Is there Covid in your circle?

What blood test are you talking about?

Since I don't have first hand knowledge of the blood test, I called my friend who works in healthcare, and she has been on the front lines since January and asked her to talk me through all this. I asked her about the blood test.

She said basically and the simplest method is a blood test it really is the most accurate way to tell if you actually have the Covid 19 strain of the Corona Virus... Now she did say that the blood test are costly, most of the time there are given in the hospital, or doctors offices are taking blood if they have a patient that has severe health problem and are compromised, and they are wanting to be sure that this is the correct diagnosis, or sending them to the hospital to be tested, she did say that some labs are offering the blood test now - as long as you have insurance. my moms friend has severe asthma, and complications with her lungs due to smoking for years ( she doesn't smoke now)... and her overall health is very compromised... she did not get the flu shot last year, because she was in the hospital with pneumonia... so her Doc ordered the blood test... to get to the bottom of it right away...and thankfully she was negative.

She said there was something about the cycles of the testing, is different than the normal testing parameters... and that this difference causes the false positives, - and pick up other germs in someone system... she said something like a summer or fall cold... a sinus infection... pneumonia, and strep throat... a stomach bug can all cause the test to show positive...

Here's her explanation - and thoughts and feelings about it. So her response's I am going to list below.

According to her the swab up the nose - picks up Corona Virus... Which has been around forever for basic yearly flu, and are not skewed to just pick up the Corona Virus strain Covid 19...
That's why it was so important to get a yearly flu shot, so that if you did start to show symptoms, they could rule out the normal influenza/yearly flu, right away... so the chance of the test being more accurate are much higher...

The rapid test are in her opinion about 50 to 60 percent accurate - and there are different ones ( meaning different brands at the testing centers) out there at the testing sites... and she said it seems the longer this goes on, the quality of the rapid test is decreasing....pressure to make more and more test to meet the demands, and no quality control on the test being made... again she said not all of them she said that there are some great testing center available, along with some manufactures that are adhering to safe practice's and the quality of the product.
As well in some cases that the person administering the test might not really be qualified to do the test, and following the proper protocol... She said in some instants they are volunteers, or people with little or no knowledge, or maybe work in another area of health care, which doesn't mean they are knowledgeable in the proper a phlebotomist administering the test, yes they work in health care, but are they qualified to administer the test? even in some instants they are handing the person there to be tested the swab and they are doing it themselves ( my neighbor did the drive through testing and they handed her the swab to do herself.)...and reading the test or lack of reading the test as also come into play... a guy who works for my DH, him and his wife went to be tested at a drive thru testing site, and filled out paper work but were never given the test, as they ran out, and were told to come back the next day, which they decide to go to a 2 day site the same day, and both tested negative when they got the results... yet the drive thru site sent them the result of their test and they were positive... which he reported the testing sight to the health department - so how did they get a positive result when they did not even take the test? - even mixing up of the swabs, improper handling....the drive thru sites are overwhelmed, So all this goes into the pot which can cause issue with the correct results being given.

I asked about the seniors who all tested positive she said if they all went to the same testing site, she said that if could be that the testing site has no idea of what they are doing, or that the test kits are compromised, or not being given correctly or read correctly, or a mix of problems, she said that in some cases. She said that they need to call the health department and report the testing site...and she said mostly that a blood test is given only rarely, and that my mom friend might have been exaggerating somewhat... which knowing my moms friend might be the case, now that I think about it...and the other people not wanting to be left out... the whole she got a blood test so I want one to kinda thing.... she said most likely that their Doctors sent them to a hospital or health department run clinic for the 2 day test, she said but if they were willing to pay for the blood test the Doctors might take into consideration, their patients overall health, and level of them being compromised and make a decision to write the order for blood double check and get ahead of it, some could have went to a lab that is offering the blood test.

The 2 day test is what she called it, said it was more accurate she said in her opinion about 80 percent... different environment for running the test.. Again she said that's why it is so important to have gotten your yearly flu shot... it save's time to get the correct treatments going before you become critical ill... even with that some of the test only pick up the corona virus, and are not skewed to pick up just the covid 19 strain of the virus.

