June 2011 No Buy Thread- Keeping our summer spending in check

Thanks. It is peaceful at times and it is nice after so many years of not being peaceful.

I am still on the job search. I have a few good leads but i found out that my last boss has been telling potential employers that I never worked for the company. She has been doing this to a lot of us and it needs to stop.

That is disgusting behavior. With all the crazy laws they have on the books, you'd think there'd be something against lying on something that basic. Have you called your old HR? Are they aware of it?

Overall budget: $192.30/400
Gas: $78/70
No buys: 9/10
Eating out: 3/6

Okay, HOW are you keeping groceries and HBA and miscellaneous and stuff for the month at less than $200?! I am impressed! (And perhaps a weebit jealous, too :rolleyes1)

I'm aiming to stay within $500 for groceries, eating out, gas, and miscellaneous.

1: $2.00
2: $31.00
3: $21.12
4: $0!
5: $100.79
6: $13.14
7: $55.44
8: $0!
9: $6.77
10: $7.61
11: $2.00
12: $97.59
13: 45.85
14: $0!
15: $28.52
16: $46.81
17: $29.31
18: $98.38
19: $62.11
20: $31.39

21: $21.70
22: $0!
23: $0!
24: $0!
25: $0!
26: $1.25
27: $0!

$500-$406.26=$93.74 left
$0 Days: 8

The "Dark Orchid" section is when my friend came to visit. I had a separate, $300 budget set aside for the tourist activities.

I've been meaning to go to the grocery store for a few days now. I'm thinking I will come in under budget this month, despite the rough start!
Thanks. It is peaceful at times and it is nice after so many years of not being peaceful.

I am still on the job search. I have a few good leads but i found out that my last boss has been telling potential employers that I never worked for the company. She has been doing this to a lot of us and it needs to stop.
:hug: i hope you get this sorted out. That seems like a really unfair thing to be doing makes you wonder how some people can sleep at night.

:dance3:Feel like i am making progress only $800 to go off flights which we will knock of next week only 37 sleeps to go till we hit the USA:dance3:

:cool1: So i totally failed on the grocery front last month but am so happy to have achieved what i did so i will change my expectations this month!
:confused:This month it is a juggle between do i finish paying the flights or do i change cash so it will be a week by week thing for us :upsidedowhappy with either or both depending on DH's overtime which is a bit lacking at the moment but we are praying it will pick back up.:goodvibes

goal for the monthVSactual money spent
Grocery's $700($803.78)
Flights $2500 left to pay ($1700)
US cash$2500 ($800)
Fuel $700$538.09
Miscellaneous $100($346.91)

June 1 $0 not leaving the house so it's a good start:dance3:
June 2 $867.75( :cheer2:$800US cash costing$781.23:cheer2: phone for DH$24.50 $62.02 grocery's)
June 3 $13.5 drinks at bbq tea:sad2:
June 4 $196 ($30 fuel $166 grocery's)
June 5 $0:woohoo:
June 6 $0 :rolleyes1 it is helping that we have limited $ till Thursday:rotfl2:
June 7 $40 fuel
June 8 $0 calling today really early not leaving the house:lmao:
June 9 $ 123.32 :cheer2:$46.32 Grocery's:cheer2: bandaids $7 $10 fuel $60 flu injections not budgeted this week but at only $20 each just had to have them:rotfl2:
June 10 $128.24 $60 flu injections, $20 fuel, 48.24 grocery's
June 11 $178.10 fuel $38 supermarket
June 12 $25.00 supermarket mostly junk so don't know where to put it will add to miscellaneous
June 13 $9.50 grocery's $39.99 Vitamins
June 14 $6.50 grocery's
June 15 $130 grocery's
June 16 $0 i did spend $125 on photo pass for DW but not counting it for this
June 17 $20 fuel $15 breakfast
June 18 $70 fuel $20 pizza for Boys Wed night $104.99 Grocery's $29 phone recharge
June 19 $20 grocery's
June 20 $117.99 fuel :rolleyes1 $133.90 unbudgeted tea out with a friend $11.55 drinks
June 21 $700 towards flights $16.78 grocery's
June 22 $23.75 supermarket :(
June 23 $1000 paid off flights :dance3:
June 24$85.59 grocery's $15.75 chemist $40 post office redirect fee
June 25 $50 fuel $46.09 supermarket $11.71 breakfast
June 26 $0:love:
June 27 $0popcorn::
June 28$0 :cloud9:
June 29
June 30

No buy days 8/12
Charming, it is appalling what your boss is doing. What does she hope to get out of it? I'm sending you pixie dust :hug:

I have no idea what she hopes to get out of it. She is very vindictive and no one will ever say anything to her because she scares everyone. I watched her fire people for the stupidest reasons.

