Jon and Kate Plus 8 official Thread, Part 2!!

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honestly though, we are way to stubborn to get a divorce. My husband knows that divorce is never an option, but murder is always on the table:lmao: :lmao:

I love this! This too, is the option in our family! :lmao: :rotfl2:

So I'm totally not off topic, a friend was over the other night and DH (knowing how much I love a good debate!) somehow brought up J&K+8. Our friend (who I don't generally agree with on topics as we've been raised very differently and are two different people) made a comment about they've never "exploited" the kids. That, me being me, sent me off the deep end. I'm incredibly protective of my kids. I asked him what he thought it meant to "exploit" anyone, child or not. As he went through the explaination, I pointed out different ways I felt those points were not true with this family (privacy = cameras all over in the house on filming days; making money off their kids, stuff like that) He was amazed at the amount of information that you just don't know if you only watch the show (like he's done). I can't say that I changed his mind (that was not my intention at all!) but at least made him think about his point which is always my only goal. I'll debate until I'm blue in the face, so long as you have a good arguement and it's something I know something about, but don't need to win - just need to have the other person think about their point and my points.

Again, sorry for the ramble...I got interrupted a couple of times trying to type this. :goodvibes

I also think it's really sad that Jon's making those kinds of comments regardless of what he meant by them. I understand what maggimus was saying about it being different for guys to just say something. My husband has this problem. We work at the same place so I'll have guys come up and ask about something or make a comment and that's how I know they've talked to DH :rolleyes1 Sometimes it's really harmless stuff and sometimes it's things you just shouldn't talk about (at least I don't think so) that aren't a big deal to him. In working in a fire station (we have six total) I come into contact with guys every day who say things their wives would probably kill them for saying if they knew it! :rotfl: It's just sad for this family, with all of the other problems and things they're working through. I wish the family the best of luck - I really do. Maybe they just need to take a break for a season and see if this is something they want to contiue as a family. If they just want the videos (that was their reason to start - at least one of them I think) I'm sure they could hire someone at this point or J&K could start taking their own pictures or whatever during the day now that the kids are older.
Yes, they are making money from this show - as they should, but they are also putting themselves out there not just their kids. They've bought a nice, big house, With that many kids I would want that too. The kids now have a big yard to run, play, and roam.

I hope that they are not just living for the moment and thinking 10-15 years down the road. Hopefully they're getting as much as they can out of this show and saving because they realize eventually they're going to have to buy cars for the kids, put 8 kids through college, weddings, etc.
I was just coming back to post it and you beat me to it!

(It aired in 1973.)

The Loud Family has repeatedly stated that in hindsight they would have NEVER ALLOWED THE SERIES TO BE DONE. They believe that the series, and how invasive it was cause the ultimate demise of the family as a unit. It took already difficult, stressful and precarious family issues and relationships, and put them on display like a circus act. Difficulties which other may have been resolved, were made worse. The Loud's totally regretted ever doing this program. Perhaps someone from that family should reach out to J & K and help then realize this.
If you do a quick search online, there are many that are saying the same thing. They didn't like or dislike Kate until they saw her in person either at a speaking engagement or a book signing. When your income (or at least part of it) is coming from those things you would think she would be gracious and enthusiastic, not rude/boring while speaking and rushing through book signings. JMHO

I shared my experience pages ago, and took it down because a blog was using my description, linking back here, etc. I know it's a public message board, but I didn't like that they were taking my words and experiences without asking. I'd be more than happy to share .. just don't take my words and use them as if you know me.

Anyway, if you didn't get a chance to see my story, I wrote a blog entry:
I Saw Kate Gosselin! The blog entry was private for a while, I have friends that attend the host church and didn't want to upset anyone there ... the church did SUCH a fantastic job, it isn't their fault that Kate is a flake. :rolleyes:

Kate will continue to be a popular public speaker for a while longer. How much longer? Hard to say -- if churches and organizations with their disappointing experiences start speaking out, then maybe not as long as she'd like.

I wonder if Kate performs better when paid more? :sad2:
I shared my experience pages ago, and took it down because a blog was using my description, linking back here, etc. I know it's a public message board, but I didn't like that they were taking my words and experiences without asking. I'd be more than happy to share .. just don't take my words and use them as if you know me.

Anyway, if you didn't get a chance to see my story, I wrote a blog entry:
I Saw Kate Gosselin! The blog entry was private for a while, I have friends that attend the host church and didn't want to upset anyone there ... the church did SUCH a fantastic job, it isn't their fault that Kate is a flake. :rolleyes:

Kate will continue to be a popular public speaker for a while longer. How much longer? Hard to say -- if churches and organizations with their disappointing experiences start speaking out, then maybe not as long as she'd like.

