneaten ones, I would've been sitting in the back of the restaurant like a rate waiting for the refuse! :p

Another fave was the cheddar mash potatoes that was served with the tenders. As you may have noticed I steal alot of what's on my son's plate. My appetite matches my height NOT my age!


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