It's a Great Big Beautiful California - A 2015/2016 Holiday TR- COMPLETED



And with Rivers of America about to close for a major overhaul, I thought it would be nice to see it in its original state for the closure and construction.

Time to get on board...





Oh's Princess Pouty Pants!


I keep her in the corner of my eye and stake out a spot at the railing to take some pics...








Hey, if I'm not going to get on the Columbia...might as well take some pics as we pass.

I also stepped inside to take some interior shots.





And I'm back outside.









That's a real goose...Canadian...of course.




I've found the child that doesn't currently hate me.






Oh look...I found the other child...and she is still being all kinds of hateful.


Yup...there was all kinds of snarling and growling when I made her get her feet off the seats.

And we're almost back...





The most boring light I've ever photographed.

And a not so boring light.


And we're off...and have a moment to take in the music from the band.


I'm really glad we got the time to ride the Mark Twain. Considering the changes anticiated for RoA and the legacy in the park, it was definitely a good choice.

Oh look...a Davy Crockett roasty toasty!


We head past the Golden Horseshoe...


And decide to explore some Frontierland shopping before our BTMRR FPs.


...well, not before looking at the backside of Adventureland (see what I did there?)


and I turn a bit and back to Frontierland LOL




And we're finally I said we'd be. And I see a light that looks like DL's mini version of the lights in the WL lobby at WDW.


and another cool light...


and more lights...


I also made peace with Kendall by finding her a magnetic Donald Duck that would take the bulk of the $ left on her remaining gift card. We also found a 3-set card with earrings that had Donald studs...and it was more than she had left. She was sad, but it's OK...she'll be getting a nicer pair for Valentine's Day...that she really won't get to wear until softball season ends.

We head over to...


as our FP window was about to open. I think the window opened at 11:15a and we had an 11:30a lunch it's was going to be tight. It was about 11:10am and the CM at the entrance who overheard us discussing timing told us to go get in line. You don't have to tell me twice. So, I took a few pics as we made our way through the FP line.




Almost to the front of the line...




And we're on!



Now you see this? This is the dynamite scene. No, it's not well photographed, but it's cool...and everything is pointing to WDW also getting it with the upcoming BTMRR refurb.


And we say farewell to Big Thunder...


We have about 5 min (if that) to get to Cafe Orleans to check in for lunch. Thankfully, we're not far.


We've arrived...


And here I am waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay at the back of the check in line.


I take some pics as I wait, but I'm getting a bit bothered and frustrated...






See, I know that at DLR, it's the norm to not book dining reservations for MOST TS spots...or at least not way in advance. But everything I read and was told said to throw all of that at the window for this Christmas to New Year's time frame. So, here I am waiting in this rather long line and nearly everyone around us was trying to get in as a walk up. I know space is limited, but I thought dual lines...reservations vs. walk ups would have been helpful. At first it seemed like the walk ups ahead of us were being seated ahead of those with reservations. The woman behind me was already all flustered because the French Market was overflowing with people and Blue Bayou was turning everyone away without reservations. I was just getting really anxious...and then, all was better. A CM with a tablet started calling through the line for people with reservations to raise their hands. Some, he was checking in directly while others were waved to the front. I got waved to the front.


It was at this point that I was able to fully hear what was going on. People in line without reservations were only being given the option of making a reservation to return at a later time. The times being quoted were between 2:30 and, at least 3 hours in the future before these people would be seated. Still, you can see the edge of the French Market here and see why they were trying to skip it as well as why I didn't want to bank on any counter service for this trip.


It's finally my turn to check in...


And I'm given a buzzer...


Now, if you've ever heard anything about the food of Disneyland, you've probably heard about the famous Monte Cristo sandwich...and you've probably heard about it being served at Blue Bayou. Well, what not everyone knows is that the sandwich is also usually served at Cafe Orleans...and I believe they share a it's truly the same, minus the presentation of the sauces and garnishes. I know some people say it's not always on the Cafe Orleans menu; however, Allears is pretty good at posting menus and I've always seen the main version as well as the 3-cheese listed on the menu...and always for less $ than Blue Bayou.

We listen to the music as we waited...


The wait was less than 5 minutes and we were escorted to an outdoor table right along the main walkway through this part of the park...