That is disgusting behavior. With all the crazy laws they have on the books, you'd think there'd be something against lying on something that basic. Have you called your old HR? Are they aware of it?

I did call the HR department but I get the run around with them. They even denied I ever worked there to a potential employee because they were told too by my ex-boss. The company is all sorts of messed up. I have friends who still work there and are trying to find someone I can trust there to call for future inquiries, I have also called the department of labor and they are investigating the issue as i am not the only one who has complained recently.

:hug: i hope you get this sorted out. That seems like a really unfair thing to be doing makes you wonder how some people can sleep at night.

Thanks. It is unfair and she does it to everyone.

I am calling it early today. Running out to the library but that is it. Today is the 2 year anniversary of my dad's passing so we are having a low-key day.

June 2011 Budget
Groceries/Household- $350/$59.56 Left
Cat Supplies- $30/$0.13 left
Car/Gas- $70/$7.47 left
Eating Out- $50/$20.64 left
Entertainment/Misc- $100/$48.31 Left

Total- $600/$92.19 left

Goal of 14 No Buy Days

5/29- $36.93 Grocery, $7.76 Cat Supplies, and $29.78 Gas
5/30- $3.79 Cat Supplies, $18.55 Misc, and $1.50 McDonalds
5/31- $0
6/1- $54.75 Marc's (groceries)
6/2- $7.30 Starbucks
6/3- $16.16 Clothing for me, and $11 dinner with a friend
6/4- $5.38 Petco
6/5- $0
6/6- $0
6/7- $0
6/8- $53.69 Marc's, $2.98 Pat Catan's, $2 McDonald's, and $7.95 Jersey Mike's
6/9- $9 Movie tickets (2) and $20 Gas
6/10- $0
6/11- $0
6/12- $28.18 Grocery
6/13- $0
6/14- $0
6/15- $0
6/16- $7.95 Jersey Mike's
6/17- $53.74 Groceries/Household
6/18- $0
6/19- $12.94 Cat Supplies
6/20- $0
6/21- $0
6/22- $0
6/23- $48.71 Groceries, $12.75 Gas, and $1.69 Eating out
6/24- $0
6/25- $0
6/26- $0
6/27-$8.27 Lunch, $5 Movie, and $4.90 Walgreen's

17/14 No Buy Days

Store and Coupon Savings- $97.48
and it ran over me. It's been a terrible month choices-wise, nothing really unexpected or anything. I just could not stay up to date on things, checking this thread or my budget software, and being unaware just led us to all kinds of craziness. Especially with eating out. I entered all of our expenditures over the weekend, and holy moly, we ate so much! Kept wondering why my clothes were so tight :rolleyes1

Anyway, this is why we are never meeting our savings goals, month after month. We don't have debt other than the house, but we could be saving more than we are.

I'm so frustrated with myself, how do you keep yourself motivated to keep going with the day to day management? It's easy for me to stay in budget when I'm looking at things every day, but that's what I have problems with. All of the sudden I look up and it's been 2 weeks since I've looked at our bank account or budget software. I'm not exactly sitting around eating bon-bons, but I know I have a few minutes every evening to do this. Any advice on how to get that to be a really good habit?

I don't even know what my original goal was for no-buy days, but I may have had two this entire month. They were both on days I didn't leave the house. :sad2:
Charming- I think it's good you've contacted the Dept of Labor about that. What she is doing is all kinds of wrong. She's implying you are lying on a job application! What a way to screw people over. :furious:

and it ran over me. It's been a terrible month choices-wise, nothing really unexpected or anything. I just could not stay up to date on things, checking this thread or my budget software, and being unaware just led us to all kinds of craziness. Especially with eating out. I entered all of our expenditures over the weekend, and holy moly, we ate so much! Kept wondering why my clothes were so tight :rolleyes1

Anyway, this is why we are never meeting our savings goals, month after month. We don't have debt other than the house, but we could be saving more than we are.

I'm so frustrated with myself, how do you keep yourself motivated to keep going with the day to day management? It's easy for me to stay in budget when I'm looking at things every day, but that's what I have problems with. All of the sudden I look up and it's been 2 weeks since I've looked at our bank account or budget software. I'm not exactly sitting around eating bon-bons, but I know I have a few minutes every evening to do this. Any advice on how to get that to be a really good habit?

