Jennifer & Charley's 9/15/11 SBP/The Attic 12/9 Feat DisneyWeddingPodcast!

We ordered the high-res disk a couple of weeks ago, along with our albums. Hopefully we'll get that in soon, and I'll be able to post some pics from that!

In the meantime, I was looking at some of our guests pics from the wedding day and thought I would share some of them with yall. Ignore the time on the pics. It's off by almost 2 hours.

This is at 6am. I had been up since 3:15am. We were getting ready to walk out the door, and my mom snapped this with her phone.

Here we are arriving at the BW after our bridal portrait sessions in the parks. This is our 1st time meeting with Randy and Tanis. Both of them were front and center as soon we Regina pulled up to drop us off.


These pictures shouldn't exist. Our guests were supposed to stay inside, but they don't listen very well. I'm glad they were peeping at the windows. We wouldn't have some of these pics had they listened!! lol

After taking photos by the stairs (around the brick walls and smoking area), we walked out and caught our guests watching us again. They had all made it outside to take pics of each other! So we waved, and Randy took some pics of them and we moved on. lol Here's what it looked like from their point of view...




Here's Randy "blotting" my sweaty *** face!!! hahahaha Gotta love him!!!!

This is right before my Dad stepped away (almost on my dress!). Charley says he was wiping sweat that was running down his face.... we say he was crying..

What's better than Tanis and Minnie making sure everything is "just right" before the cake cutting pics were taken?!

Did I mention how awesome Tanis was?? She pinned my train up when my bustle ripped, she pinned up stray pieces of fallen hair.. she's pretty darn great!! (and I actually have her gift.. FINALLY.. just have to mail it off)

Just really enjoying everything!


I think my lil sis thought Mickey was going to chew her hand off or something. (notice how short the dress was lol)

This was taken after the ceremony.. while we were walking down the BW on the way to The Attic. We looked behind us and my BIL and SIL were following!! haha

When our fans FINALLY showed up at the beginning of brunch. Tanis wanted to make sure we got the bride & groom fans... and to let us know that Randy passed them on the way down and noticed the fans and immediately wanted 1 so he could get pics of it! Good job Randy!!

This was 1 of the 1st pics from the day that was posted on FB by my wonderful older sister Shelly. She did ask 1st if it was ok to do it. I don't remember taking it, but I think it's hilarious.

My lil sis Kaycee took this. The light is the greatest, but I think it's a pretty good pic.

Now here's us


Here's what we were eating. This is THE ONLY pic of the food that we have...

Here I am checking to see which table won the trivia game.

This is part of the gift we got from Charley's aunts from Tampa.

Isn't it just the cutest thing? It lights up and everything. We love Halloween. It's 1 of our most favorite holidays.
So I don't have much to comment because I pretty much stalked all of your pictures on facebook, butttt:

I love your GAHHHHHHHHHH face!!!

And I love the picture of Minnie Mouse fixing your dress!

And mmmmm Mickey waffles.

That's all. :goodvibes
-Oh! I'm glad your people took pictures!
-I didn't expect Randy to look like that. I don't know what I expected, but :confused3
-Minnie fixing your dress? FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC. I love it! :goodvibes
So I don't have much to comment because I pretty much stalked all of your pictures on facebook, butttt:

I love your GAHHHHHHHHHH face!!!

And I love the picture of Minnie Mouse fixing your dress!

And mmmmm Mickey waffles.

That's all. :goodvibes

:laughing: Yes FB stalker. Although I have WAY more pics on there than I post on here.

Thanks! I tend to make those faces quite often. Tanis, Regina, and Randy all thought I was such a nice and sweet girl. My mom said they're sadly mistaken!!! :rotfl2:

Yes I want some Mickey waffles!

-Oh! I'm glad your people took pictures!
-I didn't expect Randy to look like that. I don't know what I expected, but :confused3
-Minnie fixing your dress? FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC. I love it! :goodvibes

lol We didn't expect Randy to look like that either. He's amazing though.. super, super nice guy!!

