January 2022 Trip Reports

May be 5 Ed, if Jim comes to Gulf Shores in April

I have April 16-24th book at GSP right now ...

... so I would like to keep it as long as Donna can work some.


Hard to contain myself. :scared:


PS - we'll talk at the Fort
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I got to admit, I’m a bit envious to see how much this group has evolved and how many trips you guys have taken together over the past couple of years. And I’m a little mad at myself for not sticking around the forum more like I have in trips past to join in on your fun.

Green with jealousy!
And green with excitement also like Kermit there thinking about the fort and knowing I soon will be there!!!!

Have any of you all ever had to anchor down your camper? Lol.

Last early spring we had 60-70 mile winds and we watched from our dining room window our camper start to sway…

oooooo that’s not good
honey come look
kids also come running
and she rocks and she rocks and away she goes….
and then she tumbles three times before crushing into a million tiny camper parts in our field…
Well at least we had insurance.
The kids’ Easter was in there though….had to sort through all that and I eventually found most of it.

We have another camper now and it gets anchored down on all 4 corners. I can't believe we have to take those measures but we do. The wind is wild out here. I love this one even more than the older one. The owner before only used it 4 times over the years. It was in excellent interior condition. I like the older campers. They still have good cabinets and flooring and real doors and a pantry!!! We tried looking at new ones but I’m a real pain in the butt when it comes to new cause everything new smells like a toxic wasteland. Why we allow these kinds of toxins to be used to manufacture expensive travel boxes for families to sleep and eat and breathe in is beyond me. But that’s another day…

This forum is such a pet friendly place, I’ll share our latest family member, Shepard.

Thanks to 2020 we now have a dog. Her name is Shepard and she is 14 months old. She was being trained for the last six months of her life to be a service dog. The owners seen my post seeking a farm dog in our local community page and they were at the same time deciding what what best for the dog. It’s a long story, but in the end Shepard was too much for town and did not get along well with the other dog. That dog reminds me of someone I know…

Well she fits in perfect here! We love her! She listens better than the children!

Shepard will not be making the trip down with us. She’s a farm dog and has responsibility while we are away. For example, everyday like clockwork, the sheep will come out for their afternoon graze. They’ll take their sweet time working their way to the corner fence. Why the corner? Because that is the closest spot they can get to the dog without the dog being able to eat them! Lol. And about the same time as the sheep start to afternoon graze, Shepard will torment the loose chickens that have scattered out of squares in the fence as she makes her way to the corner of the barn to sit. After about five minutes of upright attention yet sitting so patiently, she will stomp her paw, bark, and leap to all four and the game is on! She will bark for the next ten minutes running back and forth the fence line. And what do the sheep do? Nothing. Cause their sheep!

Well it didn’t take long for the inner crazy cleaning lady to come out. I gotta go find a child to help me move this sofa so I can clean under it. I'm cleaning like I'm going to Disney, cause I AM! Disney Clean. lol.

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Space 220 lunch reservation cancel upcoming !
Well ....... turns out my daughters "uber" ( ME ! ) back to the airport for her flight home will be exactly when our Space 220 lunch reservation falls .
Our reservation is for Wednesday 2/2 at 2:10 pm for 2 people . You all know how hard these are to get ! :headache:
Any Jan/Feb Fort peeps want to try to co-ordinate a cancel and grab ?
Pm me and we can work out a time when I can cancel, and , with luck ......you can grab it !

On a side note ........ I am having the hardest time trying to add My daughter and fiancé to our Fort reservation . They plan on staying in a tent on our preferred site during middle of our trip . The Disney website wont let me do it, and the phone waits are long . Can I just add them to the reservation at the front desk after we check in ? She wont be arriving for a few days after we arrive and plans to buy park tickets on the fly . Think this will work ?
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I would do add them at check in.

I haven't a clue what is going on with the ticket situation though.

Can I just add them to the reservation at the front desk after we check in ? She wont be arriving for a few days after we arrive and plans to buy park tickets on the fly . Think this will work ?
I would do add them at check in.

I haven't a clue what is going on with the ticket situation though.