I don't even know what my original goal was for no-buy days, but I may have had two this entire month. They were both on days I didn't leave the house. :sad2:


What are you paying with now? Plastic? Try switching to cash. If you go to the ATM and take out $200, even if you don't sit down to enter in the information, you can see it slipping away. You will know if it took you 2 days or 2 weeks to run out of the $200.

I don't track on here. I mean, I do, but my primary location for tracking is actually in an academic planner. It's far less easy to get distracted when I'm not looking at a bunch of websites. Also, I can note the purchase right when I get into my car. I can also see at a glance if I missed a day of tracking. I use a weekly/monthly version that fits into my purse. On the weekly pages, I list each transaction. In the corner of that day, I put the total and then transfer it to the month page as well. I can add up my spending across the week and month on the monthly page.

I no longer break it into categories, but when I did, I would use markers to put a colored dot next to the transaction amount on the weekly pages. Red was for groceries, orange was for eating out, green was for car expenses, blue was for miscellaneous, brown was for dog expenses, purple was for health expenses, gray was for clothing, pin was for travel, etc. Then I could add across the weekly pages to get a category total for the month.

I also use the planner for regular day book stuff too. That way, I'm at least glancing at it daily. I put library book due dates, dr. appt dates/times, etc in there. Harder to forget to track when you are checking your schedule and seeing yesterday's spending.
Wow, how did I get 2 days behind? I need to keep on top of this. Spent the evening at Canada's Wonerland after dinner. I LOVE my season pass and how all the best rides are walk-ons after 7pm. Well, minus Behemoth, but that's like....Soarin' at Epcot.

That's awesome that the rides are almost all walk-ons in the evening. :thumbsup2

I am still on the job search. I have a few good leads but i found out that my last boss has been telling potential employers that I never worked for the company. She has been doing this to a lot of us and it needs to stop.

Woah, that's horrible of her to do that to you and other previous employees. Hope she somehow gets caught and suffers the consequences soon.

I'm so frustrated with myself, how do you keep yourself motivated to keep going with the day to day management? It's easy for me to stay in budget when I'm looking at things every day, but that's what I have problems with. All of the sudden I look up and it's been 2 weeks since I've looked at our bank account or budget software. I'm not exactly sitting around eating bon-bons, but I know I have a few minutes every evening to do this. Any advice on how to get that to be a really good habit?

I don't even know what my original goal was for no-buy days, but I may have had two this entire month. They were both on days I didn't leave the house. :sad2:

Maybe you could bookmark this thread and have it be the first thing you check when you get on the computer (that, or your budget software). Also, keep it simple to start, as the easier it is to do, the more keeping track you are going to do. That means, not too many categories, if at all. I'm sure others will be able to give you some more advice too.
ETA. See, I was right. Where'sPiglet already gave you way better tips than me. :goodvibes

No Buy Days : 11/12
Gas : 103$ (max 120$)
Groceries : 193$ (max 200$)
Eating out (and snacks) : 101$ (max 100$)
Non-necessities : 100$ (max 200$)

01/06 : 0$
02/06 : 0$
03/06 : 0$

04/06 : 5$ (fries)
05/06 : 88$ (ice cream + groceries)
06/06 : 17$ (groceries)
07/06 : 0$
08/06 : 47$ (gas + dinner)
09/06 : 8$ (dinner)
10/06 : 27$ (dinner)
11/06 : 54$ (cat litter & food + juice)
12/06 : 0$
13/06 : 35$
14/06 : 13$ (groceries)
15/06 : 30$ (groceries; yet again!)
16/06 : 0$
17/06 : 0$

18/06 : 45$ (books + take out)
19/06 : 23$ (movie)
20/06 : 0$
21/06 : 17$ (dinner)
22/06 : 0$
23/06 : 0$

24/06 : 5$ (pizza)
25/06 : 32$ (gas)
26/06 : 0$
27/06 : 40$ (walmart + Staples)
28/06 : 11$ (ice cream)
I'm aiming to stay within $500 for groceries, eating out, gas, and miscellaneous.

1: $2.00
2: $31.00
3: $21.12
4: $0!
5: $100.79
6: $13.14
7: $55.44
8: $0!
9: $6.77
10: $7.61
11: $2.00
12: $97.59
13: 45.85
14: $0!
15: $28.52
16: $46.81
17: $29.31
18: $98.38
19: $62.11
20: $31.39

21: $21.70
22: $0!
23: $0!
24: $0!
25: $0!
26: $1.25
27: $0!
28: $51.76

$500-$458.02=$41.98 left
$0 Days: 8

The "Dark Orchid" section is when my friend came to visit. I had a separate, $300 budget set aside for the tourist activities.
Had some confusion about schedules today, and ended up getting Chinese take out. We eat the Chinese food for 3 days, so it turns out to be the best carry- out option.

