IT'S 6 IN THE MORNING! A 24hr, SWW,Birthday Adventure--Updated 1/25x3!!!-FINISHED

Awww sorry about the cukes, but I LOVE frozen blueberries.

Haha, Donald is a stud, there's just no getting around it.

You always get the best character experiences. Love Donald walking away with you AND that the PP photog got those shots. Great memories.

Have a blast at another MNSSHP and I have to add I obviously LOVED you MiSiCi outfits. Super awesome!!
Hey Katt, glad you had such awesome meets with Daisy and Donald! Have you found any places where the two of them pose together in the same picture, with guests? Do they do this at MNSSHP? At DHS? Anywhere else?
I'll admit I did not get the Disneybound until the pic with Poca, slaps his forehead and yells a big DUH!!!
So I swear I had commented on some updates, but I totally think I did the reading the update on the phone but forgetting to comment thing. Dingbat!

Loved your costumes. I can't believe we didn't see each other again that night! There was so much going on though!

You had the same problem I did with Be Our Guest! My friend told me she wanted to eat there, and I was like "really!?" Then it was stalk the website every day just to get the ressie.

Wow, that stinks that you were waiting so long! That happened to us one time at Le Cellier. Took forever!

Sorry dinner was less than stellar. I had such high expectations of dinner there and was let down. Hopefully it redeems itself in November.

Yeah, we had totally given up on seeing Meg and Hades. I'm sorry, 4 hours of waiting is just too much for me.

Ugh to feeling nauseous! That's no bueno.

Hmmmm, would you happen to be Pocahontas and Flit? ;)

Love Jenna's "it's so damn hot" face. I mean, let's be real, it was so stinking hot!
Sounds like both Donald and Daisey were great. And aww he walked you up. How awesome.

I wasn't sure about the Disneybound at first, I'll admit it, but then I'm not a huge Pocahontas fan.

Still, seems like a great day for meets all around :)
Katt, don't have time to comment on everything, but just wanted to say I love all the photos with the characters, photopass pics and parade pics. You two gals sure are having a good time.

Enjoy your party tonight.

Thank you so much!! We had a blast! And thank you! The parties were all amazing!!

Awww sorry about the cukes, but I LOVE frozen blueberries.

Haha, Donald is a stud, there's just no getting around it.

You always get the best character experiences. Love Donald walking away with you AND that the PP photog got those shots. Great memories.

Have a blast at another MNSSHP and I have to add I obviously LOVED you MiSiCi outfits. Super awesome!!

Haha yeah, it was unfortunate, but at least we didn't lose everything!

Bahahah, he's the best!! Awe, thank you! I'm not sure how we manage it, but they're usually so great! I'm super happy the pp got some shots of it too!

Thank you!! THe misici costumes were SO much fun, we got so much love!! Lol

Hey Katt, glad you had such awesome meets with Daisy and Donald! Have you found any places where the two of them pose together in the same picture, with guests? Do they do this at MNSSHP? At DHS? Anywhere else?

Thank you!!

Hahah, no I don't think so! They appear separately prettuy much everywhere minus SOMETIMES at Dhs but it's rare. They're usually split up.
I'll admit I did not get the Disneybound until the pic with Poca, slaps his forehead and yells a big DUH!!!

Hahahah, that's totally fine! It was definitely a tricky one to get! Lol.

So I swear I had commented on some updates, but I totally think I did the reading the update on the phone but forgetting to comment thing. Dingbat!

Loved your costumes. I can't believe we didn't see each other again that night! There was so much going on though!

You had the same problem I did with Be Our Guest! My friend told me she wanted to eat there, and I was like "really!?" Then it was stalk the website every day just to get the ressie.

Wow, that stinks that you were waiting so long! That happened to us one time at Le Cellier. Took forever!

Sorry dinner was less than stellar. I had such high expectations of dinner there and was let down. Hopefully it redeems itself in November.

Yeah, we had totally given up on seeing Meg and Hades. I'm sorry, 4 hours of waiting is just too much for me.

