Just need to brag


Mom of the Rolling Crew
Feb 2, 2000
Proud Mom just has to brag a minute. As many of you know I have 2 girls with Spina Bifida, the oldest one is going into high school this year as a 9th grader. She is a L1-L2 for those of you that know what that means for those that don’t it means she is paralyzed from about inch on the top of the thigh all the way down. So no use of her legs.

Well, here is my proud moment she made the Girls Varsity Swim Team at her new high school. She is of course the only one in a wheelchair on the team and in fact even shocked the other girls when she went to the first practice that she could even swim. Since she will be the only disabled swimmer she will mostly swim against a time set by the coach. Even though she has been competing in track, field and swimming in wheelchair games this is the first time she has competed with able bodied.
Wow! That is an amazing accomplishment, and what an example and inspriation she'll be to her teammates! I can just picture you beaming with pride. Thanks for sharing such wonderful news.---Kathy
Cheers to your DD for a very big accomplishment!
:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Congratulations to your daughter! Awesome. Enjoy your time as a swim mom. :wave:
Congratulations! She should be very proud of herself and you deserve a round of applause!! ;o)

WAY TO GO! :bounce:
Congratulations to your DD!!!!!!
Children always amaze me. They dont listen to "you cant". They persevere until they accomplish what they want. We can learn many lessons from them.
What an accomplishment!!! I am so proud of the girls and prud of you for all the things you manage.


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