It took 3 tries but I GOT IT!!!! Yahooo!!!!!!


DIS Veteran
Oct 3, 1999
Just had to share this. I am lucky enough to be planning 2 trips at a time and since our closest trip is June that is the one I have been concentrating on the most. Well, anyway besides making reservations for our Dec. trip, I haven't done anything else. THANK GOD I did that!! My mom and sister stopped by to see me today(they are going along with us on our Dec. trip) and we got to talking about the trip and decided why wait to leave on the 27th of Dec., when we all have off the 26th????!! Why not make good use of that day, so I called my very understanding (of my obsession) patient husband to ask him if it was alright with him(since he's driving the RV) and he said ok!!! I excitedly call up CR to add a day only to be told they are all booked try back I did..RIGHT AWAY and was told "no, all booked up again". SOOOOOOOO I tried another # and this time I got it!!!!! Yahooooo, Yipee!!!! where else could I come to share my unrestrained joy but here!!! So anyone looking for an extra day or days in general..just hang in there and you too will prevail!!!

FW 6/79
Off-site 5/82
Off-site 5/95
PO 3/98
FW 11/99
FW 6/01
FW 12/01
FW 6/02
That's great! It pays to keep trying! I think they get cancellations all the time, and some CM's look in other places than others.

Congratulations on your success! :D

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator
Sometimes persistance does pay off! I am sooooooo haappy for you (and a tad jealous!!). I remember helping my sister plan her trip this past fall. She gave me her ressie # and since she had an AP, she asked me to try and see what kind of discount I could get her on a FW home. I called daily for the month before she left. One day I called in the morning and was still told there were not any available. At lunchtime, a little voice inside my head told me to try again. I did, a low and behold, there was one opening and I managed to save them $800!!! Boy was she happy!! I totally LOVE planning trips to Disney!

Sending a little pixie dust your way to brighten up your day!


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