Yea the park tickets are the only sticky wicket . You need park tickets to get "park reservations" now . Park reservations do fill up during the busy times , but the end of Jan , beginning of Feb should not be a problem .........I hope for her sake.
We have all of OUR park tickets in hand, and various park reservations done. Mostly random just so we had them reserved and hope to be able to adjust them on the fly when we are at WDW . Worse case scenario , we have park hoppers, so we can go to any park we want after 2pm on every day of our "reserved" park day .
We already went through this last March when we are at the Fort , the only thing that is new for us now is this Genie crap. :crazy2:
Shepard looks great.

I have never anchored any of my prior trailers. There has only been a couple of times I was concerned. Both times the trailer was parked nose into the wind, so I think that made a big difference. Congrats on the new camper, but a rough way to get it. I'm not too worried about the new one going over. It's 32,000 lbs. If it is going over, I'm just calling the insurance company to tell them where it is.

I was planning on bringing the MH home on Sunday to get it ready for the trip, but It is supposed to ice/snow Saturday night and then be REALLY cold on Sunday. Today was another weird day in the 60s. So home it came. I'm glad I started it today. I accidentally left the inverters on last weekend when I took the cover off and started everything to let it run for a bit. The refrigerator has been running since last weekend.

I think I'm done with most of the prep work. Here is what I got done today in the nice weather.
  • New wipers on
  • Tires aired up
  • Oil checked
  • DEF tank filled
  • Put drain plug back in the water heater (I leave it out after I drain the tank when I winterize)
  • New license sticker on (RVs all expire on 12/31 each year in Illinois)
  • E-Pass sticker on
  • Rearranged the basements to make the grill easier to get out and let the Mickey lamp ride better
  • Put tools back in that I pull out in the winter
  • Pulled satellite box out of the garage (it runs the TV by the pool) and put in the bedroom
  • Aired up the trailer tires
  • Took boards off the trailer ramps (don't need them for the Explorer)
I'm going to align the headlights when it gets dark. I put LED bulbs in last year. They are so much better than the old incandescent/halogen lights I can actually see how far out of adjustment they are now.


I'm sure there is more I'll remember to do in the next week, but we should just need clothes and food.

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Looking good there, Jim.

It was unusually nice yesterday, wasn’t it.

Hubby also took advantage of the small window of opportunity and washed the truck with the new big boy hot water power washer. He got it for the main intentions of using it on the combines and other large farm equipment, but it also works well on the trucks too. He had so much fun with it, it wasn’t long till his dad showed up and they were washing his truck too and then they turned their magical wand of heated super PSI power over to all the farm trucks for fun. Just a couple of grown men playing with their new toy.

Well the fuel tank had to come out of the back. We can’t fit the fuel tank, generator, and golf cart in the back of the truck, and then add in all the other misc items too. So it looks like fuel tank stays here and we’re going to have to make stops along the way for fuel. Not liking that part….maybe we can figure out something between now and then.

I’ll be turning to deep cleaning the camper later today and freshly laundering all the sheets. Hotels have their place, but nothing beats laying your head down on your own fresh pillow at night and sleeping peacefully while on vacation.
Our one/only theme park day at MK had its operating hours extended yesterday. The closing moved from 8pm to 9pm.


And Disney didn't even CHARGE me for it. :banana: Yet.

I've been watching them slowly extend park hours over the past few weeks. The days through today made sense with the crowds. Then they extended this next weekend and the following Friday and Saturday. I figured marathon weekend and MLK weekend drove those. Then I saw things start to get extended in the middle of the week. I'm hoping the extensions are more a result of increased staffing and not crowds, but I doubt Disney would do anything without the crowds to support it.


You’re arriving on the most perfect day to join the 1500 loop. At first I thought, is he crazy or something, then I checked your dates again and see you are arriving as the party is departing.

I’ll never forget the MLK weekends in the 1500 loop. Good times. Also, never again.

God help those poor souls that end up camping next to “the community kitchen camp site”……lol!

MLK weekend + 1500 loop = party on!
with music that can reach the clover loops and beyond…


best sites….1519 & 1521!

