June 2011 No Buy Thread- Keeping our summer spending in check


DIS Veteran
Jul 15, 2009
Welcome to the June 2011 No Buy thread. Whether you are a No Buy Veteran or just trying it out for the first time all are welcome.

There are no set rules which means you can set up your budget anyway you would like and report as you see fit.

I hope to see the familiar faces and some new ones as well.
I'm in!

This will be my first No buy month.... so bear with me :)

I’m kinda an impulse buyer... not really... but kinda lol. I like to buy craft supplies and stuff for the kitchen and home decor.... so I hope to eliminate the unnecessary spending I do spend on these things.

My BF and I eat out A LOT... and we’ve been trying to decrease the frequency but lately I’ve been extremely lazy. I’m determined to cut this down in June as well.

Since I just bought a Cricut and I’m fully stocked up on paper, I don’t believe I need any more craft supplies for a good long while (minus glue tape)... so I expect not to purchase any craft supplies besides the tape.

No birthdays in June... but BF and I are planning a weekend getaway, plans are still up in the air so budget for the trip is TBD.

- $40 @ Staples (to get $10 off/must be used by July 12): this is to be used towards glue tape for my crafting (and possibly envelopes for my cardmaking)
- Weekend getaway... Budget TBD
- Eat out once every 2-3 weeks ($50 dinner for BF and I)

$0 Days Goal:

6/1 - $13 Shampoo
6/2 - $60 - picked up lunch at work and dinner out with BF
6/3 - $0 - first no buy day! :)
6/4 - $15 - fast food for dinner, grr bf and cause I didn't buy groceries
6/5 - $78 - out for breakfast and groceries
6/6 - $7.50 - treated BF and I to the yummiest ice cream in the neighbourhood after our long walk. (BF also bought some 50% off video games which are not accounted for)
6/7 - $6 - lunch @ work, BF bought us dinner on date night (GRRR for already eating out so many times!)
6/8 - $3.10 - yogen fruz (I couldn't help it, it was freakin' hot today!!! and it was sooo delicious!)
6/9 - $42 - groceries
6/10 - $240 - Day trip to Niagara Falls for both of us (Good news, next time it will only cost us $13 each to take the bus instead of $41!!)
6/11 - $7 snacks
6/12 - $90 - BF bought me some bras/undies/pj's from La Senza
6/13 - $3 - Tea and croissant
6/14 - $0
6/15 - $38 - Groceries, gelato
6/16 - $130 - Dinner out/date night & shopping @ Benix (got a salad spinner, two pepper mills - one is for father's day, 4 placemats, toilet brush)
6/17 - $24 - two scrapbooks
6/18 - $40 - Groceries
6/19 - $30 - more groceries
6/20 - $10 - snacks
6/21 - $22 - Roti dinner for father
6/22 - $6 - lunch
6/23 - $0
6/24 -$35 -drug store
6/25 - $50 - Dinner and two movies (total for both of us... we only spent $8 for the movies since we had movie passes and a partially used gift card)
6/26 - $98 - groceries & Staples (with my $10 off coupon)
6/27 - $0
6/28 - $24 - rhinestones and copic maker
6/29 -$50 - dinner date night
6/30 - $22 - lunch and grocery store

= $1143.60 (943.60 without niagara falls!)

Wish me luck!!!
Charming, thanks for getting us started!

ariamac, welcome! Eating out is a real issue for my family too. Good luck this month!

Here's my plan:

no buy days: 0/12
longest no buy streak: 3
meals out: 0/5
current no dinner out streak: 8
longest no dinner out streak: 10

School ends this month, so it'll be interesting to see how we do when we're home all the time!
I'm in!!!!!
I have quite a few expenses this month with dd's grad coming up and a few birthdays and needing to book the hotel room for an upcoming wedding:headache:

However.. I feel like I if I put a plan in motion and set predetermined amounts I will spend much less than I would on impulse.
We've also been spending way too much eating out and that's just a big fat waste of money right now.. so this will help curb that as well.