Running Total: Spent $785
$1100 budget... $315 left
$0 Days: 7
Goal is 8 or more!
coupon/sale savings : 104

Groceries budget- $350-54-1-63-37= 195 left
Wedding dress budget $1100 -105-17-22-169-615= 172 left
Disney weekend budget $550 -150-117-108= 175 left

June 1: 33 ( 20 post office, 13 gas)
June 2: 54 ( groceries)
June 3: 0
June 4: 20 ( 13 lunch, 7 Target)
June 5 : 24 ( 20 shorts, 4 hot pretzel & drink)
June 6 : 0
June 7 : 22 ( 19 gas 3 post office)
June 8 : 28 ( 23 Walgreens, 4 Chick - Fil-A, 1 Publix)
June 9 : 0
June 10: 89 (18 tp & other supplies, 71 hotel room on Hotwire for my other DD who is driving to Tampa)
June 11: 93 ( 8 fathers day stuff, 6 wendys cause I was starving after getting my hair done, 63 hair color/ tip, 11 gas station, 5 water at indoor football game)
June 12 : 63 ( groceries)
June 13: 77 ( 25 fathers day, 12 Old Navy for DD, (used 20 groupon), 40 Changs for celebratory dinner)
June 14 : 0
June 15 : 33 ( dinner out)
June 16: 0
June 17: 24 ( gas)
June 18: -
June 19: - ( Disney weekend)
June 20: 0
June 21 : 23 ( 11 Old Navy, 12 frozen yogurt )
June 22: 37 ( groceries)
June 23: 25 ( pedicure)
June 24 : 39 ( gas and a couple items at the gas station)
June 25: 37 ( 28 eating out , 9 Walgreens)
June 26: 0
June 27: 31 ( 16 gas, 8 jeans at resale shop, 7 ice cream)
June 28: 33 ( chinese food)
I am trying to remember everything, I am behind on posting (again). Yesterday I returned 1 pair of full price shoes for DD and bought 2 other pairs on clearance. OOP was about $10. Then I bought about $20 of stuff at michaels. Today there was a bunch of eating out, about $10 worth. I also had another micheal's run of $21ish.

Next month I'd really like to work on the eating out part. It's crazy.

6-26 zero
6-25 $77.35
6-24 $8.56
6-23 - zero ....finally
6-22 - $33.30 gas, $32.85 consignment, $3.56 mcDs, $22ish household stuff.
6-21 - 2.19 breakfast, coke 1.25 ribbon $430ish
6-20 $6.ish BK, $1.08 stickers, $35 in crafting stuff for my biz.
6-19 $75 coffee beans
6-18 $30ish lunch and groceries, $4.85 farmers market, $8.75 shoes for little one
6-17 zero
6-16 $6.50ish tacos
6-15 26.99 groceries and bath stuff
6-14 38.64 (food and gas)
6-13 $7.44 McDs
6-12 $1.10 DDs breakfast
6-11 $54.15 lunch & groceries & gas
6-10 $12.59 (pizza and diet coke)
6-9 zero
6-8 $16.53 cats & bath, $400 cruise
6-7 taco bell $2.19
6-6 $61 zumba, shoes, tea, leotard & phone
6-5 zero
6-4 $93.54 (bug killer, pool, sprinkler, flowers, lunch & groceries)
6-3 $1.10 for tea
6-2 $105 for heat pump repair
6-1 $35.33 + 5.57 (car repair and mcDs)[/QUOTE][/QUOTE][/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
Running Total: Spent $1002.39
$0 Days:16

Groceries ($130-$4.33/day)- $125.23
Eating Out ($300-$10/day)- $316.16
Misc. (Shopping/Entertainment) ($270-$9/day) $268
Gas $300- $65 ($4.08/gal 6/4), $43 ($4.29/gal 6/6), $55 ($3.78/gal-Wisconsin 6/12), $15 ($4.15/gal 6/14), $50 ($4.05/gal 6/18), $65 ($3.89/gal 6/21)= Total $293