Still really thanking myself for making reservations at places where we were told we shouldn't need them.

I thought it would be a great spot for people watching...


Well, it was really more that we were on display. It was kind of fun, but I could see how it could bother some people. The musicians that I photographed that were in costume and performing over by the French Market came by and wanted to make sure we were trying certain 'musts' on the menu and then after our food arrived, random guests outside the restuarant stopped at the fencing by our table to ask us what we were eating.

In any event, I take some pics as we wait...


Praying I save room for some of this...


I also took a moment to photograph my wristlet. I know...crazy...but this is the first time I've ever used it for its intended purpose. It's held our tickets all trip and been great for quick access for getting FPs. So, taking a moment to sing the praises of the wristlet!



It was funny because I also switched out of my Donald Vans backpack today because I had this ridiculous notion that my Disneyland Retro Dooney tote should have at least one day in Disneyland. Ok...maybe not so crazy, but it's a big heavy bag...and I sort of forgot to move our hotel room keys from the backpack to the tote...and I just noticed it at lunch when I was taking these pics. Looks like I'd be heading to the HoJo office after leaving the park.

Our server for this meal was great...very attentive and friendly. He also had the chef come out, who was super chatty and very informative. He actually came out a couple of times during the meal. He was wearing a rather tall chef's hat, so it got a lot of attention. I like to think most people know it's an allergy issue, but I heard some people saying "I wonder who they are" - like we must have been some kind of VIPs to have the chef visit our table like this.

It's vacation and I like to make it fun for the I let them have Mickey beignets as an appetizer.


I will later regret this, but not for the reasons you might think. More on that later.

Kendall was in love with these though...


I had some French onion soup...


And DH started with an order of the famous pommes frites...


The musicians had come by and told DH not to share them, but we all know that wasn't happening.

Coming up...the main courses, I fear the future, keeping our promise, and an afternoon of rides
Dec 30th continued...

So, when I left off...we were at Cafe Orleans. You could probably see it in the background of the last pic of my last post, but here's DH's monte cristo...


If you've seen the Blue Bayou one, you can see that they are exactly the same. The little sauces are also still there, but are in round containers instead of a square dish with partitions.

I got the three cheese version of the monte cristo (because I love cheese and am a sucker for anything with brie)...


And this is about the time when regular park guests decided to just stop in their tracks and ask us about our food.

K and Sam were in a generic kid food macaroni was on tap for them.


So, both sandwiches were really good...couldn't finish them...but the traditional was definitely better than the 3 cheese. It's my fault for not considering this, but I didn't think about how the bread/batter would soak up some of the cheese and oils, so for mine...what probably started out as a good bread to cheese ratio sort of melted away. DH's, on the other hand, stood up to the cooking and the cheese stayed put. But it's also based on the kind of cheese...since they don't all melt the same. Brie is so soft and buttery that it's a no brainer in hindsight that it would have flavored things but melted away.

We were full, so no beignets for me. We paid our bill and got moving...


Saying good-bye to our table from Cafe Orleans (and you can see how people were right on top of us).


As you can see, the crowds are pretty thick by this point...


See Genie and Jasmine as we pass through the area...


And we're walking...



We decide it's time for a classic...


I think the posted wait was around 30 minutes (which was good compared to everything else), so we hop in line and I take pictures.




Love the cars!





Check out the monorail as it passes by...


And back to the Autopia wait...


I really liked the videos in this section of the queue, but this one with the bird poop was probably my fave.

Getting closer...



I've been paired up with my driving buddy...


This really is terrifying...


She drives without any assistance for a little bit...


And it was around this point where she realized that hitting the gas and steering aren't as easy as she thought. So, I take over on the gas pedal.


And we're still driving...






Kendall did pretty well, but it's just kind of scary to see your 9 year old who is going on 20 behind the wheel.

So, we're off and we're walking...and I love this!





We decided to get back into the line for the Matterhorn since we promised K we'd return, we were right there, and we really had nothing else planned for the near future.

The line is still long, but it is what it is. We spotted Peter Pan and Hook from the line.


I pass the time taking pics.





The Matterhorn line at least moves fairly quickly. So, we rode B side last time, but this time we rode A ... and there was quite a difference in comfort (or lack there of). It was still a blast, but we felt that one A LOT more.