I'll edit this post tomorrow to come up with my esitmates and the plan:)
:cool1: So i totally failed on the grocery front last month but am so happy to have achieved what i did so i will change my expectations this month!
:confused:This month it is a juggle between do i finish paying the flights or do i change cash so it will be a week by week thing for us :upsidedowhappy with either or both depending on DH's overtime which is a bit lacking at the moment but we are praying it will pick back up.:goodvibes

Grocery's $700
Flights $2500 we owe
US cash $2500
Fuel $700
Miscellaneous $100

June 1 $0 not leaving the house so it's a good start:dance3:
June 2
June 3
June 4
June 5
June 6
June 7
June 8
June 9
June 10
June 11
June 12
June 13
June 14
June 15
June 16
June 17
June 18
June 19
June 20
June 21
June 22
June 23
June 24
June 25
June 26
June 27
June 28
June 29
June 30

No buy days /12

Welcome ariamac it is great to have this thread to help you be accountable or just to know where your spending has gone:goodvibes
I'm back! I love this thread to keep me in check! I know I don't talk much, but I appreciate all you guys being here!! :grouphug:

Running Total: Spent $0
$0 Days:0/13

Groceries ($150-$5/day)- $0
Eating Out ($210-$6/day)- $0
Misc. (Shopping/Entertainment) ($390-$13/day) $0
Gas $250-


Budget: $1000....0%
Month: 0/30: 0%

No Buy: 0/13: 0%

My savings from coupons and sales: $0

August: $300 Hotel Room for Cedar Point
October: ~$250 Rental Car
I'm in. I've put in the end numbers for May and will adjust later today. Off to work!

Budget: Actual (last month expenses)
Gas: $300 $295 ($337)
Groceries/Household: $600 $564 ($675)
Drug co-pays/medicine/lens: $30 $35 ($149)
Misc including gifts: $150 $505 ( $395)
Pool opening expenses: $600 $79 ($0)
Dining: $60 $67 ($0)
I'm in. Went to Disney last month. OKW, "what the he**
we're on vacation". Now it's time to pay the piper:rolleyes1:rolleyes1:rolleyes1

No spend days goal: 20

Not leaving the house is a good idea. Now I just need to step away from the computer. :sad2: UPS will be delivering the patio furniture cushions ordered last month. :rolleyes1
I'm back in again. I took May off because things went kinda off the rails and I was focused on just getting through the month. But I'm back on!

Known expenses: We'll probably have to write the check for marching band camp (which isn't until August) by the end of this month so they can start budgeting. Considering going to Cedar Point on the 26th, so we'll have to buy tix and allot money for spending there. Going to a concert on the 17th so there'll be parking charges. We have company coming in on the 10th and 11th so there will probably be several meals out. (Ugh, this month is looking more and more expensive!)

I'm going to try for ten no-buy days, since I'm out of practice. I'm not going to set specific budgets but I don't count recurring bills, just groceries and extra expenses.

Good luck everyone!
I am definitely in this month.

I looked at what we take home for the month and there should be no reason to not have a lot left over.......I am not sure how I want to approach this month though. I have set up a budget...I want to make sure I track every penny spent, which isn't an issue, no eating out, no side trips to McDonald's, no quick jaunts for ice cream, no excessive spending at the ball park - that junk adds up quick!!!!!

Goals - I guess really to stay within the budget, spending only on those categories.
Ok, I have lurked a few times, and think it's time to jump onboard. :goodvibes

I'm not going to count:
gas (business pays for it)
groceries (need to eat)
normal monthly bills
dr or med copays (can't control this)
kid's allowance (just started this yesterday, total $3 per week)

My goal: 15 no-buy days
Lofty goal for a first attempt!

June 1: $1 on a soda (stupid me forgot to put my iced tea in the fridge, and at 85 degrees I needed a COLD drink)

I think my biggest problem will be not breaking down and buying lunch, despite having my food with me already. That and not randomly stopping at the diner to eat after picking the kids up. I'm planning 2 nights for that, so it's already built in.