Ugh to feeling nauseous! That's no bueno.

Hmmmm, would you happen to be Pocahontas and Flit? ;)

Love Jenna's "it's so damn hot" face. I mean, let's be real, it was so stinking hot!

Ahaha, that's totally fair! I know I've read updates & thought I'd commented but hadn't!

Right?! I was surprised too, but we didn't stick around for much haha!

Oh no! That's no good! It wasn't very satisfying, but hey, we got to experience the castle, so that's good!
Hahha it was just not worth the wait, like, I'm sure it was, but not really lol

Bahaha, it was insanely hot that week!

Sounds like both Donald and Daisey were great. And aww he walked you up. How awesome.

I wasn't sure about the Disneybound at first, I'll admit it, but then I'm not a huge Pocahontas fan.

Still, seems like a great day for meets all around :)

So cute! We loved it!! Haha totally fair! It was a trickier one to get that's for sure! It was a great day!

Characters 1, 2 & 3 knocked down for the day we decided it was time to try and get on a ride, so over to Asia we went!! It was only natural that we ended up stopping for some photopass pictures, even with the little bit of a line that had built up.

I asked if he could do the baby Simba shot for me, and turned out he couldn’t! SAD DAYS! He said that if I stopped up near the entrance they could do it for me, and that he could do something else for us in the meantime! He also mentioned that baby Simba wouldn’t be around much longer!

However I am in love with the butterfly pictures, so we’re golden!

It was just past 3:00pm when we thanked him and continued on our way through Animal Kingdom! EE was posted at around a 20 minute wait, MUCH longer than I’d ever waited for it, but hey, there’s a first time for everything!

I’m also DEEPLY in love with the prayer flags, and every & any picture involving them! Lol. The line moved pretty quickly up until the big curve that goes out behind the building, where we stopped and moved like molasses for a while. Eventually we got inside and I realized that YETI HADN’T COME OUT TO SAY HI YET!!

And Jenna noticed the Yeti in the queue was doing some weird zumba dance moves….

Now that we were in the entertaining part of the queue, it was actually super awesome to be able to look around in there, actually be able to take pictures and read the little factoids and stuff, nice change! Soon enough though, we had borded our train!

Naturally our pose was the one that we’d seen the Yeti doing earlier!

We both really enjoyed the ride, it really is one of my favorite rides in Disney, and I’m sad there isn’t much else to pull me into AK aside from FOTLK (which wasn’t opened by this point) because I absolutely LOVE the park, it’s hands down my second favorite, but I’d been there ONCE between Dec & May and that was mainly because Susie & I wanted to go see friends who were working! Lol.

The two of us meandered back through the trails of Asia over to Yak & Yeti where I made a brief stop to pick up a Safari Amber beer! It’s one of my favorites! Mom & Anne had first gotten in at Flame Tree last Sept, and when I tried some, I loved it (and the same goes for Jenna!) it’s got just enough fruity taste to it that it’s SO TASTY! The two of us wandered for a little bit attempting to find a spot to catch Mickey’s Jaming Jungle Parade but we appeared to be too late to be able to find a spot close enough for lunch, so we decided it was probably just time to check in!

Where were we eating this fine afternoon, well, one of my favorites (which doesn’t really narrow it down in AK lol!)

Yak & Yeti!!! YUM!! I have to say, I think this was the WINNER of all our ADR’s…not that we made a lot….but this one seriously was amazing for the both of us! We were able to check in early and were quickly escorted up the stairs to our table.

I love the way the restaurant is decorated! Our server came by pretty quick, Jenna ordered a virgin pina coloda and we got a couple of waters while we looked through the menu. They did have some nice tofu options, but Jenna asked specifically what they could do for her and the server mentioned that they could do pretty much any dish subbed tofu instead of the meat!

I went with the Tamarind Chicken again;

And Jenna got the sweet & sour pork sub tofu for the pork! YAY!