You’re arriving on the most perfect day to join the 1500 loop. At first I thought, is he crazy or something, then I checked your dates again and see you are arriving as the party is departing.

I’ll never forget the MLK weekends in the 1500 loop. Good times. Also, never again.

God help those poor souls that end up camping next to “the community kitchen camp site”……lol!

MLK weekend + 1500 loop = party on!
with music that can reach the clover loops and beyond…


best sites….1519 & 1521!

I put in a request each time I reserve a Tent site, @ilovedisneymm, for 1511 which is on the back side outer site with the canal behind it. Plenty of space on either side no neighbor very close. I have camped in 1520 (outer on the end near the entrance to the loop) and when we did 1521 across from us was the party site. Popup with a tent, about a dozen bikes and they even had a small deep freezer on the ground on the entrance side of the popup. o_O Not a fan of sites on the inside of a loop (internals).

I know from the past that the Federal holidays next to a weekend mean a 3-day weekend for campers (and rates). So (being retired), I am timing my arrival for Monday when most long weekend folks should be leaving. I love only paying $94 a night for a Fort site (includes tax) and then will get out to migrate further south before the rates go up again for the coming weekend.

We are doing a pre-stay at Lake Louisa State Park in Clermont before we roll over to check in at the Fort and the rate is only $24 a night. Only 30 minutes over to the Fort and got my Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and Home Depot/Lowe's just outside the gates. So we'll leave home mostly empty grocery-wise and stock up while at LLSP. I'm hoping I don't have to leave the "bubble" the five days we'll be be at the Fort.

@Teamubr's put the bug in me to start doing some preparation so I guess when we get the Christmas stuff put away today or tomorrow, that will be the next thing to start puttering with. Now that the holidays are behind us, this is the next thing to start looking forward to.

We also put the Christmas decorations away today. I started packing some. I have my race outfits and my throw away clothes ready.

tomorrow the shade is supposed to be installed on the balcony windows. I have 5 miles to run but with the temps it might be a treadmill run. will see how it goes weather wise.
We are here in site 1735. Surprise! Seems the last 18 months we have planned and then had to cancel, didn’t want to tempt the fates this time. We arrived yesterday in our motorhome with our dog Briar. Looking forward to meeting up with many of you before we leave on January 31st.
Now that is a good site, Ed. I forget about the ones that back up to the canal on the outside.

You have selected "Hot Tub Larry's" site. That was his site several January's ago back to back when our site was the same back to back Jan trips too when we had 1519. He started out as a grumpy old man that would wander out of his small sized motor home and make a loop and then make his way to the shower about 10 each morning. And each morning he would grumble something from the road then the next day grumble something from the bushes next to our site, then grumble at us from the edge of our site and each day he would grumble some more and each day getting a little closer to our site unit the end of the two week plus trip and by then we were having coffee and grumbling together at the picnic table. Of course that last couple trips we visited with Hot Tub Larry he continued to grumble about the prices, so he might not be back to the Fort in January anymore...

I call him "Hot Tub Larry" cause after coffee and grumbling he would go sit in the hot tub for 4 hours then make his way to DS to party like a rockstar and then repeat. I didn't see him our last trip, sure hope to find him if he is there this trip.

Today is the last day of crazy cleaning lady. After today, I need to tuck her away and focus in other areas that need attention.

Monday - crazy cleaning lady continues.

Tuesday - make the shopping rounds. I need a new tv for the camper. The one tv we have does not have remote, and universal remotes do not work on it for some reason so we just use it to watch DVDS. Well I love that Disney Channel. You know, the special one that only people who are in the bubble can access it. The ones that tell park openings and times. I freaking love that channel! I don't even care if we don't make it into the parks. I just like the channel. I need it on in the background while getting ready for the day, it makes it special! lol. Its the little things....

Wednesday - stack and pack, baby!

Thursday - south bound.

Well the weather turned and it turned quick. Brrrrrrrrr! Looking forward to sunshine and blue skies ahead!