My biggest spend day will probably be the 19th when we are going to Great Escape, bringing an extra kid. I will be packing a lunch, but we might stop for dinner, and I have a 30% off merchandise coupon for that day I just might have to use ;)

Good luck everyone!!
OK, here we go again! I fell off the wagon with tracking in the last week and a half. I still need to tweak our June budget some - heating/cooling has gone down, but I have tuition due and won't be having income after next week (argh!) Most of DS' summer camp is paid for and DD will be home with me unless I get some work (I just sent out a bunch of resumes today).

Back later with details.
OK~I so need to do this. I am bleeeeeeding money. We just came back from a weekend trip to Seaworld to find the fridge went out!
Also, I am just spending too freely. :confused3 (ALWAYS) Impulse spending is killing me.
My grocery budget needs to get in check. One child has allergies, and needs specific items. Seems I spend on day a week visiting different stores and buying food. We need to eat what is here. My pantry and fridge are full!

I am going to read other posts in this thread for a bit, and come back with specific goals. Being I am a 'no buy virgin.' :rolleyes1

*My grocery goal is $70 or less per week for my family of five.*
I mentioned that my son need quite a few specialty foods due to allergies. I just found a deal for Whole Foods gift cards. Get a $10 card for $5. I got 3. Figured it was a good investment. On the flip side, I cancelled gymanastics classes for my kids during the summer. That is a savings of $100 per month.
6/2~$8.65 Tuesday & Thursday is meat mark down day at my local grocery. Picked up 6 packages of steaks for future grilling.
I'm in. I tried this for the first time in March and I swear it induced a spending spree in me, but I'll try it again. Just got back from Disney and made many large purchases in the last couple of months... want to get back to watching our money more now so I can increase our savings and take a few weekend trips this summer.

My goals will be to start using our budget software consistently this month and to have 12 no buy days.
Welcome to all of our new friends!

This month I have included a separate budget for my DD's wedding dress and our Disney weekend. I also upped my food budget by $100 since I will have DD staying with me for 2 weeks.

Running Total: Spent $33
$1100 budget... $1067 left
$0 Days:
Goal is 8 or more!
coupon/sale savings :

Groceries budget- $350
Wedding dress budget $1100
Disney weekend budget $550

June 1: 33 ( 20 post office, 13 gas)
:welcome: to all the new people!

:welcome: back to all the returning people! :grouphug:

Here's my final numbers from May:
I have been doing the $400 for the month as a whole ($475 including gas), and I'm going to try something different this month just to see how it works. I'm going to try a limit of $40 for each 3 day period. $400/30 days is the same amount as $40/3 days over the month, but mentally it's a very different approach. I only have $40 to spend, but I only have to make it last 3 days! I have no idea if this will work or not, but it's worth a try.

I'm tracking groceries, eating out, and miscellaneous only in this top part.

CASH: ($400)

1: $0!

2: $0!
3: $23.50 Winn-Dixie
4: $0!
Subtotal: $23.50
$40-$23.50= $16.50 left

5: $11.27 McDonald's
6: $0!
7: $0!
Subtotal: $11.27
$40-$11.27= $28.73 left

8: $84.45 Walgreens, Starbucks, McDonald's, Rouses
9: $0!
10: $0!
Subtotal: 84.45
$40-$40=$0 left
$45.23-$44.45=$0.78 overage left

11: $5.81 McDonald's
12: $7.75 snowballs & misc
13: $0!
Subtotal: $13.56
$40-$13.56=$26.44 left

14: $0!
15: $0!
16: $40.58 Rouses
$40-$40=$0 left
$27.22-$0.58=$26.64 overage left

17: $6.00 Coke & parking
18: $1.00 school charity thing
19: $1.00 Coke
$40-$8.00=$32.00 left