I wonder if Kate performs better when paid more? :sad2:

Wow, I can't believe someone stole your experience, without even asking you:scared1: I guess you're right, it's public, but still seems pretty sad. Anyways, I just wanted to thank you for sharing your experience:)
Wow, I can't believe someone stole your experience, without even asking you:scared1: I guess you're right, it's public, but still seems pretty sad. Anyways, I just wanted to thank you for sharing your experience:)

it was really bothering me earlier in the week. I wanted to share it here, because I've been a part of this thread for months... I couldn't not tell you all what happened. :rotfl: But when I started seeing stuff I posted paraphrased on other boards, then taken .. I got irritated. :headache: I stand by what I say, and have always been very clear that's it's my opinion of Kate and Kate only. Just didn't want to hurt any feelings here (here, as in where I live) or do anything to cast a negative opinion on the church. That's all.
I respect that you are a fan of Kate's. I know that a lot of people are.

Having seen her, heard her speak ... all I can say is ugh.

She was not only a boring speaker, she was rude

Most people see the Jon & Kate TLC and Figure8 wants us to see. What happens in real real life ... especially how you treat others ... is what counts.

Are you letting the blogs get to you, Madge? Didn't you originally say she was blah, boring...and now she's rude? What's changed?


But then they wouldn't have their million dollar house and their current lifestyle.

So which are they choosing? :confused3

I wonder what they have stashed (financially). Perhaps they feel a little obligated to continue the show so they can all (kids, too) continue to live this life. If they went to work to make the same money, they'd have to get some dream job or never see the kids. In which case, a big chunk of the money would go to childcare, and they still wouldn't be making the same money.

It's pretty risky to invest, job hunt, etc. right now, so I wonder if they're sticking with the "sure thing" in this economy where nothing is a "sure thing."

I shared my experience pages ago, and took it down because a blog was using my description, linking back here, etc. I know it's a public message board, but I didn't like that they were taking my words and experiences without asking. I'd be more than happy to share .. just don't take my words and use them as if you know me.

Anyway, if you didn't get a chance to see my story, I wrote a blog entry:
I Saw Kate Gosselin! The blog entry was private for a while, I have friends that attend the host church and didn't want to upset anyone there ... the church did SUCH a fantastic job, it isn't their fault that Kate is a flake. :rolleyes:

Kate will continue to be a popular public speaker for a while longer. How much longer? Hard to say -- if churches and organizations with their disappointing experiences start speaking out, then maybe not as long as she'd like.

I wonder if Kate performs better when paid more? :sad2:

Ya know what, though, celebrity is celebrity. She could probably show up in pjs and read excerpts from the book all the while checking her watch and still be asked to speak. It's a novelty that rarely wears off. Look at all the celebs who've done stupid, illegal, ridiculous things...people still love 'em.

People also know Kate's personality from the show. What you see is what you get, as she's said. Why would they expect a 180 when she's speaking to a group?
Are you letting the blogs get to you, Madge? Didn't you originally say she was blah, boring...and now she's rude? What's changed?

I've talked to more people -- people went to the book signing, and more importantly, people from the church. Local buzz is not good.
People also know Kate's personality from the show. What you see is what you get, as she's said. Why would they expect a 180 when she's speaking to a group?
Speaking only from Kate's appearance here, I think people at least expected a little common decency. It would have been nice to hear phrases like "thank you" or "I'm so glad to be here". You joked a few pages back about how Kate could have come out with a bullhorn screaming Helllooo, Elizabethtown... you know what? I've been to plenty of concerts where the performers do just that. They may not know where they are, but someone has told them and they've faked it. Gets the crowd all fired up, and all that. A little personal touch goes a long way.
Exactly. I have a Golden Retriever that can't stand kids. I wouldn't put it past him to bite one which is why I am VERY cautious when anyone other than my immediate family is around. We call him bipolar, but really he just has his quirks. If he is laying down don't mess with him or he WILL growl at you.....that's an easy fix, leave the dog alone when he's laying down.

To be funny.... isn't this where the saying "leave sleeping dogs lie" comes from? :goodvibes

I say this because I had a "fruitloop" dog from 1991 - 2004 (Chelsea - terrier and dach. mix). I adopted her from the Humane Society when she was 5 months old. She was always scared of men and I think her previous owner abused her. No proof other than how she was around strangers, males in particular. She did grow to really like my Dad the final couple of years - the cheese treats and peanuts he gave he may have helped that. :lmao:

Anyway, one night I was watching tv in bed. When I turned the tv off, I leaned over to give her one last hug (yes, my dog slept in my bed on top of the covers). She growled, but I didn't hear her. When I got closer, she turned and bit me on the face. She was immediately back to sleep. She was out the room in a heartbeat and it took a while for me to trust her again. She was sleeping and reacted in her sleep. My friend's husband told me the "sleeping dogs" saying when I told them what happened. She lived 6 more years after that and never bit me again. That was the only bite in 13 years.