Minnie was so damn awesome! lol I think she could be my best friend!!!


We received our disk and wedding album from Disney today. The album from our bridal portraits didn't come though. I sent Karen an email. Hopefully it's not another mix-up.
I've uploaded the bridal pics to photobucket. The only thing I've done is resize them. I'm going to post around 10 or so until I get them all posted. I can't pick which ones to show you all, because I pretty much love them all.

We started by Walt & Mickey. This is where we met floral and received my bouquet and Charley's bout.




It's crazy the castle was that color for all 4 of those pics, but they were taken in a row.






So, I know that's only 9.. but it completes the little set of those pics.
Now that you got the gift I can comment without it seeming suspicious . . . :rotfl:

I have loved reading through your PJ! It's been so much fun to see all the pictures, and I think you look absolutely gorgeous (and, no, I still can't find the wrinkle in any of your wedding photos).

I can't wait to see more MK portraits. :goodvibes
The pics uploaded and posted from Photobucket do NOT do the actual pics themselves justice. They're not as grainy as they look here. They don't even look this grainy on FB. They look great on my comp though!! lol I was very surprised in the difference of the quality from the website posting, to the actual high res disk.
Oh, you look so happy and excited. :lovestruc My favorites are the ones where you're looking down and where you're looking at eachother.
Yay pictures! Ever since you posted the three last night, I've been waiting for you to post more! Seriously, you're gorgeous, and you and Charley are so freakin' adorable. :goodvibes I can't decide which one I like best :)
Jennifer sweetie - I have been really bad about commenting on your TR lately, but I assure you that I am still reading along!!
Loving the MK photos so far!!!
It's nice to see all the photos with Randy in them!!! When I went through all my photos (including those taken by all my guests) and he seemed to dodge out of all of them!!
I must say again that I so love your dress on you!!! It really helped make the perfect princess!!!
Now that you got the gift I can comment without it seeming suspicious . . . :rotfl:

I have loved reading through your PJ! It's been so much fun to see all the pictures, and I think you look absolutely gorgeous (and, no, I still can't find the wrinkle in any of your wedding photos).

I can't wait to see more MK portraits. :goodvibes


Thanks. I've loved posting about everything. It's nice to have people that actually want to see the pics!!

And thank you so much! That makes me feel so good. I was so worried that all of the pics were going to show that damn line. But I'm over it anyway. lol

I'm going to post until I've posted them all!! Thanks for following along with me! And thank you again for my Christmas present. I absolutely loved it!!! :cutie: :hug:

Oh, you look so happy and excited. :lovestruc My favorites are the ones where you're looking down and where you're looking at eachother.

I WAS so excited. It was the morning of the wedding. I told Charley after everything was over and done with.. I was definitely more nervous for the photo shoots than I was the ceremony itself. That's crazy huh?!

I can't even pick which one is my fav. It was SOOO hard choosing which ones to put in the album.

Yay pictures! Ever since you posted the three last night, I've been waiting for you to post more! Seriously, you're gorgeous, and you and Charley are so freakin' adorable. :goodvibes I can't decide which one I like best :)

Thank you!!! :goodvibes We seemed to have grown on each other! :laughing:

I've been so excited to show everyone the pics! We were so happy with them.. but that also makes me VERY, VERY sad and angry that some of our brides don't receive the kind of photos that they've been dreaming of! I've seen a lot of bridal pics that I love, but I've also seen a lot of bridal pics that make ME want to cry... so I can only imagine how the couple feels.

Jennifer sweetie - I have been really bad about commenting on your TR lately, but I assure you that I am still reading along!!
Loving the MK photos so far!!!
It's nice to see all the photos with Randy in them!!! When I went through all my photos (including those taken by all my guests) and he seemed to dodge out of all of them!!
I must say again that I so love your dress on you!!! It really helped make the perfect princess!!!