Thoughts on our entrees? THEY WERE BOTH SO FREAKING INCREDIBLY AMAZING!! GUYS!! SERIOUSLY!! One of the big key points for me at Y&Y is that their dishes are usually far more healthy than other places on Disney property, there’s a nice balance of rice to meat/tofu and veggies, and everything was cooked perfectly!

The server came back around to ask about seeing a dessert menu when Jenna was in the bathroom but I told him there was no need, as I was definitely having the deep fried won tons!

So…pretty much I had the EXACT same meal I did a few years ago when I’d dined here, and I wouldn’t have it ANY other way! Jenna came back and helped me polish off the won tons & was presently surprised with how delicious they were. Deep fried cheese, who knew?! Bahaha. Yak & Yeti offers an annual pass discount, so obviously we used that to help save on the meal, and overall, were VERY impressed! Yak & Yeti gets 5 stars from us for the quality & quantity of delicious, fresh, hot, and healthy foods, along with yummy drinks, good prices, and an amazing server (we were sure to leave a little “thank you” card in our bill fold, don’t worry).

After one last thank you, and making sure we had everything, the two of us headed out onto our next wild adventure!!
On our adventures earlier, we had seen King Louie & Baloo headed out for a meet and greet, and decided that we wanted to catch up with them before they had their last set of the day, and after a bit of hunting around, we found the jungle spot right near we’d had lunch!

The two that were out hanging around while we were in line were absolutely amazing, the interactions with everyone were spot on, and hilarious, we were super excited to get to say hello to them….disappointing when the two of them went on a little break and came right back with new “friends”….however we were happy to see that they were just as awesome!

They were super interactive & flirty and just all over the two of us which was just hilarious, I seem to remember a little fight breaking out and the boys being all “Imma just leave with her now” kind of thing, cuuuuute.

Even after the posed photos ended the fun stayed around!

I’m pretty sure that one of them tried to walk away with both of us, or one of us, and the other one got all sad/mad at him, but Jenna was quick to be all “don’t worry, I’ll stay with you” kinda thing!

They were super, super fun and before we left we got some more hugs, lots of kisses and told them we’d miss them! It was around 5:40 when we finished up with them, and knew we really wanted to hit up Everest again, so we started to head back that way, but not without some pictures first!

It was nice to have the photopass photographers instigate some of the silly ones too! I do have to say, it gets kinda boring having the same “stand and pose” pictures in all the vacations lol!

Lovely shots taken, we quickly moved back around to the forbidden mountain, where the crowd had died down quite considerably, and we were zooming through the tip tops in no time!

Around 6:00pm we started our journey into DINOLLLAAAAANNNNDDDDD, a land where I pretty much NEVER spend time, especially since the lines are always long and why bother?! Well, since we were here so late, the lines were pretty non existant, and onto the Primeval Whirl we went! Now, that ride, holy heck! It’s a little wilder than you expect it to be, and it whips ya around a lot, but it results in a whole lot of laughing from everyone!

Luckily we survived the extinction, and decided to take a spin through the skies with the triceratops spin!

This is one I’ll never understand why they used the dinosaur’s they did…like…pterodactyls actually fly….though the triceratops are super cute! Lol. I don’t have any pictures from the ride since I was busy videoing, but it was actually quite fun!

It was then time to head in for our next fast pass of the day, and a ride I have NEVER enjoyed, so we headed over to the dino institute. Along the way…we walked past Donald doing meets in his safari gear….uhm….okay…. what happened to boat dock? Bahahah.

Our ride to save the leaf eater was still dark, still scary, but I did like the new lazer/fog effect there was when we were going back in time/coming out of it, and I felt like it was a little brighter in there, and less things jumped out? I also don’t know how this ride photo got past Disney…but it did…so here ya go…

Also Jenna definitely was not expecting the dinosaur to come out at all, and I clearly was just trying not to die…..#worstrideever. On the way out, Jenna picked up one of the dinosaur shirts that says “vegetarian” on it since she is one, and it was super cute! Back when we had been flying through the skies, Jenna had noticed Goofy & Pluto doing meets, so now that our fast pass was done, we headed back over there to say hello!