I grew up with a dach. - loved everyone and often showed it ;) and we had a gsd until I was 5 (King was a great dog as well).

So I agree... some dogs are just "fruitloops" just like some people. You just never know.

On JK+8, I watch the show occasionally. I like to see whats happening - guess I'm just nosy :goodvibes . My local station was talking about the octomom and made a comment that Jon and Kate were getting a divorce and K and the kids should move in with the octomom! They then stated that the divorce was just rumors and they didn't really know anything. Since I knew about this board, I had to come here to see if any of you knew anything.
Hello everyone. I just found this site and would like to join in. I have to confess though that I do like the GWOP site but please don't hold that against me! Having said that you now know that I am not a fan of Jon and Kate but I try to respect the opinions of those who do. Coming from the area where they live and where it all began I have had negative feelings about them even before the show started.

I just wanted to say to Madge that I understand your feelings about your post being seen other places but for me I was glad it was. Not knowing about this site I would not have read it otherwise. I appreciate your sharing your experience. It sounds like the church service itself was great.

After your disappointment with hearing Kate's speaking engagement I thought you might find it pretty funny to hear that one of Kate's desires for the future is to have a talk show. This was from an article in a paper in Canada where she is scheduled to speak.

(Note: I tried to post the site for the entire article but was not able to because this is my first post. Never heard of that rule before.)
Thought I share with you are the strange dream I had last night. I was helping Kate with the kids in their house. I was pulling weeds growing under their couch out,and asking kate how grass was growing under their couch.
She said we dont know, it just keeps growing.Kate was putting the kids down for a nap and Jon tired to kiss me. I dont think I should watch Jon and Kate before going to bed anymore. LOL:lmao:
I dont even found Jon cute. :rotfl:
Thought I share with you are the strange dream I had last night. I was helping Kate with the kids in their house. I was pulling weeds growing under their couch out,and asking kate how grass was growing under their couch.
She said we dont know, it just keeps growing.Kate was putting the kids down for a nap and Jon tired to kiss me. I dont think I should watch Jon and Kate before going to bed anymore. LOL:lmao:
I dont even found Jon cute. :rotfl:

Ok...that's funny. I have J&K dreams if I watch it before I go to sleep too.
I just wanted to say to Madge that I understand your feelings about your post being seen other places but for me I was glad it was. Not knowing about this site I would not have read it otherwise. I appreciate your sharing your experience. It sounds like the church service itself was great.

it was! :) they worked really hard and it showed! the music was fantastic, the had plenty of parking and people directing traffic. From a planning point of view, I don't think it could have gone any better.

and thanks for the kind words .. I certainly didn't expect to see my experiences replicated in other places. I really caught me off guard. It just didn't occur to me that anyone else would take it and use it so quickly or without checking first. I guess I should be flattered? I don't know.

Not long after I posted my experience, I realized that there was a possibility that I could be somehow hurting the host church, which was not my intent. :(
After your disappointment with hearing Kate's speaking engagement I thought you might find it pretty funny to hear that one of Kate's desires for the future is to have a talk show. This was from an article in a paper in Canada where she is scheduled to speak.

(Note: I tried to post the site for the entire article but was not able to because this is my first post. Never heard of that rule before.)

link to article :)
OMG!! Kate with a talk show. I'd rather watch paint dry. Unless her guests are dismembers who question her.:cool1:
I got that she wants to be "host" of a talk show. And why is her first canadian appearance in London? I'm not great in geography but I don't remember London being in Canada. And excuse me, she's doing the same to make ends meet, clipping coupons? It would be nice for tlc to show her actually clipping coupons and using them at a store.
OMG!! Kate with a talk show. I'd rather watch paint dry. Unless her guests are dismembers who question her.:cool1:

So, you don't watch the JK8?

I bet she'd have astronomical ratings (especially after the recent publicity)...the fans would watch, of course, but so would the haters. I could maybe see her doing that, but I wouldn't bet the house or anything.

OK, let's get all the good debates going this weekend, 'cause as of Monday night, I'm in WDW mode!!! :dance3:
I bet she'd have astronomical ratings (especially after the recent publicity)...the fans would watch, of course, but so would the haters. I could maybe see her doing that, but I wouldn't bet the house or anything.
she would have high ratings at first .. out of curiosity. But unless she found, um, someone to, um, do her talking, then um, she would be, um, really, um, you know, um, bad at it. she's that bad at public speaking.
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