Don't worry about it Joanne. I'm the same way when reading everybody's PJs and TRs. I read and read and read.. but never post.

Thanks so much!!

I was so happy that someone was taking pics! Randy didn't show up in very many, but he was in a few.

Thank you again! I REALLY love that dress. It's sitting in my closet right now. Every time I get something out of there, I stare at the dress! :laughing: I want to wear it again. :rolleyes1


So while I'm talking about the dress.. we've started the document on FB for buying and selling wedding items. I have my dress, crinoline, bustier (don't know if someone else would want to wear it or not, but I only wore it that 1 time)... I'm not sure if that's it or not.

Here's my issues with selling the dress
-I haven't had it cleaned yet. I'm lazy, sorry!
-There's a tear at the bottom, not TOO noticeable.. I wouldn't think it would be too hard to fix..but I'm short, so they wouldn't be able to cut off a lot from the bottom. (I'm 4'10.5" and wore 3" heels, that's what the dress is altered for)
-Back to the cleaning of the dress.. there's some black smudges close to the bottom of the dress, but not all the way at the bottom. We honestly think it's like shoe polish or something from Mickey's shoes. They spots weren't there until after the characters left. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure that 1 out. lol
-So if I do decide to sell... should I have it cleaned myself, or should I disclose all of the issues and adjust the price accordingly.. and be done with it?? What do you all think???????? :confused3

Got to go eat. Will try to post more pics tonight sometime.
Here's the next round of MK pics.

I can tell how nervous we were just looking at these pics. lol



I absolutely love all 3 of these pics. Regina had Penny place the light right in front of us, and they told us to close our eyes. Of course, when someone tells me to do something.. I do the complete opposite!! haha Needless to say, I was blind for a few mins.



I just have to say again.. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the back of this dress!!!

When Regina asked if we wanted the pics down by the water, I almost tripped over the gate trying to get over there. Penny was like "no, we'll open the gate"!!! :laughing: Oops?!

I think this 1 is hilarious. The way the light was positioned makes it look like half of our bodies are missing.. but then you can tell we're in the shadows. I about died laughing when I saw it. I was like "OMG, they cut half your head Charley!!!" hahahahaha

But they didn't all look like that, so that was good! lol



I was really very nervous about being so close to the water. All I could picture was me rolling down the little hill, right into the water.. the morning of our wedding! :eek: How awful?! When I heard Regina tell him to dip me, I was like "Please just don't dip me in that water!!!"
The ones by the water seriously look like they could be paintings. I hope you'll get one of those enlarged to frame!

I am a wee bit worried about ours... I'm hoping we'll get Regina. Your pics have me so excited about our MK/Epcot shoot. :goodvibes
The pics uploaded and posted from Photobucket do NOT do the actual pics themselves justice. They're not as grainy as they look here. They don't even look this grainy on FB. They look great on my comp though!! lol I was very surprised in the difference of the quality from the website posting, to the actual high res disk.

Ahh! More beautiful pics! And I want to see MORE!!

I agree about the quality being such a huge difference! And wait until you order some high resolution pics! I ordered some 5x7s from Walgreens and the quality is amazing!
Jennifer ~ Wishing you and Charlie a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Keep the pictures coming!! They are all so beautiful, no wonder you have a hard time deciding which ones to post! :lovestruc
Jennifer, those water pictures are STUNNING. Absolutely stunning. Regina is AMAZING! :love:

I also love the one with the lighted castle with you looking back. You look so sassy! :)
The pictures are absolutely GORGEOUS!! That is the perfect dress for a MK shoot! Can't wait to see more!
The ones by the water seriously look like they could be paintings. I hope you'll get one of those enlarged to frame!

I am a wee bit worried about ours... I'm hoping we'll get Regina. Your pics have me so excited about our MK/Epcot shoot. :goodvibes

Those are some my fav pics! I'm hoping to get 1 on a canvas!