1- $0
2- $0
3- $0
4- $40 (Eating Out-Stray Dog); $15 (Eating Out-Portillo's); $7 (Eating Out-Ice Cream), $9.28 (Groceries-Meijer)
5- $0
6- $0
7- $26.43 (Groceries-Meijer); $8.14 (Eating Out-Wendy's)
8- $0
9- $7.73 (Meijer-Groceries); $18.26 (Jewel-Groceries); $19.34 (Mr. Beef-Eating Out)
10- $0 Technically $1,000, but will include it at the end of the month. My earnest money for our CONDO! We found one that we love!!
11- $0
12- $13.68 (Culver's-Eating Out); $10.40 (Meijer-Groceries)
13- $20.69 (Joe Caputo-Groceries); $10 (Eating Out- Hot Dogs)
14- $20 (McDonald's-Eating Out); $8.63 (Meijer-Groceries)
15- $0
16- $0
17- $12 (Dairy Queen-Eating Out), $12 (Locker-Misc.)
18- $41 (Bass Pro Shops-Fishing Poles for Aaron and I), $42 (Home Run Inn-Eating Out), $2 (Dollar Tree-Newspapers), $10 (Ice Cream-Museum), $10.52 (Meijer-Groceries)
19- $90 (Lane Bryant- Buy2 get 2 bras), $8 (the Children's Place), $15 (Donuts and Spoiling Aaron), $30 (Eating Out- Taco Bell and Culvers), $28 (Meijer-Printer Ink)
20- $0
21- $0
22- $22 (eating out-McDonald's and Teddy Fabz), $100 (Jewel-GiftCards), $9.51 (Walgreens-Groceries)
23- $0
24- $0
25- $4 (Library Fines), $8 (Parking), $5 (Ice Cream), $2 (Dollar Tree-Papers)
26- $0
27- $0
28- $7.50 (Mini-Golf), $12 (Eating Out), $3.78 (Jewel-Groceries)

Budget: $1000....100%
Month: 28/30: 93%

No Buy: 16/13: 123%

Money for our 1st mortgage: $1,000 (earnest money-6/10), $285 (home inspection-6/13), $450 (Fees to Mortgage company-6/27)

My savings from coupons and sales: $578.80

August: $300 Hotel Room for Cedar Point
October: ~$250 Rental Car1
:rolleyes1 there will be no more no buy days for me tomorrow i will pay off our flights:cheer2:

:dance3:Feel like i am making progress only $800 to go off flights which we will knock of next week only 31 sleeps to go till we hit the USA:dance3:

:cool1: So i totally failed on the grocery front last month but am so happy to have achieved what i did so i will change my expectations this month!
:confused:This month it is a juggle between do i finish paying the flights or do i change cash so it will be a week by week thing for us :upsidedowhappy with either or both depending on DH's overtime which is a bit lacking at the moment but we are praying it will pick back up.:goodvibes

goal for the monthVSactual money spent
Grocery's $700($817.55)
Flights $2500 left to pay ($1700)
US cash$2500 ($800)
Fuel $700$538.09
Miscellaneous $100($346.91)

June 1 $0 not leaving the house so it's a good start:dance3:
June 2 $867.75( :cheer2:$800US cash costing$781.23:cheer2: phone for DH$24.50 $62.02 grocery's)
June 3 $13.5 drinks at bbq tea:sad2:
June 4 $196 ($30 fuel $166 grocery's)
June 5 $0:woohoo:
June 6 $0 :rolleyes1 it is helping that we have limited $ till Thursday:rotfl2:
June 7 $40 fuel
June 8 $0 calling today really early not leaving the house:lmao:
June 9 $ 123.32 :cheer2:$46.32 Grocery's:cheer2: bandaids $7 $10 fuel $60 flu injections not budgeted this week but at only $20 each just had to have them:rotfl2:
June 10 $128.24 $60 flu injections, $20 fuel, 48.24 grocery's
June 11 $178.10 fuel $38 supermarket
June 12 $25.00 supermarket mostly junk so don't know where to put it will add to miscellaneous
June 13 $9.50 grocery's $39.99 Vitamins
June 14 $6.50 grocery's
June 15 $130 grocery's
June 16 $0 i did spend $125 on photo pass for DW but not counting it for this
June 17 $20 fuel $15 breakfast
June 18 $70 fuel $20 pizza for Boys Wed night $104.99 Grocery's $29 phone recharge
June 19 $20 grocery's
June 20 $117.99 fuel :rolleyes1 $133.90 unbudgeted tea out with a friend $11.55 drinks
June 21 $700 towards flights $16.78 grocery's
June 22 $23.75 supermarket :(
June 23 $1000 paid off flights :dance3:
June 24$85.59 grocery's $15.75 chemist $40 post office redirect fee
June 25 $50 fuel $46.09 supermarket $11.71 breakfast
June 26 $0:love:
June 27 $0popcorn::
June 28$0 :cloud9:
June 29 $13.77 supermarket
June 30

No buy days 8/12
Looking forward to rejoining in July.

June was such an exceptional month that no-buy made no-sense. I spent 16 days in Israel, which was the fulfillment of a dream I've had since I was 8.