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We are here in site 1735. Surprise! Seems the last 18 months we have planned and then had to cancel, didn’t want to tempt the fates this time. We arrived yesterday in our motorhome with our dog Briar. Looking forward to meeting up with many of you before we leave on January 31st.
Surprise indeed.

That's great Boomer. I added you to the 1st post and also added site numbers for those posting them on this thread. I'll update the list as people arrive and let us know where they are. If you don't want you site posted, let me know or don't added it to the thread.

Was 1700 loop your choice or where they assigned you? I'm still deciding what loop to shoot for. I was considering 1800 since FtW Mike was there, but he is leaving early, before we get there now. I'll probably do what I normally do, get there mid morning and see what is available that is long enough and go from there.

Have any of you all ever had to anchor down your camper? Lol.

Last early spring we had 60-70 mile winds and we watched from our dining room window our camper start to sway…

oooooo that’s not good
honey come look
kids also come running
and she rocks and she rocks and away she goes….
and then she tumbles three times before crushing into a million tiny camper parts in our field…
Well at least we had insurance.
The kids’ Easter was in there though….had to sort through all that and I eventually found most of it.

We have another camper now and it gets anchored down on all 4 corners. I can't believe we have to take those measures but we do. The wind is wild out here. I love this one even more than the older one. The owner before only used it 4 times over the years. It was in excellent interior condition. I like the older campers. They still have good cabinets and flooring and real doors and a pantry!!! We tried looking at new ones but I’m a real pain in the butt when it comes to new cause everything new smells like a toxic wasteland. Why we allow these kinds of toxins to be used to manufacture expensive travel boxes for families to sleep and eat and breathe in is beyond me. But that’s another day…

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That's a great looking dog! Love to hear your farm life stories and I'm glad you are making it back to the fort. We canceled our New Year's trip due to 4/6 of us with Covid and I don't think I've ever been sadder about a canceled trip. My brother's family with his 2 adorable toddlers had a cabin rented (my kids are big and not adorable anymore :) ) and my sister had rented a camper so it was going to be an introduction to the magic that is a beach party at Clementine's beach. And now I can't get a reservation for next NYE!

As for tying down our popup...just once at Curry Hammock in the Keys did we feel our popup was going to fly away or collapse. The walls were just sucking in and out and the roof was swaying back and forth. We spent a couple of hours in the car that night but now we pay much more attention to the weather forecast especially if we are going to be near the water.

I put in a request each time I reserve a Tent site, @ilovedisneymm, for 1511 which is on the back side outer site with the canal behind it. Plenty of space on either side no neighbor very close. I have camped in 1520 (outer on the end near the entrance to the loop) and when we did 1521 across from us was the party site. Popup with a tent, about a dozen bikes and they even had a small deep freezer on the ground on the entrance side of the popup. o_O Not a fan of sites on the inside of a loop (internals).

I know from the past that the Federal holidays next to a weekend mean a 3-day weekend for campers (and rates). So (being retired), I am timing my arrival for Monday when most long weekend folks should be leaving. I love only paying $94 a night for a Fort site (includes tax) and then will get out to migrate further south before the rates go up again for the coming weekend.

We are doing a pre-stay at Lake Louisa State Park in Clermont before we roll over to check in at the Fort and the rate is only $24 a night. Only 30 minutes over to the Fort and got my Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and Home Depot/Lowe's just outside the gates. So we'll leave home mostly empty grocery-wise and stock up while at LLSP. I'm hoping I don't have to leave the "bubble" the five days we'll be be at the Fort.

@Teamubr's put the bug in me to start doing some preparation so I guess when we get the Christmas stuff put away today or tomorrow, that will be the next thing to start puttering with. Now that the holidays are behind us, this is the next thing to start looking forward to.


In about 20 trips to the Fort, I've only gotten 1500 ONCE! That could have been us - with a bunch of bikes and a fridge (with a freezer!) outside but our site is homey with lights, chairs, and a welcome mat for all. We have reservations for Easter and I can't wait! To tide us over, we've got Collier-Seminole near Marco Island and Johnathan Dickinson near Jupiter before then.


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