It's finally time for me to make good on my promise to DH...


I think the wait was 15-20 minutes, so I take some pics as we're make our way through the line.






And it's time to pick a cup...


I'm not too worried about them spinning us...


So, I'm just going to say a little prayer and take some pics before we spin.



And we're spinning...


And this is who is doing the spinning.


But he's going to let the girsl take over...


(and my stomach thanks him)

And we're done, and I don't feel like I'm going to puke. This is a first!


It was around this time where major confusion set in...and exhaustion. Kendall said she wanted to see the parade again, so I thought she wanted to see PTN again. We figured if we saw it up by IASW, we could see it and make it to dinner at Carnation Cafe since the first parade starts up by IASW. There were already a lot of people waiting in the area, so we decided to find a spot and rest. DH rested with the girls while I took pics of the holiday decor in the IASW area.




They are ready for New Year's...


More holiday decor...



I'll have one of each...


Even more basic details with Mickey!


And this is what I find when I wander back...


I bought a few goodies for the people at work and then try and figure out what we want to do to pass the time. This is when we find out that there was a BIG misunderstanding. It turns out Kendall got WoC confused for PTN and she had no desire to see PTN. I guess the rest was good, but there was no point for us to stick around. So, we headed into...


Coming up...You can't seriously want to ride that!, So that's what they were waiting for, Appreciating the Classics, and killing time before dinner.
Dec 30th continued...

We're heading into Toontown and I have to say, I'm not too happy about it. I know some people still mourn the loss of this area at WDW, but it never did anything for me. Still, I remember the kids enjoying some of it back on their first trip, so I didn't put up any resistance when DH suggested this.


I was really hoping we'd just check out a few things like the houses and head out. I mean, everyone seemed content to see Goofy and Pluto from afar...


But when nobody wanted to check out Donald's boat...


...I knew I was in trouble. The kids saw this and even after riding legit coasters, they wanted to go on.


The posted wait was 45 minutes and the line looked insanely boring, so I suggested we leave this area and use this time to wait for something better. I was out-voted 3-1. All I could do was make the best of it and take pics to pass the time.






Side note...I know some people don't like them...but if my kids were still stroller age...I'd prefer DLR's park strollers over the plastic ones at WDW.


OK...back to pics...







So, we've got trash floating in the water and an area in dire need of some paint. I know this is Toontown and even for the 60th, it's just not going to get the same attention as the front of the park. HOWEVER, we saw trash and some paint or light issues in several places. I took this not to bash DL, but in response to all of the people who go on about WDW falling apart. I'm not getting into debates with anyone over this...just posting it as a point that none of the parks are models of perfection at every corner. So, you can choose to look for all of the trash, chipped paint and burnt out bulbs...or you can look at the overwhelming amount of things that are good. OK...I'll step down from my soap box and continue on with the mainly good.



So, we've got trash floating in the water and an area in dire need of some paint. I know this is Toontown and even for the 60th, it's just not going to get the same attention as the front of the park. HOWEVER, we saw trash floating in water in several places...IASW and castle moat are two that stand out. I chose not to photograph those, because I didn't want to remember them that way, but the truth was there. If sure sanitation has their hands full when crowds are this large, so I'm very understanding. As for the paint, this was the most glaring issue we saw, but even with all of the 60th sprucing up...I remember seeing a few other issues. It's stuff that I consider petty, like bulbs out and such, but I bring it up because there are so many people who post like WDW is falling apart and DLR is much better maintained. I've started noticing these things more after reading the negative posts, and maybe you could argue that for these prices- both parks should step up their games...but I think people need to get over it and realize that all of the parks have issues and area IMO all still worth visiting. These are the only pics I took like this...merely as a challenge for people to stop concentrating so heavily on the negative and take more time to soak in all that's positive (since there's a lot more of that).


And we're finally on!


And we're off and heading back out of Toontown...


And we also now realize that those crowds we saw around IASW earlier were there for the Christmas parade and not PTN.



Nobody was too into the idea of catching the end of the parade, so try to pull the sword from the stone.




Obviously, no luck pulling out the sword, so we look to things we haven't done yet...


We look off to the carousel while in line, but still no desire to ride...


And I think it's pretty much a given at this point that we're just not going to wait in that line for Peter Pan...


So, I stick to Pinocchio details...






