Joe and Jennifer's DCL Vow Renewal PJ/TR~ CEREMONY FINALLY!!!


We get to the Castle and OMG it's the Fairy Godmother!! :pixiedust: DANG! No autograph page for her! :confused:

Hee hee, I thought the same thing when we saw her! Personalized autograph book, but no page for Fairy Godmother!

Great updates!
Love your trip report and all the photos. The look on your daughters face on The Teacups is just priceless.

I know you probably covered this way back towards the start of your thread, but I haven't seen it since I started reading. Are the autograph books something you got from the Dissign boar on here, or did you find them somewhere else? I bet my DW would like to put them together for our trip in December.

Enjoying your TR and all the pics! Keep it coming! popcorn::
I got the designes for the autograph book from the creative DISign board there, then i had them printed as pictures and just stuck them on cardstock.
Hey Jen your pics look soo beautiful I love them! I am sorry DCL was a dissapointment I have to say my cruise in December was a dissapointment too. The whole time the weather was bad and most people brought food back to their room because they were too seasick. I never get motion sickness but that cruise I got sick every night. The whole staff just seemed strained through the fake smiles. Then we didn't get to go to castaway cay at all, to which they sent us a letter later saying sorry for your experience but we aren't going to do anything about it but please book again real soon. So I definitly understand with your unhappiness. On a happier note you really did look fantastic those epcot pics are amazing!
Sunday, MK day 2 part 2

After seeing the faeries and riding Goofy's Barnstormer, we left Toontown and headed over to TomorrowLand. We did a quick ride on the Indy Cars first....I had an AWESOME movie of Joey when he was driving, OMG he was so funny! He was laughing and wiggling the steering wheel all over the place, he laughed the whole ride. :love: DAMN FRIGGIN LOST CAMERA!!!!








We headed over towards Buzz Lightyear. I had gotten fast passes when Jackie was riding the teacups, and because of the long time we spent in line for the faeries, it was time for another set! So we grabbed another set and went thru the FP line.....Buzz Lightyear is AWESOME!! We so love this ride!






After Buzz FP we rode again, then headed over to get FP for Space Mountain. It was now shortly after 2pm and we had to head up towards main street for our ADR at Tony's Town Square.







Walking thru the rose garden....


They were still doing parade taping, and we caught a few glimpses of Kelly Ripa! I LOVE HER!! I used to watch Regis and Kelly before work when i worked for the travel agency! She's so funny!



As Lady and the Tramp obsessed as we are, we've never been to Tony's before. I've read all the negative reviews of Tony's on the DIS but decided that we needed to see it for ourselves. We didn't go in expecting to have wonderful homemade mama's italian food! We figured if it was as good as Olive Garden, than we'd be ok.

Our ADR was for 225pm, but dang if we didn't get sat until 305pm! I was really getting PO'd... I hate waiting to eat! Finally we were seated, and YAY there was Mickey confetti on the table. :cool1:

the kids had the spaghetti and meatballs, Joe had the Chicken Parminigne, Melissa had the baked ziti, and I had the spaghetti and meatballs too! I was all about slurping the spaghetti with Joe....but he turned me down. :rotfl: we all enjoyed our meal, and joe said we could go back so that is a BIG +! I don't see what everyone makes the fuss over, except for the service, we were pleased with our meal. Our server was "less than" attentive towards us. If I have a dirty plate infront of me for longer than 10 mintues after i've completed my meal...i tend to think he/she is ignoring us. And if I end up having to ask another server to find our waitress for dessert...chances are your tip is drastically dropping from my standard 20%. She finally came back and took our dessert order, we all split the Pistasciuo Creme Brulee (THUMBS UP), Ice Cream Bomb (that's da' BOMB!) and the Tiramisu (ok, but i'm not really a fan). All in all, while extremely overpriced ($100 for lunch!?!?!? But it's Disney) we were pleased with our lunch at Tony's, and we'll be back again.

Of course....we had to get the picture in front of the Lady and the Tramp Statue! It was going to be the cover of my scrapbook!