Early in the month, between school ending and my trip beginning, we tackled some house projects. DH kept chipping away at those while I was gone.

So, groceries were high since DH shopped and cooked for himself. He isn't likely to use coupons or scan the specials. But, he didn't go out and he did use the stuff I'd stocked into the freezer for him.

Home Depot got a bit of our money almost every day. But, the family room and bathroom have fresh paint and new molding, the front door is repaired, the entry sports a new light fixture, the yard has two less trees and new mulch, etc. etc etc.
UGH. I'll update my monthly log tomorrow, but I had an awful budget-buster yesterday.

I knew there were 2 kids sent home from the babysitter's because of lice, so I was checking but everyone was ok. Not yesterday. Got a call from the babysitter around noon - the same 2 kids were sent home again, and my kids were found to have a few eggs in their hair. GRR, why were these kids allowed back in the first place without having their heads checked at the door?

So I had to leave work early, pick them up, head to Walmart, and treat my kids. My sister recommended an all-natural brand that she has had really good luck with, but $37 because of someone else's lack of checking had me steamed.

Now the babysitter says nobody can come back until they are 24 hours nit-free, so the kids are at work with me driving me slightly crazy. My kids are clear today, and I know one of the kids won't be back tomorrow because her treatment hasn't worked, so I really hope we won't have a repeat later this week.

if I manage a no-spend day tomorrow I'll have made my goal, but I certainly won't be beating it this month.
:rolleyes1 there will be no more no buy days for me tomorrow i will pay off our flights:cheer2:

goal for the monthVSactual money spent
Grocery's $700($817.55)
Flights $2500 left to pay ($1700)
US cash$2500 ($800)
Fuel $700$538.09
Miscellaneous $100($346.91)

:dance3::woohoo::cheer2: Paying off your flights! :dance3: It's getting so close!!

I don't remember your numbers from last month, but it looks like you are doing well this month!

Looking forward to rejoining in July.

June was such an exceptional month that no-buy made no-sense. I spent 16 days in Israel, which was the fulfillment of a dream I've had since I was 8.

Early in the month, between school ending and my trip beginning, we tackled some house projects. DH kept chipping away at those while I was gone.

So, groceries were high since DH shopped and cooked for himself. He isn't likely to use coupons or scan the specials. But, he didn't go out and he did use the stuff I'd stocked into the freezer for him.

Home Depot got a bit of our money almost every day. But, the family room and bathroom have fresh paint and new molding, the front door is repaired, the entry sports a new light fixture, the yard has two less trees and new mulch, etc. etc etc.

Wow! That's a busy month! And what an amazing trip that must have been! Do you have any photos you'd like to share?

UGH. I'll update my monthly log tomorrow, but I had an awful budget-buster yesterday.

I knew there were 2 kids sent home from the babysitter's because of lice, so I was checking but everyone was ok. Not yesterday. Got a call from the babysitter around noon - the same 2 kids were sent home again, and my kids were found to have a few eggs in their hair. GRR, why were these kids allowed back in the first place without having their heads checked at the door?

So I had to leave work early, pick them up, head to Walmart, and treat my kids. My sister recommended an all-natural brand that she has had really good luck with, but $37 because of someone else's lack of checking had me steamed.

Now the babysitter says nobody can come back until they are 24 hours nit-free, so the kids are at work with me driving me slightly crazy. My kids are clear today, and I know one of the kids won't be back tomorrow because her treatment hasn't worked, so I really hope we won't have a repeat later this week.

if I manage a no-spend day tomorrow I'll have made my goal, but I certainly won't be beating it this month.

Ugh. That is frustrating. :hug:

Maybe you could bookmark this thread and have it be the first thing you check when you get on the computer (that, or your budget software). Also, keep it simple to start, as the easier it is to do, the more keeping track you are going to do. That means, not too many categories, if at all. I'm sure others will be able to give you some more advice too.
ETA. See, I was right. Where'sPiglet already gave you way better tips than me. :goodvibes

No Buy Days : 11/12
Gas : 103$ (max 120$)
Groceries : 193$ (max 200$)
Eating out (and snacks) : 101$ (max 100$)
Non-necessities : 100$ (max 200$)

Aww, thanks! I agree with you on the categories! Personally, I find the reason to break it into categories is to locate money leaks in the budget in order to fix them. However, it makes the tracking more tedious. So now that I'm using primarily cash, I don't have as many leaks and it's all just one "general fund" for food and miscellaneous.

You are doing very well with your budget this month! :woohoo::cheer2:
Today we have beautiful weather again so I am doing some more yard work. I hope to get one more $0 day tomorrow for the end of the month.