Overall she said that if you test positive you should practice all the guidelines, even if you are not showing any symptoms. If you feel it was a false positive that you might want to think about a 2 day test to double check, She said that some people are calling a begging for a blood test so that they can work, or are care giver to elder parents and are willing to pay the cost of the blood test... as well she went on to say if you are seriously compromised, you should call your doctor and speak with them on what steps you should do.

The drive thru centers should not be giving medical advise, and your Physician is the person you should be consulting with on your health practices...

The one thing that she stressed more than anything is getting a yearly flu shot... I assured her that we got our in Sept. of last year 2020.. and that we get one every year... she said it is so important to get this yearly...

Even with the vaccine starting to roll out she said that practicing the guidelines is important until we reach herd immunity, and even then we should not give up or start sliding on hand-washing, hand sanitizers and cleaning wipes to keep the germs away in our homes, work spaces, and especially when traveling and really mask wearing when you are sick, to stop the spread of anything going forward... we have to stay aware...
According to her the swab up the nose - picks up Corona Virus... Which has been around forever for basic yearly flu, and are not skewed to just pick up the Corona Virus strain Covid 19...
That's why it was so important to get a yearly flu shot, so that if you did start to show symptoms, they could rule out the normal influenza/yearly flu, right away... so the chance of the test being more accurate are much higher...
I’m confused by this statement- maybe I’m having reading comprehension problems. Just to clarify, a nasal swab will pick up anything from the nose, but a COVID-19 test is only for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19), not every coronavirus.
I’m confused by this statement- maybe I’m having reading comprehension problems. Just to clarify, a nasal swab will pick up anything from the nose, but a COVID-19 test is only for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19), not every coronavirus.

Yes - if you are getting a true Covid 19 test - you should only test positive for Covid 19... yet people are testing false positive daily, so what is causing this? and people call their doctors, and go see them and find out that they have a sinus infection or something else entirely... then why did they test positive with the original test? the person is depending on these test to be accurate

She said while unfortunately some testing sites will say or promote, Covid 19 testing, that is not necessarily the case, it depends of where you get the test sourced from, and all the other things that I brought up in the original post. There are alot of variables in play. and there is alot of grey area around all this, as this is something we have never seen before..

So without me being a medical doctor - here is another point that, I took away... She said that Dr. Faucci said that having and getting your yearly flu shot, will help with diagnosing if you have covid 19 or not, it will rule it out yearly influenza virus/flu that we see every year, by ruling this out right away, and make a positive test more accurate.... when and if you are needing treatments...and to help with the already over burdened health care systems in some areas... so that they are not fighting both at the same time...

So my mom friend is the perfect example of the test not being accurate..

So my mom friend - said that when she woke up with a headache, and running nose and aching all over and a low grade fever...she called her daughter and her daughter told her to go to be tested right away and she choose a rapid testing site drive thru, which is very close to where she lives at... the results were positive.

She was so upset due to all the health complication that she has, that her daughter came the next day and they went to her doctors office, where she was given a blood test for Covid 19, which she once she got the results she was negative. She did have a mild sinus infection, that the doctor found while examining her., and gave her med's to cover it...

So what or how does it work... these are my thoughts - so I am assuming she got the Covid 19 test, and her results were a positive, in theory she should have Covid 19 ? right? ... and when they did the blood test she was negative? Should the results not be the same results as the Covid 19 test swab she was given?

So basically, I took away that you have to double check for yourself, take precautions, follow the guidelines, and follow up with your doctor... and hopefully get the vaccine as soon as you are allowed to get it, to protect yourself and start adding to the herd immunity to finally get this under control...
Since I don't have first hand knowledge of the blood test, I called my friend who works in healthcare, and she has been on the front lines since January and asked her to talk me through all this. I asked her about the blood test.

She said basically and the simplest method is a blood test it really is the most accurate way to tell if you actually have the Covid 19 strain of the Corona Virus... Now she did say that the blood test are costly, most of the time there are given in the hospital, or doctors offices are taking blood if they have a patient that has severe health problem and are compromised, and they are wanting to be sure that this is the correct diagnosis, or sending them to the hospital to be tested, she did say that some labs are offering the blood test now - as long as you have insurance. my moms friend has severe asthma, and complications with her lungs due to smoking for years ( she doesn't smoke now)... and her overall health is very compromised... she did not get the flu shot last year, because she was in the hospital with pneumonia... so her Doc ordered the blood test... to get to the bottom of it right away...and thankfully she was negative.