When it was our turn Pluto took one look at me and pulled me into the BIGGEST AND LONGEST hug of the day, seriously, hilarious and amazing. Jenna later said she was unsure on whether he knew me….or he was just flirting up a storm, bahaha!

Love those pups!! I’ve also taken to saying hello to them more often in AK now, the line always looks longer than it actually is, and it’s nice to get to see them together!!
Speaking of super fun things….I NEEDED ICE CREAM!!

I opted for the ice cream sandwich, and I’m pretty sure Jenna got something, but I don’t remember what, and don’t have a picture…whoops! Lol. Our last fast pass for the day was coming up, so we started the trek through the park and back over to Africa, it was time for a wicked awesome safari! And no…we didn’t really need the fast pass at this time!

It makes me miss staying at AKL!!

And LOOK!!


We both agreed the safari was fun, but we didn’t notice as many animals as we could have, probably thanks to it being super close to dinner time for them! Lol. The wildlife pathways were all closed off after we returned to Harambe, but you know what was still open?!

That’s right!! And it was practically a walk on too! It was just past 8:00pm, so it’s no wonder why, lol, everyone else had left! Jenna & I decided that we’d pretty much done everything needed in the park by now, so it was time to head back to the resort slowly, but surely. We passed through Asia and after crossing the bridge, noticed no wait for Mickey & Minnie at their new location, so we may as well head in, right?!

I loved all the hilarious and adorable photoshopped pictures in the queue line, they were cute!

We were greeting with hugs and some cute interaction from the mice saying that we looked cute and they liked our outfits! The attendants/photopass correctly guessed that Jenna was Poca, and thought I was Ariel, to which I replied that it was my Ariel skirt, but I was Flit, and without the scarf, it was kinda tough to figure out lol! They said we both looked lovely and had great skirts either way!


At around 8:15, we were calling it a night, and after a few last shots in front of the tree, were on our way out of the park!

A very short park day, but hey, after one HECK of a long one, it was needed! On the way out I noticed the detailing in the little lanterns along the pathway and wanted them for my house!

LOVE it!

Jenna & I bussed back to Pop and just hung out around the room that night! Downloaded pictures, edited photopass, watched some insane reality television and movies, it was nice to have a relaxing night.

At some point, Jenna turned to me and said she hadn’t had any pasta yet this trip and that that was super surprising, I asked if she wanted pasta and she said she was too broke, so I told her if she came to the food court with me I’d buy her pasta. So, in pj’s and frump puns, we headed down to the food court to check things out, I picked up a couple of beers to relax with, and we ended up deciding on a cheese pizza to split. Along the journey back to the room, I think my favorite moment of the trip occurred….Jenna was about 2 steps behind me, carrying the pizza, and as we were coming up the stairs, she mentioned it being “too hot” and I asked her if she’d seen the youtube video that’s all “it is ninety one thousand, damn degrees….” And she seriously COLLAPSED to the ground with one stair left to the top and just DIED of laughter for a solid like 3 minutes….. #crying. Clearly, she’d seen the video, and for those of you that haven’t…here ya go (be warned, there is foul language….)

Once back up to the room, we discovered that they hadn’t CUT our pizza?!?! Thankfully we had all that extra cutlery from BLT bahahaha, so we were able to do a hack job on it to at least make it semi edible, lol, it was just some hilarious shenanigans to end off our relaxing day. I spent some time chatting with Scott quickly before bed, double checking where he’d be and what time his sets were while he was hanging with Darth Maul the next day, and finally, bellies full, laughter had, and feeling great, it was time for us to call it a night!
sounds like a fun and full day at Animal Kingdom - you got some lovely PP pictures of the two of you and that butterfly magic shot is really nice!

Yeah for getting on EE 3 times - love that ride!

I never thought about it but it would make more sense to have pterodactyls as the "flying dino ride" :rotfl:

and my goodness - someone let that ride photo slip through the checking processes!
OMG the butterfly pictures are wonderful. It's great they keep adding magic shots.