Almost makes it feel like a little mountain village...


Posing in line...



Almost time to ride...


I think I was the only one who really wanted to ride Pinocchio, but we all really enjoyed it. The part with Monstro actually scared me a bit!

And we're out...



Stop a second to check out the flowers...


Time to get in line for a classic...


We had actually considered riding this several times, but every time we got near would come up as closed on the app. In fact, when we got to this point, it was showing as closed but there was clearly a line that was moving. So, we decided to give it a try.

Looking towards Peter Pan while in line...


Queue details...



(apple did not appear to be working today- no cackle)




These have got to be some of my favorite Disney lights.


The app had updated while we were in line to show the ride was open, but as we got towards the went down again...and the app flipped to closed status. The CMs said it happens all the time and it averages about 10 min for it to come back up and start running...but sometimes as little as 5. So, we take our chances and wait.



After abou 5 minutes, we could hear the ride starting up and the cars started moving. Everyone applauded, the line moved, and we were soon on the ride. I know this was an opening day attraction and the original...but it made me miss the one that was in MK...well, mainly the part with Dopey at the end.

We've also now officially accomplished EVERYTHING on our must do and would like to do list. Fantasmic! entered the discussion at this point, but DH told me he was beyond exhausted and he just couldn't see making it past dinner. So, we start walking...






This whole walk was a search for restrooms. I don't know if it's just that I'm not used to it there, but I felt like either there weren't as many restrooms or they were in odd places (to me). The lines were also always REALLY long. I took these 2 pics while we were in a line snaking outside of the actual restroom.



With everyone beyond exhausted, I just look for a place to sit for a bit. We found a table outside at the Jolly Holiday bakery and take a seat. I take a few pics...







It became abundantly clear that people were seated here to watch PTN. Even though we had dinner reservations coming up, I was content to grab a few snacks, relax, and wait for the parade. Unfortunately, I was the only one that felt this way. It was getting a little chilly outside and the kids were kind of bored, so we got up and started walking. I don't think we were more than 3-5' away from the table when some people swooped in from the side to claim it. So, we head towards Main Street and decide to hit the shops to pass the time...


Coming, sort of watching PTN, dinner, and saying good-bye.
Dec 30th continued...

As much as I love taking in all of the little Disney details, sometimes it's the segments where we have time to burn/nothing to do where I get to take them all in. And as much as I like taking them all in, I don't always pay attention to exactly what they are or where I am. It's just simple exploration. So, if I don't tell you exactly where I am in this next section, it's really just that I'm wandering and soaking it all in.







As neat as Pinocchio looked, the Welte Orchestrion was one of the coolest things we found in our exploration...




And back to just wandering...









Kendall was having fun checking out the pens.



More lights...

Peaking out to the fire dept...




Another gingerbread-ish display...


I didn't take all kinds of bag pics, but I was realizing that my time to buy myself a goodie was winding down. I didn't see a single Dooney in the stores that I liked, but I found a few Harveys. I held one for a while, but put it back without it still wasn't love. Then I found some of the small bags in the one pattern I really liked. I still wish Harveys had the sense to release this in a bigger bag, but since that's not happening...I dug through the basket to see if any had decent placement. Finding one with nice upright posters is easier said than done, but I found one that had enough that I liked...



(I consider this to be the back)

The bag is so tiny that I have yet to remove the tags and use it. In light of this, I still have this "I didn't get a trip bag" feeling. I don't regret not buying a Dooney since I didn't see a single thing I liked, but it just means I will be buying next time I see one come out that I like. My parents are also so close to Character Warehouse in south FL that I might even wait since my mom can get bags there for so much cheaper. I've created a bit of a monster there. She bought a few wristlets on ebay to market her handmade purse charms on ebay, but since then...she's bought a 2015 marathon tote, a 2016 marathon crossbody, the DDB phone case, and a sketch leather wristlet. Pretty soon, she'll be able to take a family bag pic too!

The store where I bought the bag was on the other side of the walkway to the bathrom between the stores and Carnation Cafe's outdoor seating. I had heard the cheers and the synth voice and realized PTN was about to start. My pics are pretty much awful, but I'll give you a sample of what I saw from this area.





We're still mid-parade, but we're getting close to our reservation I try and find everyone...