She said there was something about the cycles of the testing, is different than the normal testing parameters... and that this difference causes the false positives, - and pick up other germs in someone system... she said something like a summer or fall cold... a sinus infection... pneumonia, and strep throat... a stomach bug can all cause the test to show positive...

Here's her explanation - and thoughts and feelings about it. So her response's I am going to list below.

According to her the swab up the nose - picks up Corona Virus... Which has been around forever for basic yearly flu, and are not skewed to just pick up the Corona Virus strain Covid 19...
That's why it was so important to get a yearly flu shot, so that if you did start to show symptoms, they could rule out the normal influenza/yearly flu, right away... so the chance of the test being more accurate are much higher...

The rapid test are in her opinion about 50 to 60 percent accurate - and there are different ones ( meaning different brands at the testing centers) out there at the testing sites... and she said it seems the longer this goes on, the quality of the rapid test is decreasing....pressure to make more and more test to meet the demands, and no quality control on the test being made... again she said not all of them she said that there are some great testing center available, along with some manufactures that are adhering to safe practice's and the quality of the product.
As well in some cases that the person administering the test might not really be qualified to do the test, and following the proper protocol... She said in some instants they are volunteers, or people with little or no knowledge, or maybe work in another area of health care, which doesn't mean they are knowledgeable in the proper a phlebotomist administering the test, yes they work in health care, but are they qualified to administer the test? even in some instants they are handing the person there to be tested the swab and they are doing it themselves ( my neighbor did the drive through testing and they handed her the swab to do herself.)...and reading the test or lack of reading the test as also come into play... a guy who works for my DH, him and his wife went to be tested at a drive thru testing site, and filled out paper work but were never given the test, as they ran out, and were told to come back the next day, which they decide to go to a 2 day site the same day, and both tested negative when they got the results... yet the drive thru site sent them the result of their test and they were positive... which he reported the testing sight to the health department - so how did they get a positive result when they did not even take the test? - even mixing up of the swabs, improper handling....the drive thru sites are overwhelmed, So all this goes into the pot which can cause issue with the correct results being given.

I asked about the seniors who all tested positive she said if they all went to the same testing site, she said that if could be that the testing site has no idea of what they are doing, or that the test kits are compromised, or not being given correctly or read correctly, or a mix of problems, she said that in some cases. She said that they need to call the health department and report the testing site...and she said mostly that a blood test is given only rarely, and that my mom friend might have been exaggerating somewhat... which knowing my moms friend might be the case, now that I think about it...and the other people not wanting to be left out... the whole she got a blood test so I want one to kinda thing.... she said most likely that their Doctors sent them to a hospital or health department run clinic for the 2 day test, she said but if they were willing to pay for the blood test the Doctors might take into consideration, their patients overall health, and level of them being compromised and make a decision to write the order for blood double check and get ahead of it, some could have went to a lab that is offering the blood test.

The 2 day test is what she called it, said it was more accurate she said in her opinion about 80 percent... different environment for running the test.. Again she said that's why it is so important to have gotten your yearly flu shot... it save's time to get the correct treatments going before you become critical ill... even with that some of the test only pick up the corona virus, and are not skewed to pick up just the covid 19 strain of the virus.

Overall she said that if you test positive you should practice all the guidelines, even if you are not showing any symptoms. If you feel it was a false positive that you might want to think about a 2 day test to double check, She said that some people are calling a begging for a blood test so that they can work, or are care giver to elder parents and are willing to pay the cost of the blood test... as well she went on to say if you are seriously compromised, you should call your doctor and speak with them on what steps you should do.

The drive thru centers should not be giving medical advise, and your Physician is the person you should be consulting with on your health practices...

The one thing that she stressed more than anything is getting a yearly flu shot... I assured her that we got our in Sept. of last year 2020.. and that we get one every year... she said it is so important to get this yearly...