You know as much as I love walking onto Everest, spending some time in that queue is a must sometimes. So much stuff to look at.

And you got the back!!!!! Super fun... and pretty empty.

I was just going to say that I'm shocked that Dino ride photo was available. Wow.

Oooh looking forward to the Darth Maul photos (even though I've seen them), because they are EPIC!!
Well you can't pass up a great photopass opportunity.

No more baby Simba soon? Sad day :( I should have thought about it.

All things considered, 20 minutes isn't a bad wait for EE considering how great it is.

Sometime I'll have to try Yak & Yeti.

... I don't know how that ride picture got past either. Interesting.

You guys got a lot of stuff done at AK so congrats. Even though it was a short day looks like it was pretty packed.

But oops on the not cutting the pizza front.
Finally caught back up:woohoo:

20 hours at the magic kingdom is still A LOT of hours! Especially for Jenna's first park day :rotfl2:
sounds like a fun and full day at Animal Kingdom - you got some lovely PP pictures of the two of you and that butterfly magic shot is really nice!

Yeah for getting on EE 3 times - love that ride!

I never thought about it but it would make more sense to have pterodactyls as the "flying dino ride" :rotfl:

and my goodness - someone let that ride photo slip through the checking processes!

It really was!Even with not having a full day, it wasa great!! Thank you!!

It's awesome! 3 rides minimum!

Ahahah yeah, it would make more sense, at least to me. And that ride photo! Yeesh!

Um, yep! Whoops!

You guys look pretty funny on that photo, too. And I love the face on the woman in front of you!

Lol, dinosaur always makes for a grand ride photo! Bahaha

OMG the butterfly pictures are wonderful. It's great they keep adding magic shots.

You know as much as I love walking onto Everest, spending some time in that queue is a must sometimes. So much stuff to look at.

And you got the back!!!!! Super fun... and pretty empty.

I was just going to say that I'm shocked that Dino ride photo was available. Wow.

Oooh looking forward to the Darth Maul photos (even though I've seen them), because they are EPIC!!

LOVE them!

It is always nice, but the line was moving pretty steadily once we got into that area, which sucked, we were in the outdoor, around the corner part of the queue for what seemed like ever!

Ahahahah RIGHT?! I think it's cause you honestly can't see it whne it's zoomed ou

Baha! They are certainly epic, that's for sure! Coming up soon!

Finally caught back up:woohoo:

20 hours at the magic kingdom is still A LOT of hours! Especially for Jenna's first park day :rotfl2:

YAY! Glad you're back!! Always happy to see ya! Lol. It certainly was a LONG day, even if we didn't make it the whole way, it was super late!!

Well you can't pass up a great photopass opportunity.

No more baby Simba soon? Sad day :( I should have thought about it.

All things considered, 20 minutes isn't a bad wait for EE considering how great it is.

Sometime I'll have to try Yak & Yeti.

... I don't know how that ride picture got past either. Interesting.

You guys got a lot of stuff done at AK so congrats. Even though it was a short day looks like it was pretty packed.

But oops on the not cutting the pizza front.

Always time for photopass! And yeah, apparently they're discontinuing it? Who knows!? sad days

RIGHT?! 20 minutes is usually the max i'll wait for a ride, lol.

Yeah, it was a great day! Even if it was a shorter one!!
After our relaxing, slow paced day of Animal Kingdom, uncut pizza, and hilarious reality television, we were back to the EARLY RISE grind of Disney, meaning 6:30 am the next day we were up and getting ready. It didn’t take long to get our Disneybounds on and put our light saber earrings in (red, because, let’s be honest, we’ve both got some serious soft spots for the dark side….) and we were off to the bus, where I was recognized by a fellow disboard-er! YAY! She’d seen some of my outfits/comments on a Disneybounding thread so clearly recognized me by the outfits we were wearing and we chatted for a little bit on our way over to Hollywood Studios!