This turned out to be a wasted effort. Not only was Carnation Cafe too busy to take walk ups...they were also too busy to allow anyone to check in more than 5 minutes before reservation time. So, I went back to my little spot.



Blurry, but it's my favorite duck!



And it's already Mickey time...


I think it's kind of funny that this is my best pic overall of Mickey's unit in the parade.


These weren't totally awful either...




And my last little glimpse (well, photograph-wise) of PTN...


At this point, it was about 5 minutes until our reservation, so I ran into the stores to find all of the family. I did manage to catch a little bit of PTN as I ran through the stores and the last thing I saw of the parade was Donald.

So, we get to Carnation Cafe and go to check in...



There was a bit of a wait, so they handed us a buzzer. We saw so many people being turned away due to lack of reservations during this short little window. I kept hearing people confused because they can always walk up to this one. Peak of peak season! There was no place to wait inside, so we parked it at the curb by the outdoor seating...which wasn't really a problem now that PTN had passed.


The wait wasn't too bad and we were taken to a table inside.





60th decor on the menu...


The restaurant is cute, the food is pretty generic, and our server and the other CMs seemed to be pretty nice...and this is when all went wrong with the night. Kendall wasn't feeling she made her way through the outdoor seating, out the strange back door, and over to the restroom right near where I'd been standing to watch PTN. And when she was was Sammie's turn. Well, Sams just felt like she was going to get sick at this it was a lot of runs to the bathroom that were false alarms. It was also a pain getting back in because that strange door doesn't have a handle to get back in that we could see, so we were having to crouch down to grab it from the bottom to get back in.

We did order a bunch of food...


Fried pickles...








DH and I both had the meatloaf and weren't fans. It tastes like they add sausage to it. Sammie was feeling too sick to eat a thing, but we tried her chili and well...that was it. It has beans, and we're in the "beans don't go in chili" camp. Kendall's burger was OK, but her tummy just wasn't ready for food...and we'll leave it at that. The pickles were decent.

Blurry, but DH and Kendall shared a malt.


I never see it at WDW, but at DL...every restaurant wanted to box up our leftovers. This is how they handled Sammie's chili.


I take one last detail pic before we headed out.


Now, I'm not going to go and blame Disney for food poisoning, even though these tummy issues would go on for close to a week and longer term issues are the norm with food poisoning. They also both ate the same things at lunch and DH and I had none of that...still, I think there is another culprit. I also don't think it was a stomach bug, even though I strongly suspect that's what makes most people sick since there are germs everywhere in the parks, stomach bugs typically have short incubation periods, and don't usually last as long. Neither girl had a fever nor were they constantly sick to the point where they needed to be confined to the room. Sammie has the tendency to get sick like this if she eats too much rich food and I'm guessing Kendall was having a similar reaction. We'd treat it with lighter foods and more fruits and veggies over the next few days.

While we are all beat, DH wanted to make good on a promise to me. So, we head back into the park.

On our way, we passed this fountain area where the lights changed color and danced to the music...




We head back past the tea cups and while we're moving too fast for me to get a good pic, I think my artistic enhancements turned it into something a bit nicer...


I know, still not great...but this is what I really wanted to see.


I didn't care about seeing the projection show or anything like that. I just wanted to see the lights on IASW. The CMs managaing the line asked us - multiple times - if we wanted to hop in line b/c they were closing it off, but I just wanted to take pics.





I got my pics, so it was time to head towards the exit. Snapped the Cheshire Cat along the way.


Kendall asked me to photograph something over here, but I cant remember exactly what...and it clearly didn't turn out.


And we're in that final phase of pics before leaving DL.










It was bugging me that we hadn't taken a pic with Mickey this trip. We usually accomplish this through character meals, but with Mickey only at PCH Grill and PCH Grill not in our plans...we hadn't done it. I spotted Mickey and Minnie in their 60th attire, but Sammie was feeling sick again, Kendall didn't care, and DH was really ready to go. So, I took a pic...

And we started to head out.

Good-bye Disneyland!


Of course, we get across the street and Sammie gets sick in the trash can at the bus stop. Hey, at least she tried to contain it.

We ran by the HoJo office to get new keys. It wasn't a problem and they told us happens all the time and we weren't even the first for the night.

I catch the fountains at night on our way back to the room.