Even with the vaccine starting to roll out she said that practicing the guidelines is important until we reach herd immunity, and even then we should not give up or start sliding on hand-washing, hand sanitizers and cleaning wipes to keep the germs away in our homes, work spaces, and especially when traveling and really mask wearing when you are sick, to stop the spread of anything going forward... we have to stay aware...
Yes - if you are getting a true Covid 19 test - you should only test positive for Covid 19... yet people are testing false positive daily, so what is causing this? and people call their doctors, and go see them and find out that they have a sinus infection or something else entirely... then why did they test positive with the original test? the person is depending on these test to be accurate

She said while unfortunately some testing sites will say or promote, Covid 19 testing, that is not necessarily the case, it depends of where you get the test sourced from, and all the other things that I brought up in the original post. There are alot of variables in play. and there is alot of grey area around all this, as this is something we have never seen before..

So without me being a medical doctor - here is another point that, I took away... She said that Dr. Faucci said that having and getting your yearly flu shot, will help with diagnosing if you have covid 19 or not, it will rule it out yearly influenza virus/flu that we see every year, by ruling this out right away, and make a positive test more accurate.... when and if you are needing treatments...and to help with the already over burdened health care systems in some areas... so that they are not fighting both at the same time...

So my mom friend is the perfect example of the test not being accurate..

So my mom friend - said that when she woke up with a headache, and running nose and aching all over and a low grade fever...she called her daughter and her daughter told her to go to be tested right away and she choose a rapid testing site drive thru, which is very close to where she lives at... the results were positive.

She was so upset due to all the health complication that she has, that her daughter came the next day and they went to her doctors office, where she was given a blood test for Covid 19, which she once she got the results she was negative. She did have a mild sinus infection, that the doctor found while examining her., and gave her med's to cover it...

So what or how does it work... these are my thoughts - so I am assuming she got the Covid 19 test, and her results were a positive, in theory she should have Covid 19 ? right? ... and when they did the blood test she was negative? Should the results not be the same results as the Covid 19 test swab she was given?

So basically, I took away that you have to double check for yourself, take precautions, follow the guidelines, and follow up with your doctor... and hopefully get the vaccine as soon as you are allowed to get it, to protect yourself and start adding to the herd immunity to finally get this under control...
Yesterday the clinic I went to did both the rapid test and the PCR test. Rapid said positive. I’m still waiting on the PCR results because those take a couple of days.
Husband and sister both got it. Both work in factories and we believe they got it from co-workers. My husband passed it on to me and our daughter. My sister passed it on to her daughter. My husband is the only one of us that got really super sick. The rest of us only had mild symptoms. I thank God every single day that we all recovered. We know so many people that have been way worse off then us and had to be hospitilized. One of my staff was in the hospital for a month. On a ventilator. They didn't think he was going to make it. Somehow he pulled thru (yay!). Three of my residents passed away. Two in August and one in September. I am still mourning their deaths. I can't believe they are gone. COVID sucks! Staff and residents at our agency are getting the vaccine next week.
Yesterday the clinic I went to did both the rapid test and the PCR test. Rapid said positive. I’m still waiting on the PCR results because those take a couple of days.

No matter how it turns out, Please take good care of yourself... :hug:
Husband and sister both got it. Both work in factories and we believe they got it from co-workers. My husband passed it on to me and our daughter. My sister passed it on to her daughter. My husband is the only one of us that got really super sick. The rest of us only had mild symptoms. I thank God every single day that we all recovered. We know so many people that have been way worse off then us and had to be hospitilized. One of my staff was in the hospital for a month. On a ventilator. They didn't think he was going to make it. Somehow he pulled thru (yay!). Three of my residents passed away. Two in August and one in September. I am still mourning their deaths. I can't believe they are gone. COVID sucks! Staff and residents at our agency are getting the vaccine next week.

Sorry for your loss...

Glad you will be able to get the vaccine soon...
Over the past month, I've had 9 family members test positive. 8 out of 9 had symptoms. My sister has been battling it at home for 16 days now. My BIL is in intensive care. The doctor told my sister he doesn't think he'll make it. :( My BIL & Sis own a business. They requested people wear masks, but refused to turn away anti-maskers. My poor sis is now regretting that.

Quoting myself to post an update. Sadly, my BIL passed away not long after I posted this.
So many worrisome and sad stories mixed in with the positive, I'm not responding all the time because I don't want to be a pest but I'm reading and saying a prayer for every family that's been hurt and every person who posts. Might not be much but it's all I have to give.
So this is really sad, we just found out that SIL's MIL died just after midnight this morning of Covid.