We pulled up to the park gates right before 8:00 to find them already opened, but we didn’t mind! On our way through the gates we saw our first sign of the Star Wars events as some Storm Troopers were headed back to the backstage area!

They were hilariously interacting with the crowds on the way in, I couldn’t tell if they were mic’ed or if it was all pre recorded, but it was still funny! Figuring we had a bit of time before anything major was to go on, we headed over to Tower of Terror to kick start our day with a blast of fun!

We went through once, with not much of a wait, and Jenna promptly asked if we could go again! Well! I’m not one to say “no” to second elevator drop, so we hurried back around through the empty queue to end up in the front row (again) of a practically empty elevator!

Yeah….we’re awesome….they were both fantastically awesome and fun rides, that left us laughing and having a blast! We new that Darth Vader would be coming out soon, and he was definitely Jenna’s MAIN and ONLY goal for the day, she’s kind of in love with him, so it was back towards the other side of the park we went, but not without some photopass pictures first!

We were Disneybounding as Darth Vader & Han Solo today! I was originally going to do Maul, but figured it to be a little too tricky and too hot with all the black! Bahaha. Jenna also took some time to make some faces completely unbeknownst to me!

Our destination was in mind, but hey, we get distracted easily! There were 2 storm troopers goofing around up on the hat stage, so we stopped for a while to watch them!

They were super funny and sassy, interacting with the audience and each other, we kept expecting something big to happen, or more people to come out, especially with the carbon of Han up there, but nothing ever did, so we moved along!

Shopping? Naturally, we got side tracked again, that, and I had heard, and had prepared myself for the lines to be horrendous for Darth’s Mall, so when I saw that we could literally WALK RIGHT IN, we took the opportunity and went for it!

We spent some time wandering through the mall, finding some cute things, but not a lot of awesome stuff….I’m pretty sure Jenna ended up buying a t-shirt for her boyfriend, and we discussed stopping at the Ack Bar, but decided it was a WEE bit early in the morning for booze & cupcakes….purchases made, we headed on out!

FINALLY, we made it on over to the queue for Vader, and Jenna was VERY excited about it, clearly! I wanna say it was about a 30 minute wait for him, but we were entertained seeing him interact with everyone else, especially the small kids, he was FREAKING HUGE! I let Jenna go up to say hello first, and snapped away on her Iphone while she tried not to proclaim her LOVE for the villain.

She then really couldn’t contain herself anymore, and quickly with a giggle threw her arms around him for a HUG!

Darth kinda just looked down at her and stepped away the slightest bit, and she laughed and stopped hugging him, but the attendants/photopass like FREAKED out over it, like, big gasps, and seemed to legitimately be upset by it. I had heard that some fo the SW cast can be well…pricks …about stuff, some of them will refuse to sign certain autograph books and such….but Vader seemed fine with it, so we’re not sure if they were just trying to stay “in character” or what…. Either way, I jumped in for a quick picture after the hug fiasco was done!

It was just hitting 9:30 after the meet and greet, so we were doing pretty good on time, I mean, we’d ridden Tower twice, paid a visit to the dark lord (wait…) browsed through the shopping mall and stopped to watch some hilarious storm troopers. None of the rest of the characters were out yet and crowds, they were a BUILDING insanely, so we decided it was time to grab a motorcade spot!
Katt, we are still in Florida and as I take a break from the pool (it's 100 in the shade), I'm trying to catch up a little bit on the DIS. I can't comment on everything.

I loved your last two set of updates. The pictures with Donald are fun is it that he walked you of stage.

The parade pictures are awesome at the Studios.

And LOVE the Tower of Terror picture.
I know some people hate it (Star Wars Purists I guess), but even as a long time die hard Star Wars fan, I totally get a kick out of the stormtroopers being goofy.

Holy that second Tower photo is so empty!

Darth's Mall is where they had Oaken's for Frozen right?

OMG that Vader hug is AWESOME!!!! Honestly, what's the big deal. I once saw Vader dance to Thriller wearing a sequinned glove, and ride Dumbo at Disneyland. :confused3

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