Both kids hopped into bed and were out immediately.


I head out to the balcony for a night view of the pool...


I also catch Disneyland Forever through the trees...


I head back inside and have the oh so fun task of getting all of the bags ready for the morning. We wanted to get an early start since we'd be driving up to the mountains for the ski portion of this trip and we had to swap out rental cars before we did any of this.

Coming up...leaving Anaheim, a far less stressful car rental with "where's Sammie", the drive, they love Disney too!, Chains??? We don't need no stinkin' chains!!!, and the arrival.
December 31st

I want to tell you all that I was sad to be leaving Disneyland, but I just wasn't. Don't get me's a wonderful place and definitely a must do for any Disney fan. I just never got that magic bubble feeling and was actually kind of ready to go. Unfortunately, I wasn't too into the idea of where we were going. More on that in a bit.

We got up early, made it through the crazy task of packing up this rental car for a third time, took a last couple of looks at the visible signs of the Matterhorn and ToT, checked out and hit the road. We found a Walmart not too far from there to pick up some things for the road. I'd also forget that I took out some cash at Walmart and would later think there was some strange fraud issue with my account. Just goes to show how much stress there is of major splits in your trip. We also had to find a gas station to top off the rental before turning it in. Of course, I could have paid for them to fill it and just bring it back on empty, but even with CA's insane gas was still far cheaper for me to fill it on my own. We only burned about a half a tank and with gas at $3.05-3.09 per gallon (OUCH) it was still cheaper this way.

I was thinking we'd have to take a shuttle back to LAX to get another shuttle to the new rental car place, but we noticed as driving up that rental car place 1 was right next door to rental car place 2. It was a HUGE relief! We turned in rental car 1 with little issue and I went ahead of DH and the kids to start checking into rental car place 2. I had two of the checked bags as well as my purse and several carryons. That meant DH and he girls were somehow handling the other four checked bags and carryons. OY! The line wasn't too bad, but they were servicing rentals for two separate companies and turns out they were more aggressive with trying to sell the things were taking a bit longer than I thought. As I waited, I saw DH and Kendall come in, but I didn't see Sammie. My head started whipping back and forth, scanning for her, but no luck in spotting her so I go into a panic. I yell to DH "Where's Sammie?!?!?!?" And he starts looking around but acting like it's not a big she'll turn up. OK. You had to walk from one building to the next and 1. get the bags there 2. get the kids there...and number 2 takes priority over number 1. Just then, a teen sitting in the bank of chairs tells me that she thinks my daughter is getting sick in the bushes. DH wasn't moving quickly enough, so I get someone to hold my place in line and I run outside. This all went down in under 30 seconds, but it was an illustration in how mom reacts vs how dad reacts. I get things under control, get Sammie and her bags inside and get Kendall to take her to the restroom...and then I get back in line.

The woman who helped me check in was getting on my nerves. She tried to sell me insurance even though I turned her down 5x, she tried to sell me on car seats even though I traveled with the girls' boosters (and by CA law, our kids didn't actually need them), and she tried really hard to sell me on a full tank of gas. But once we got past that, we were told to head out to their garage to pick our car...and this time...there were lots of cars in a number of makes/models. There were no others renting cars in this size at the time, so we just went car by car to evaluate trunk size, seat comfort, and interior space. A Chevy Malibu won the competition. Unlike the Camry, it fit all of our checked bags as well as a couple of the carryons in the trunk. The only thing I didn't do was check tires. It probably would have saved me a good deal of anxiety if I'd done this, but everything I'd read and been told said the odds of getting a car with snow tires or mud and snow tires off of LAX were slim to none. Why is this important? CA has strict policies and laws regarding tires/chains and snowy/icy conditions. Now, I grew up in NJ, went to college in upstate NY, and even spent a couple of years in OH and I have NEVER seen laws and policies like this. From what I can see, it takes very little for CalTran to mandate some level of snow tires or chains. I was using their app and website and was praying I wouldn't see the tire chain logo on the map below go up on any of the roads for Mammoth during our stay.


