Just Checked Weather


Oct 24, 1999
We leave on Saturday morning and I just checked the forecast on www.weather.com and showers are no longer part of the picture. I've been checking for the last few days and it's always been showers on Saturday and scattered showers on Sunday, then partly cloudy the rest of the week.

Looks like the weather is looking up. Although I'm glad about that, I'm wondering if this will bring more crowds.

Any locals with an opinion on that? What's on the local TV forecast for this weekend and next week?

Hi Donna! The local forecasts still say a chance of showers on Friday and Saturday, but they should be widely scattered. I think the weather will be pretty nice! It's still off-season, so the crowds shouldn't be bad at all. Have fun! :)

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I'm going on Saturday-Monday and have been checking weather.com also. I'm a little disappointed-I was actually hoping for some rain to keep the crowds away!!! Now I'm worried it's going to be really crowded. We don't have much time-part of Saturday, Sunday, and part of Monday.
I'm in northern CA, and the forecast appears to be the same. A chance of light showers Saturday, then improving weather Sunday on.

MAYBE, our wetter than average Feb-early Mar are over....


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