Jon and Kate Plus 8 official Thread, Part 2!!

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I think it is all for ratings. Remember all the promos for the "All you wanted to know" episodes? It was all stuff we already knew!

They are playing on the recent press I'm sure.

Ya have to remember, it is stuff we know from the internet, there are a lot of viewers that have no idea thier lives get talked about. My sister started watching this winter and when we were talking about some of the shows, she asked me "how did I know something":rotfl:
We all ASSUME they were referring to their alleged marital troubles in that clip. Watch it be something dumb like Jon forgot to take the garbage out or something. I guess we just have to wait until next week to find out.

I thought it was very nice of Kate to give Mady the privacy and not film the braces going on. Obviously they are constantly accused of exploiting their children, but that at least showed that they do have some boundaries where filming is concerned. I was glad to see that.

I agree, Alexis is too cute. I also thought it was funny when Kate started to get into the passenger side of the van. I do that all the time because I hate to drive!
Or desperate for ratings. Mutual exploitation.

they might be desperate in other time slots. I think JK8 does well for them. ratings started to slip late last year, but I think the puppies and the new house have them up again.
We all ASSUME they were referring to their alleged marital troubles in that clip. Watch it be something dumb like Jon forgot to take the garbage out or something. I guess we just have to wait until next week to find out.

I don't believe for a second that they're going to speak to the rumors.

If anything, they'll schedule another trip so they can renew their vows again .. :lmao:
OK, JK8ers, h8ers and deb8rs...

Don't get too complacent and nice while Michelle and I are gone. Fight the good fight, never let 'em see ya sweat and all that jazz. Off to love on DS3 before I leave him for a week. :(

See you in two weeks!!

Wow two weeks!!?!?!? Have a great time!

I am packing now!!!! :cool1:

Have a super trip!

I don't believe for a second that they're going to speak to the rumors.

If anything, they'll schedule another trip so they can renew their vows again .. :lmao:

:rotfl: That would totally fit in the non-logical way it seems things are done sometimes!

What was the name of the resort they stayed at in Hawaii?? I was watching Samantha Brown's Somthing or other on Hawaii and it sounded like her favorite "hotel" was the same as the one J&K were at (from what I'd ready here - I don't think I've seen the episode). The one on Sam Brown had dolphins and water slides and all kinds of stuff. I want to say it was a Hilton something or other Hawaiian name. I'm not good at remembering these details any more...:upsidedow
there are rumors about them getting rid of the dogs. Maybe that was why they were so serious??
there are rumors about them getting rid of the dogs. Maybe that was why they were so serious??
it probably will be something like that .. I just don't see them talking about the marriage on the show. UNLESS they've figured out how they think they can spin it to their advantage. As OhMari said, a large part of their fan base may not even know about the rumored marital issues. Why draw attention to it?

I thought it was very nice of Kate to give Mady the privacy and not film the braces going on. Obviously they are constantly accused of exploiting their children, but that at least showed that they do have some boundaries where filming is concerned. I was glad to see that.

She probably just figured Mady would have a huge meltdown and didn't want to go there.
I was trying to find some info on the Hawaii trip and got this link when I was googling:

Perfect for anyone who wants a cut like Kate! :rotfl:

Or you can do what my boys do- just wake up with bed head. I am not a fan of her hair-

TLC has a new show coming about a family with 2 yes 2 sets of twins and then the Sextuplets!
I really can't see letting a camera crew set up in my house and I think doing so opens you up to a bunch of problems. a la Kate and Jon.
She probably just figured Mady would have a huge meltdown and didn't want to go there.

You're probably right, but that shows consideration on what is filmed from Kate.

I have a Mady like child who the world thought was a wonderful joy when she was Mady's age.....let me tell you she was NOT a wonderful joy at home. She had a meltdown one morning on the way to school at 7 a.m about needing new shoes and she wanted them RIGHT THEN! Obviously she didn't get her new shoes right then and there, but I can't imagine the rotten things people would have said about Allison and my parenting if they had been filming her all the time. She was a stubborn child prone to meltdowns, but never had them outside of the house so no one knew.
it probably will be something like that .. I just don't see them talking about the marriage on the show. UNLESS they've figured out how they think they can spin it to their advantage. As OhMari said, a large part of their fan base may not even know about the rumored marital issues. Why draw attention to it?