Now, I had tried to take measures to ensure we wouldn't have to make this drive and deal with this issue, but I learned a very big lesson...NEVER book travel during peak times at work. I have about a month and a half in the fall where I put in 50-60 hour weeks...and it's a lot when you consider I also share softball duty with DH for the girls and still have to do regular things like get the kids to school and pack lunches. I had been watching the air from LAX to Mammoth for months and was waiting for it to drop back to the lows I'd seen before we were ready to book. One day in late Sept/early Oct, I came home...checked he prices and WOW- they had dropped...or so I thought. I must have checked everything 5x and it all looked right to me, but it turns out that I booked Mammoth to LAX instead of LAX to Mammoth (r/t). And I didn't realize my error until December 22nd. I called Alaska Air in a panic, explained to them what happened, noted it was my fault, and just wanted to see if there were any affordable ways to correct this. I had a feeling we'd just have to cut our losses with the air travel and drive, but the rep actually asked me if I even bothered to double check what I'd booked. Talk about adding insult to injury. One of our flights was sold out and I'd have to rework some things with our return flights and end of trip lodging...but before all of that, it was going to cost me about $1600 to rebook everything. Soooo, needless to say we didn't go that route. It also was unfortunate because the rental car in Mammoth was probably going to be a Subaru (that seems to be all they rent). So, we probably would have had a car with snow tires, AWD and the option of chain rentals had we been able to fly into Mammoth. Even though CA law mandates chains in a number of situations, many rental car places prohibit them. I couldn't find it written anywhere in my contract for this car from LAX, so we were now faced with the choice of buying chains before heading up into the mountains or chancing it. With the cost, size and weight of chains and the clear map and weather forecast, we decided to go without.

Part of me had actually been secretly hoping that we'd be snowed out of Mammoth and we'd have to find something else to do between the 31st and the 3rd. Part of me wanted to head to Pasadena to see the Rose Parade on the 1st and part of me wanted to drive to Vegas, but the weather clearly showed we'd be driving to Mammoth.

DH took the first leg of the drive to get us out of LA. As we got north of the city, we passed an area that looked like a real life Ornament Valley from Cars. I wasn't able to take pics, but the resemblance was uncanny. This would be my first pic as we left the sprawl of LA.


Driving into Red Rock Canyon state park was also pretty cool...




I was really hoping we'd drive through some nice little mountain towns, but there is a lot of nothing in between LA and Mammoth. Case in point, we drove by Manzanar, which was a Japanese internment camp during WWII. In other words, it's so remote and desolate that the government thought it would be a perfect place to send those they feared at the time. We stopped to get gas at the first commercial looking gas station just so we wouldn't get stuck or wouldn't have to go to some no name gas place in a near ghost town.

I knew Bishop was a bigger town and it was my plan for lunch. A couple of very helpful Californians on one of the forums said this would be the place for us to stop for a last minute chains purchase since they had a KMart. We passed a bakery called Schatts that was absolutely overflowing with people. We knew that wouldn't be an option, but they had a smokehouse just a little farther up the road that had just opened and wasn't packed- yet.

We had a nice mountain view from our table.


I also noticed that they must be Disney fans as well. (this was just a sample of their Disney stuff)


Kendall's magnetic Donald also came out to play...


The food was pretty good and the place definitely got much more crowded as our meal progressed. DH and I also had a good laugh as we looked at the parking lot and the road. On the ride up (so far), we noticed that everything on the road was either a local older vechile or a large luxury SUV. While there were a number of makes, we saw a ton of Range we dubbed the trip up as the Range Rover parade. I know we had a count going for a while...something like over 30 Range Rovers alone before we got to Mammoth.

The scenery was starting to look more pretty as we were leaving Bishop and getting closer to Mammoth.





We also got a bit of a scare before heading out of the Bishop area. I pulled up the map and it looked at first like chain controls were in effect for the roads going into Mammoth, but after refreshing the screen, they disappeared. I'm just glad I got this refreshed when I did because we lost all service as we started to wind into the mountains before actually getting to Mammoth. I felt like a bad AT&T commercial and we were in one of those dead zones with no cell service. Thankfully, we got service back on the other edge of this ridge and the roads weren't steep or full of winding passages.

Now, I picked our ski resort because it was ski in/ski out from the main lodge...which seemed like the best plan for the kids. The only problem, the main village isn't on top of the main lodge. In fact, it's a ways away. Yes, there were free shuttles and buses, but everything with this resort felt so remote. This was also the reason the DCH and the GC were out of the budget. We were paying quite a bit for ski in/out and even more for the holiday weekend. And I'll say it right now...while the skiing convenience would be great, the rooms and overall facilities (among other things) would leave us feeling a bit robbed.