I stressed about our photographer too! It sucks that you can't choose who you want. We found out we got Regina the day before the wedding. After we checked in at BWV, I was calling everyone with our room info. I decided to check my email, and there was 1 from Tanis that was sent the day before. (We went down a day earlier than expected and stayed off property while we were getting shopping done) She told me in the email that we got Regina. Then when I talked to her after check-in to give her the room info, she asked if I received the email. She didn't really want to tell me, just in case something happened. That would've really sucked it she was pulled from us at the last minute!!!

I'll be praying that you get her!! I'm so glad you're exciting about the shoot! I was too!!!!!!!!!!

Ahh! More beautiful pics! And I want to see MORE!!

I agree about the quality being such a huge difference! And wait until you order some high resolution pics! I ordered some 5x7s from Walgreens and the quality is amazing!

Thank you!! I'm going to post more today, then some tomorrow. We leave for Orlando VERY early Saturday morning (even though we can't check in until 4pm, we can hit the parks before that).. so I might try to post more than normal tomorrow... That's if I can sneak away from Charley and packing to be on the boards. He's always asking me what I'm doing on here!!! :laughing:

I can't wait to get see prints. My dad has a printing and advertising company, so he's going to do a lot of prints for us!! :thumbsup2 It's just crazy how huge the difference is!

Jennifer ~ Wishing you and Charlie a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Keep the pictures coming!! They are all so beautiful, no wonder you have a hard time deciding which ones to post! :lovestruc

Thank you so much!! The same to you and yours as well!! :cutie:

I'm glad you like the pics! And that's why I'm just going to post them all!! :laughing: I couldn't do that with Randy's pics, or there would've been a crap load of pics!!!! haha

Jennifer, those water pictures are STUNNING. Absolutely stunning. Regina is AMAZING! :love:

I also love the one with the lighted castle with you looking back. You look so sassy! :)

Thank you Jackie!! :goodvibes I was very happy with the way they turned out! I never like pictures of myself, but I LOVE all of these. I feel very lucky to have gotten Regina and such great photos!!!

And that is 1 of my fav pics. I picked that 1 for our album...I think.. :confused3 They really all start running together after a while. I know I can't wait to start making our album now that we finally have all of our pictures. I can only imagine how many pages that damn thing is going to be!! lol

The pictures are absolutely GORGEOUS!! That is the perfect dress for a MK shoot! Can't wait to see more!

Thank you!!!

I thought the same exact thing when I put it on. My 1st dress just didn't feel like castle material. I felt if we were spending all of that money on the shoot and disk, I should look like a princess!! :goodvibes

As soon as I looked in the mirror at the bridal shop, I was like "this is what I should be wearing in front of that castle!!!"


Thank you all for commenting on our photos. For those of you who are my FB friends, you'll notice that not very many people check out our pics from the wedding our the shoot.. except for Jackie White that is!!! :rotfl2: I <3 her!! It makes me feel really good that SOMEBODY wants to see them. Most of our families just don't really care..except for the ones that came to the wedding that is.

BTW I did hear back from Karen at DPS. They said the bridal portrait album should arrive after the 1st of the year. She said they rushed the wedding album and disk, so we'd have them before Christmas. I'm very glad they did. Even with all of the aggravation with the prints, I'm glad we did the photo shoots and everything. Karen and Ruth Ann were really nice to work with, and they did everything they could to rush our prints along.
Ok, so like I said.. more pics! And what better time to do that, than when Charley's gone to town!!! :laughing:

After the water, we walked up to the castle.










And even though our pics are awesome as is, I've definitely been playing with them. Especially on my phone at work. I love the picture editing apps!! lol
I just wanted you to know the following exchange just occurred between Chris and I.

Me: We can't do the Magic Kingdom photos, right?
Chris: Right.
*Jackie shows him your water pictures.*
*He looks at Jackie pitifully.*
Chris: We CAN'T.

That's all. :goodvibes I love them so hardcore.


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