ANd yet....this is what we ended up with (atleast on Melissa's camera....i think i had a better one. oh well)


How this happened, i'll never understand.
DANG! I totally forgot that we went over towards Liberty Square before lunch. It seemed like I had a huge time block there. :rotfl: See what happenes when i lose my camera!!! We headed towards Haunted Manison and WOW were the crowds crazy! I expected a bit more people because of the delayed taping, but this was just crazy! it was like Spring Break! The line for HM was sooo long, it was wrapped all the way around by the riverboat! But we hopped in line and it was atleast moving quickly. About 10 minutes later we were finally in the "gate" to the lawn.....and Joey had to go to the bathroom. UGH!! So Joey and I hopped out of line and went to the bathroon by Peter Pan. I called Joe and they were just entering the manison. It wasn't worth it for us to try and catch up. So Joey and I headed over to the Carasoul and rode that. He was happy again. Met back up with the other and we walked around Frontier Land for a bit. We were able to ride on Pirates of the Caribbean (yes, he was scared) and the Jungle Boats (with 3 bathroom trips while we waited in line!) before we headed out to lunch. Now we're all caught up. :rotfl:

After our very long lunch we headed back up Main Street to go back to Tomorrowland and ride Space Mountain.





We used our FP for Space Mountain and it was AWESOME!! Jackie was very upset that she wasn't tall enough to ride, so Joe had to sit with the kids first. Melissa and I rode and DAMN that ride is great!! I'm pretty sure i havn't ridden this since 2001! It was so great. I planned to ride again with Joe, but Joey had to go potty, again, so Melissa and Joe rode while i took the kids to the bathroom. Finally all together again, it was time for Mommy to choose...and I chose TTA!! yay love my people mover!



The ride was as always, wonderfully relaxing yet fun! The kids actually enjoyed the ride and I think Joe was just glad to finally not have Joey on his shoulders...or in the bathroom! We got off the ride and Buzz Lightyear was standing over by CoP so of course we had to go see him!





It was now about 5pm and we wanted to head back over to Frontier Land and try BTMRR and then hopefully do SwissFamily Tree House before we had to leave by 7pm. But...due to the parade taping earlier, the daily parade was pushed 5pm. So we had to walk BACK thru Tomorrowland, and around thru fantasyland. it was about 550pm when we stopped infront of IASW and tried to figure out what we wanted to do. MVMCP was that night, and we didn't have tickets. But there was still lots we wanted to do, and the kids were so far holding up well. We rode IASW and tried to decide if we were going to stay or go.

I'll spare you the 82 pictures Melissa took on IASW. :twitch: Suffice to say, we decided not to get the MVCMP tickets and headed out. Jackie wanted to go check out the campfire at the Resort, Enchanted was playing that night. While they were both still doing ok, it had been a long eventful day, and I really didn't want to push them any farther, plus i didn't want to spend $200!! So we headed out with only completeing about 1/2 of our "must do" list for MK. We missed the tree house, the river boat, BTMRR, Tom Sawyer Island, I didn't get to do HM, Hall of Presidents, Mickey's Philharmagic, we didnt' see any parade or shows, and we didn't get to ride Dumbo!! Joe made me swear that our next trip DEFINATLY would include 2 days at MK, even if we had to cut out another park.

We took the monorail back to GF, walked to the car and drove back to Ft Wilderness. Stopped at the cabin to drop off our stuff and make a quick potty stop, then went out to catch the bus to the campfire. We just missed the bus, and judging by the map figured it was a quick walk, so we set out to walk it. It really wasn't that far, I think it took us 15 mintues to walk to the campfire. The kids did fine too, but Melissa was seriously complaining. :mad: Like she hadn't been walking all day already! The campfire was just ending as we walked up and they were getting ready to start the movie. The set up was pretty cool! There were 2 fire pits up at the front, and a little chuck wagon for snacks in the back. THe benches were NOT comfortable at all, but all in all it was good evening. We didn't stay for the whole movie, Joey fell asleep about 10 minutes into Enchanted. And since that has to be Joe's absolute least favorite Disney movie, we called it an early night.