June 2011 Budget
Groceries/Household- $350/$59.56 Left
Cat Supplies- $30/$0.13 left
Car/Gas- $70/$7.47 left
Eating Out- $50/$20.64 left
Entertainment/Misc- $100/$48.31 Left

Total- $600/$92.19 left

Goal of 14 No Buy Days

5/29- $36.93 Grocery, $7.76 Cat Supplies, and $29.78 Gas
5/30- $3.79 Cat Supplies, $18.55 Misc, and $1.50 McDonalds
5/31- $0
6/1- $54.75 Marc's (groceries)
6/2- $7.30 Starbucks
6/3- $16.16 Clothing for me, and $11 dinner with a friend
6/4- $5.38 Petco
6/5- $0
6/6- $0
6/7- $0
6/8- $53.69 Marc's, $2.98 Pat Catan's, $2 McDonald's, and $7.95 Jersey Mike's
6/9- $9 Movie tickets (2) and $20 Gas
6/10- $0
6/11- $0
6/12- $28.18 Grocery
6/13- $0
6/14- $0
6/15- $0
6/16- $7.95 Jersey Mike's
6/17- $53.74 Groceries/Household
6/18- $0
6/19- $12.94 Cat Supplies
6/20- $0
6/21- $0
6/22- $0
6/23- $48.71 Groceries, $12.75 Gas, and $1.69 Eating out
6/24- $0
6/25- $0
6/26- $0
6/27- $8.27 Lunch, $5 Movie, and $4.90 Walgreen's
6/28- $0
6/29- $0

18/14 No Buy Days

Store and Coupon Savings- $97.48
I won't make my no-buy days goal. I thought I had 2 days left to make it, but I forgot that today was the teachers' end-of-year lunch, and tomorrow I'm getting my newest tattoo. In hindsight, I shouldn't have gotten that ice cream yesterday. Oh well, it was hot and I was hungry. :rotfl:

No Buy Days : 11/12
Gas : 103$ (max 120$)
Groceries : 193$ (max 200$)
Eating out (and snacks) : 127$ (max 100$)
Non-necessities : 110$ (max 200$)

01/06 : 0$
02/06 : 0$
03/06 : 0$

04/06 : 5$ (fries)
05/06 : 88$ (ice cream + groceries)
06/06 : 17$ (groceries)
07/06 : 0$
08/06 : 47$ (gas + dinner)
09/06 : 8$ (dinner)
10/06 : 27$ (dinner)
11/06 : 54$ (cat litter & food + juice)
12/06 : 0$
13/06 : 35$
14/06 : 13$ (groceries)
15/06 : 30$ (groceries; yet again!)
16/06 : 0$
17/06 : 0$

18/06 : 45$ (books + take out)
19/06 : 23$ (movie)
20/06 : 0$
21/06 : 17$ (dinner)
22/06 : 0$
23/06 : 0$

24/06 : 5$ (pizza)
25/06 : 32$ (gas)
26/06 : 0$
27/06 : 40$ (walmart + Staples)
28/06 : 11$ (ice cream)
29/06 : 36$ (lunch + hair ties)
I'm aiming to stay within $500 for groceries, eating out, gas, and miscellaneous.

1: $2.00
2: $31.00
3: $21.12
4: $0!
5: $100.79
6: $13.14
7: $55.44
8: $0!
9: $6.77
10: $7.61
11: $2.00
12: $97.59
13: 45.85
14: $0!
15: $28.52
16: $46.81
17: $29.31
18: $98.38
19: $62.11
20: $31.39

21: $21.70
22: $0!
23: $0!
24: $0!
25: $0!
26: $1.25
27: $0!
28: $51.76
29: $41.95

$0 Days: 8

The "Dark Orchid" section is when my friend came to visit. I had a separate, $300 budget set aside for the tourist activities.
Where'sPiglet, I think it's easier to keep it under when I half live on my own, and half at DBF's place. A lot of my expenses came from food and just misc spending on stuff I don't really need but were ON SALE. Those signs are hard to resist...

Thanks to this thread, I haven't given in to them! I've also learned to make more food for dinner so I have leftovers for the next day (or two).

I was able to meet my first $0 quota this month! Hooray!

I wonder if I should get a milkshake tomorrow to celebrate....hmmmm.

Overall budget: $213.30/400
Gas: $78/70
No buys: 10/10 :cool1:
Eating out: 3/6

I'm going to try to limit how many times I can shop for certain items
Clothing: 1/5
The Body Shop: 0/4
Gifts: 1/4

1-$10.98 (groceries)
2-$2.09 (Burger King)
$40-13.07=$26.93 (so far, so good!)