20: $1.00 Coke
21: $0!
22: $82.95 Walgreens, Popeyes, Rouses, Winn-Dixie
Subtotal: $83.95
$58.64 overage left-$43.95=$14.69 overage left

23: $40.96
24: $4.90
25: $0!
Subtotal: $45.86
$14.69-$5.86=$8.83 overage left

26: $0!
27: $0!
28: $23.88 Walgreens, Chick-Fil-A, Cafe du Monde
$40-$23.88=$16.12 left
$8.83-$0=$8.83 overage left

29: $0!
30: $43.44
31: $8.69
$24.95 overage left - $12.13 = $12.82

CASH $0 Days: 15

GAS: ($75)

2 - $21.00 ($3.68/gallon)
8 - $13.75 ($3.59/gallon)
16 - $18.06 ($3.58/gallon)
27 - $22.72 ($3.45/gallon)

Gas Subtotal: $75.53
Cash Subtotal: $387.18

TOTAL: $462.71

:woohoo::cheer2::dance3: I was in budget!!! :dance3::cheer2::woohoo:
Alrighty, then. Here is my updated budget for June. DS is home, and apparently won't be moving out any time soon. UP go the grocery and gas charges (he doesn't drive, and we get to) :rolleyes:

Budget: Actual (last month expenses)
Gas: $400 $49 ($295)
Groceries/Household: $600 $52 ($564)
Drug co-pays/medicine/lens: $40 $0 ($35)
Misc including gifts: $250 $0 ( 505)
Pool expenses: $200 $0 ($79)
Dining: $150 $0 ($67) (birthday, Father's Day, graduation)

June 1: gas $49, groceries $52
:welcome: to all of the new people, and glad to see everyone who has been here before!:wave2:

Where'sPiglet, great job on your May goal!

I'm going to add another goal for my month -- to buy nothing that isn't consumable, with the exception of clothes for me and Father's Day presents for DH.

If I can resist the temptation to eat out tomorrow night, I can tie my no dinners out record!

6/1: :cool1:

no buy days: 1/12
longest no buy streak: 3
meals out: 0/5
current no dinner out streak: 9
longest no dinner out streak: 10
Where'sPiglet, great job on your May goal!

Thanks! It was not easy! I think $400 for 2 adults + a dog for food and miscellaneous is pretty tight. Maybe it's not, but I'm having a hard time with it.

I want to set the same goal for this month. The only issue is that I have a friend coming in from out of town and I don't know how much the tourist activities will cost. I think I will list the stuff purchased specifically for this visit as exceptions but I don't know how much to budget for it yet. We haven't planned activities yet. (and yes, it's in 2 weeks!)

I am again going to try to do the $40/3 days thing. It seemed to work pretty well last month. I do plan to rework my posting of it; last month was pretty obnoxious.

CASH ($400):

1: $2.00

CASH Subtotal: $2
CASH $0 Days: 0

GAS ($75):

GAS Subtotal: $0
GAS $0 Days: 1 :cool2: :lmao:
I'm in! This is the first time I've done this! I'm very excited to give this a try. I need to get myself in check, especially with our WDW trip coming up in September. I am stealing a lot of other people's ideas! You all are so awesome and incredibly smart!

no buy days: 0/13
longest no buy streak: 0

meals out: 2/8
current no dinner out streak: 1
longest no dinner out streak: 1

packing DH's lunch: 1/15
current lunch packing streak: 1
longest lunch packing streak: 1

June 1 - $50 (sushi lunch and pizza for dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow :eek:)
June 2 - $20 (gift for DH for Father's Day)
June 3 -
June 4 -
June 5 -
June 6 -
June 7 -
June 8 -
June 9 -
June 10 -
June 11 -
June 12 -
June 13 -
June 14 -
June 15 -
June 16 -
June 17 -
June 18 -
June 19 -
June 20 -
June 21 -
June 22 -
June 23 -
June 24 -
June 25 -
June 26 -
June 27 -
June 28 -
June 29 -
June 30 -


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