So, we arrive a the ski resort around 3:15pm. Over the last 30 or so minutes, I've developed a nasty headache and some other issues. I thought I might just be tired, so we were hoping our room was ready. I head to the front desk and the girl who helped me was really strange about things. She said I was REALLY early. OK, I know we're early but 3:15pm for a 4pm check in isn't insanely early. She got me checked in though, put a message to housekeeping that we arrived and need our room, and told me to check back a little after 4pm if they haven't called or texted with the status on the room. So, I wander a bit and take some pics...

Lower part of the mountain.

Chalet section of the resort.

Main building at the resort.

Halfpipe off to the left.

More mountain views.

Girls posing in front of plowed snow and snow banks.


Heading back inside...
The resort lounge looking up to the slopes...

Gaston would approve.

We really weren't cold, but hanging out by the fire is such stereotypical ski trip stuff...



Now, I know some of you that live in "real winter" are probably thinking that reading a cold snowy TR isn't as inviting as SoCal or FL, but I came to a very important realization on this trip.


I'll get into greater detail of this when covering Jan 1 of the trip, but after being in real winter temps up in the mountains and being less cold than I am at home with temps in the 40s and 50s...I've realized that moisture plays a big role. For the longest time, I just thought my blood could no longer stomach real winter after years in NJ, OH, and NY. I mean, I'm freezing down here when it's in the 40s. Yet here I am, standing outside in teens and twenties (and much lower in future days) and I was very comfortable. It had nothing to do with layering as I'd discarded most of my layers at this point and I certainly wasn't excited to be there. And I think there may be something to this. Even though Syracuse was significantly colder than Union County NJ, I was rarely as cold as I was in NJ. Syracuse was at a higher elevation and dryer than my hometown in NJ and the snow we got once the lake froze over was very different. Not quite the powder you get in the west, but different. So, I've come to the conclusion that not all cold is created equally. The concept is really no different than when you head to Vegas in July and you hear "but it's a dry heat." So, it's a dry cold!

And we're still hanging out by the fire and my head is really not happy.


I watched the check in desk and they were never really busy. We did see a lot of people coming in and out from skiing and checking gear with the valet or the resort's rental spot, but that was about it. Oh, and dogs...lots of dogs. This place was apparently very pet friendly. We saw everything from little frufru dogs to people with twin labs, German shepherds and a mastiff. It's also now after 4, my condition keeps deteriorating, and no word from the not-so-busy front desk. So, I go up...find out our room has been ready for a while now...but they were just sooooo busy (yeah right) that they never had time to call us. Not happy.

Our room wasn't in the main building, but it was in the section adjacent to the main building. It also had covered parking if we could find a space. We found the last space in there and were probably asked at least 5x while unloading the car if we'd be leaving. We head upstairs and find that our room was directly across from the pool and jacuzzi. The girl at the desk had mentioned something about it, but it didn't really hit me until I was in the hall that smelled just like PotC. We go into the room and while it looks a bit cramped, I do like the towel mammoth waiting for us on the bed.


And I guess they heard that DH snores.


I actually had a whole box of my own, but extras can't hurt.

I take a look out the window to see what kind of views we have. I see that we can see the main lodge from our room...




Sun is setting...


Our sister building (connected by the garage)


Looks like it could be a good area to play...



OK...I was really just having fun taking pics.


I also wanted some pics of the pool area and views just outside of our room.



The kids were getting bored, so I dressed them in all of their gear to go play in the snow. Not sure why...maybe because I just wanted to crawl in bed...but I only took a before photo.


I did at least take video of them playing in the snow.

And right after that, I went to sleep. I have no idea what time they woke me up, but when they whole face hurt and I was feeling pretty sick to my stomach. At this point, I was pretty certain I was dealing with some altitude sickness issues. Still, I got dressed and we headed to the main building because it was New Year's Eve and everyone was hungry. We had planned on watching fireworks on the other side of the mountain, but with my condition, the costs and the crowds, we decided dinner and back to the room was the best plan.

The girls found some celebratory gear when we got to the main building.



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