4-$5.37 (Second Cup)
5-$20.91 (an iced cappuccino and lunch at Spring Rolls)
6-$28.53 (groceries)

7-$7.56 (an iced coffee and box of bandaids for the blisters I got from a bad choice of boots...)

10-$9.75 (birthday cake for friend)

13-$24.42 (haircut at FCH)
15-$6.50 (take-out for dinner)

16-$3.93 (McDees)
17-$12 (Sephora for brush cleaner and foundation sponge)
18-$12 (a bra and shorts at La Senza)

20-$3.25 (Starbucks)

22-$3.93 (McDees)
23-$7 (Tim Horton's for some chili)

25-$11 (Ardene for last minute costume stuff for the party)
27-$19.06 (some groceries for an eggplant casserole tonight)

28-$21 (groceries for another casserole)

6/4-$44 Wegmans, $2 Target
6/5-$7.50 Zoo, $12 Wendys, $12 Trader Joes
6/7-$1.50 Pool snack, $4 Work dinner, $5 Target, $3 AC Moore, $31 Wegmans, $5 Pizza dinner
6/8-$2 Gymboree, $3 Kohls
6/9-$10 Target, $10 Lands End, $9 Wendys, $15 Dance pictures
6/11-13-$100 Food (will have to update later with exact amount)
6/14-$5 Food, $9 K-cups, $10 Pizza dinner with in-laws (Can't beat 2 large pizzas for $10. Hello eating out on Tuesdays for the foreseeable future. I can't buy groceries for that cheap.)
6/15-$12 BK/Pool
6/16-$2 Popsicles for kids, $21 Wegmans, $20 to my Dad for Father's Day
6/17-$5 McD, $12 Michaels for Father's Day crafts, $2 Ice cream
6/19-$6 McD, $4 Wawa, $20 Dinner; $6 Water ice (so worth it!)
6/20-$6 Wawa, $15 Hair cut (for me, finally!)
6/21-$10 Target cat food, $5 Pizza dinner (my new trend )
6/22-$8 BK, $40 Wegmans, $4 food
6/24-$6 Lowes, $14 Panera Bread, $5 Bath and Body Works
6/25-$5 Farmer's Market, $4 Dollar Tree, $32 Wegmans, $6 Water ice
6/26-$10.50 Museums, $5 Auntie Anns
6/28-$6 BK, $5 Pizza
6/29-$9 Giant, $3 AC Moore, $15 Wegmans
Annsteere, welcome back! Sounds like an amazing month for you !

Made my 0 days goal today, but it was an easy goal. I'm more pleased that it looks like I will be under budget , which is a big accomplishment this month. I tend to bleed money when my kids come to visit. :-)

Running Total: Spent $785
$1100 budget... $315 left
$0 Days: 8
Goal is 8 or more!
coupon/sale savings : 104

Groceries budget- $350-54-1-63-37= 195 left
Wedding dress budget $1100 -105-17-22-169-615= 172 left
Disney weekend budget $550 -150-117-108= 175 left

June 1: 33 ( 20 post office, 13 gas)
June 2: 54 ( groceries)
June 3: 0
June 4: 20 ( 13 lunch, 7 Target)
June 5 : 24 ( 20 shorts, 4 hot pretzel & drink)
June 6 : 0
June 7 : 22 ( 19 gas 3 post office)
June 8 : 28 ( 23 Walgreens, 4 Chick - Fil-A, 1 Publix)
June 9 : 0
June 10: 89 (18 tp & other supplies, 71 hotel room on Hotwire for my other DD who is driving to Tampa)
June 11: 93 ( 8 fathers day stuff, 6 wendys cause I was starving after getting my hair done, 63 hair color/ tip, 11 gas station, 5 water at indoor football game)
June 12 : 63 ( groceries)
June 13: 77 ( 25 fathers day, 12 Old Navy for DD, (used 20 groupon), 40 Changs for celebratory dinner)
June 14 : 0
June 15 : 33 ( dinner out)
June 16: 0
June 17: 24 ( gas)
June 18: -
June 19: - ( Disney weekend)
June 20: 0
June 21 : 23 ( 11 Old Navy, 12 frozen yogurt )
June 22: 37 ( groceries)
June 23: 25 ( pedicure)
June 24 : 39 ( gas and a couple items at the gas station)
June 25: 37 ( 28 eating out , 9 Walgreens)
June 26: 0
June 27: 31 ( 16 gas, 8 jeans at resale shop, 7 ice cream)
June 28: 33 ( chinese food)
June 29 : 0


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