Tomorrow.....again, my plan is thrown out the window! When will they listen to me???
I'm glad that despite the camera was missing you still got a lot of great pictures. That really sucks about the picture in front of Tony's for your scrapbook, but I'm sure you have plenty of others to choose from. I love how you did the autograph books, what a great idea. I waited in a super long line for the fairies too, I don't get why that never moves faster. On our last trip, I had half a day by myself at MK, so I went ahead and waited in line that time because I knew Kris would never want to wait that long :rotfl: That's pretty cool you at least got to see some of the set-ups for the parade and stuff. We did the campfire program before our hayride welcome party for the wedding. The set-up really is nice there, although you didn't miss much by not being there for the singing, the person leading it when we were there was kind of annoying :confused3
Very cool that you got to see Kelly Ripa! Sorry about your picture in front of the Lady & the Tramp statue -- wonder how that happened?
Just got caught up on your report. That really sucks about your camera. Looking forward to hearing more.
Monday December 7th - DHS

This was basically the only day we were able to "sleep in". We wanted to be at DHS at 9am for rope drop, but we didn't have any breakfast plans. We grabbed some yummy gooey cinnamon rolls from MK Bakery the night before, and a chocolate croissant, so we feasted on those as we got ready. I think the alarm went of at 7am. :rotfl: ( why waste the day in bed at WDW???)

The plan for the day was pretty simple.... we make it for rope drop, and we will seperate as i run with the masses to TSM for FP and everyone else catchs up with me. After that our plan is characters, Tower of Terror for me, RnRC for DH, and as many times on TSM as we can. We have no ADR's today, and don't anticipate staying all day, but we did want to see Osbourne Family Light at 6pm. I was thinking we could do what we wanted and be out by 1 or 2, head to Boardwalk and hang for a while, and return for dinner and the lights.





Of course, 18 months of research and scorring every possible touring plan imaginable will be no help at all when the rest of your party feels the need to just wander around with the thumbs up their asses!! :headache: I don't claim to be the master tour planner or anything, but i can arrange it so that my kids are not wandering around with nothing to do, or waiting 55 minutes in line for a 2minute ride!!

We managed to make it to rope drop and i sprinted off with the rest of the tidal wave of guests towards TSM. It really was very organized....they did have CM's blocking shortcuts so you couldn't cut infront of people, and a big arm chain of CM's at the front leading at a respectable walking pace.

Once we got to Pixar place, there was a queue to get to the FP's and the Green Army Men were out shouting directions, this way for FP's , this way directly to the line. We out FP at 9:17am and our return time was 10:55am....not bad at all.



Joe, melissa and the kids caught up with me just as i was walking out of the FP queue.....they had seen the characters at the hat and wanted to go see them. So we headed back up towards the hat.




Obviously we saw Chip and Dale, but Goofy and Donald were there too (we saw them at Epcot) so we didn't stay too long. We had about 30 minutes to kill until the 1st characters were out, so we decided to head to the left and walk around and end up on Streets of America.



Of course, Joey wouldn't climb up. :sad2:

We made it to Streets of America and wanderd around for a bit...



We could see the light strands up on everything, i was so excited to see the lights later that night.:dance3: i LOVE christmas lights!!

It was turning out to be a BEAUTIFUL day!! The sun was shining and it was actually! We had our Toy Story Mania shirts on....and of course mine and Joe's were black....i believe i may have been "glistening" by the end of the day. But we weren't complaining! It was much better than rain!

Wandering back up Mickey Avenue towards Pixar place, we say that Buzz and Woody were inside, with NO WAIT! WOO HOO! this was the cutest little autograph room, almost as good as Pixie Hollow!








As we were leaving, Joe decided to jump in for a pic with Woody and Buzz! :rotfl: husband was having a good day!


I've got some great Photopass pictures too....i'll post them in a bit.

As we left the photo op, we headed back towards the sorcerer's hat to catch the tail end HIgh School Musical pep rally.

It was now about 10 mintues before Mater and McQueen were to be out of pictures, so we headed back towards the back of the park. As we walked past TMS....the stand by line said a 10 minute wait!! :cheer2: We checked with the CM to make sure and he verified that it was really slow for a change. So we headed in and OMG it was deserted!!! It was like a private showing!



















The ride was AWESOME!! Joe and Jackie rode together, Joey and I rode. Joey did pretty well for himself...i think he got about 15000. We were all hooked...i think we like TSM better than Buzz Lightyear! And we still had our FP for later too!!










the newest addition to Joe's Free Pass List. :naughty:



getting ready to see Buzz and Woody at DHS




and we're all caught up!

I'm so far behind here....i've got my TR up and posted on another site, i'll just copy it over here.


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