I don't know, it seems that anyone that watches the show every week would have to notice the distance between the two of them. Someone mentioned a few pages back how detached they are from one another and that has been the case all this season. They don't smile at each other like they used to, there are no pats on the leg and they do sit as far away from each other as possible.

You are probably right though and they won't discuss it all or if they do it will be for ratings as you said.

I hope they can work things out for their marriage and to heck with the show.
but I can't imagine the rotten things people would have said about Allison and my parenting if they had been filming her all the time.

I agree, who would want to open up their kids to all that criticism...oh yeah, Jon & Kate! ;)
PS I love your dd's name! :)
I think it is all for ratings. Remember all the promos for the "All you wanted to know" episodes? It was all stuff we already knew!

They are playing on the recent press I'm sure.

ITA. I highly doubt they will talk about any marriage problems they may have. Honestly, I'd love to know, but I just can't see it happening. I'll admit that I'm a little surprise J&K would even allow the preview acting as if they do ect., but I suppose it is really just all about the ratings. Either way, I'll of course be watching:lmao:
I suspect they're already filming. I'd be willing to guess the trip to FL is a Spring break episode.

I agree 100%. I don't think they've ever really stopped filming, slowed down a little, but not stopped completely.
PS I love your dd's name! :)

You know the crazy thing-I never liked the name Allison growing up. But when we named the girls I tried to come up with a name that wasn't overused, wasn't too odd and sounded like a pretty girl when you heard it. A month before she was born someone suggested Allison and I thought that was crazy because my other DD is named Alyssa, but the more I thought about it, the more I liked it.

She was going to be Rachel until someone suggested Allison, I really like the name Rachel, but I went to school with a girl named Rachel that I didn't like so much and I just couldn't get past that!! :confused3
TLC = marketing genius

Did anyone see the commercial for next week's episode? they're totally playing into the rumor mill and make it look like Jon & Kate will address what's going on .. and maybe they're going to?

I highly doubt they will .. just a way to get more viewers.

I don't think they'll address the rumors, either. Just using the recent bad press to draw viewers into the frenzy. IF they do talk about their issues, I'll be shocked because they're not ones to admit to any problems.

Did anyone watch Little People, Big World last night with the Roloff's? Their last 3 episodes have had an undercurrent of family/marital problems and last night they addressed it. Matt, Amy and the kids all talked about it. That's what I call 'reality'. I know the kids are older and better able to express themselves, but the parents are living real lives, dealing w/real problems and not putting on a show. Quite different from J&K who put on a performance for each episode (and sometimes not doing such a great job).

I REALLY enjoyed seeing Cara smile, laugh, and look like she was truly enjoying herself - quite different from the glimpses of the somewhat withdrawn and discontented little girl we've seen recently. She's growing up! I hope her parents are aware of the beautiful older daughters they have and are taking advantage of the precious limited time they have while they're this age.
Did anyone watch Little People, Big World last night with the Roloff's? Their last 3 episodes have had an undercurrent of family/marital problems and last night they addressed it. Matt, Amy and the kids all talked about it. That's what I call 'reality'. I know the kids are older and better able to express themselves, but the parents are living real lives, dealing w/real problems and not putting on a show. Quite different from J&K who put on a performance for each episode (and sometimes not doing such a great job).

I did and my dh was sitting right next to me.
My dh hates this show, but he saw himself in Matt,
on the phone, dealing with work problems.
We both agreed that when you are a work-aholic, it is hard
to let go and you always think your family will be there,
but sadly, they day will come and the kids are gone.
I think Matt should have trusted the person putting in the pumkin patch.
If he lost it, he could have claimed crop damage on his taxes.
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