She was in a nursing home and apparently a single care aid got infected at Thanksgiving, didn't realize it and brought it to the nursing home where they infected, supposedly, 98 people. I asked SIL a few times and since I wasn't hearing much back just sort of figured this lovely lady was doing ok.

Newest worry is services because they have close ties with NYC and are planning to have services here in PA. Thing is my own inlaws have comorbidities, one has lung cancer, and have been asking my 20 something kids to visit (who decline politely due to conscience - my son moved to the basement and wears a mask in the house for me because he goes snowboarding) so I am not sure they will use their heads and may just use this as an excuse to socialize. So sad and worrying, we won't be attending but I'm sure there will be blowback.
For me my circle is anyone I or my household would normally have contact with where it could have reached me if I wasn't being very careful, so this is only 1 degree of separation from my household.

SIL's MIL's services were yesterday, my in-laws went despite one having cancer with both high risk for a few things so we are doing a ding dong ditch for grocery drop-off from here on out. We sent a beautiful bouquet and explained things, thank goodness SIL was understanding but if she wasn't it wouldn't have changed a thing, the situation checks off way too many boxes. Today the family is taking a limo from PA to NYC for burial in Queens, I really hope they know what they are doing but greif distorts judgement so I'm worried.

Sars-CoV-2 is still moving around us, DD's friend from NJ just tested positive yesterday, says she got it from her dad who got it from work.

DH has a coworker who got it somehow while at an outdoor restaurant on a mild day with family, thank goodness remote. Although he says its outdoor I'm not so sure, around here they have big closed off tents which are really just indoor but in the parking lot so it's a weird reasoning that the parking lot floor makes it outdoors.

I really miss normal and am cheering every single vaccine that is dispensed.
Will keep you posted - perhaps the first person I know to have Covid will be me. :rolleyes1 I'm being tested this afternoon, out of an abundance of caution. I received a Shingrex vaccination last Friday and I have not felt right since. Practically all of the side effects of the shingles vaccine is also a symptom of Covid. I'm not aware of having been in contact with any active Covid infections but I have to be sure. It took me 3 minutes to have a test scheduled on-line and the results should be back within 36 hours. I am alone at my worksite now and have made arrangements to stay home tomorrow while I await the results. If positive, I will be legally required to isolate for 10 days from yesterday, providing all symptoms resolve within that time. I will also have to list my close contacts for the authorities, which is pretty simple since I haven't been with anyone except my household and people in my office since we were put on lock-down in November.
Will keep you posted - perhaps the first person I know to have Covid will be me. :rolleyes1 I'm being tested this afternoon, out of an abundance of caution. I received a Shingrex vaccination last Friday and I have not felt right since. Practically all of the side effects of the shingles vaccine is also a symptom of Covid. I'm not aware of having been in contact with any active Covid infections but I have to be sure. It took me 3 minutes to have a test scheduled on-line and the results should be back within 36 hours. I am alone at my worksite now and have made arrangements to stay home tomorrow while I await the results. If positive, I will be legally required to isolate for 10 days from yesterday, providing all symptoms resolve within that time. I will also have to list my close contacts for the authorities, which is pretty simple since I haven't been with anyone except my household and people in my office since we were put on lock-down in November.
Wishing you the best. DH had every side affect from the shingles vax and they lasted about a week. He was sick enough to stay home. Hopefully your symptoms are from the vaccine.
Will keep you posted - perhaps the first person I know to have Covid will be me. :rolleyes1 I'm being tested this afternoon, out of an abundance of caution. I received a Shingrex vaccination last Friday and I have not felt right since. Practically all of the side effects of the shingles vaccine is also a symptom of Covid. I'm not aware of having been in contact with any active Covid infections but I have to be sure. It took me 3 minutes to have a test scheduled on-line and the results should be back within 36 hours. I am alone at my worksite now and have made arrangements to stay home tomorrow while I await the results. If positive, I will be legally required to isolate for 10 days from yesterday, providing all symptoms resolve within that time. I will also have to list my close contacts for the authorities, which is pretty simple since I haven't been with anyone except my household and people in my office since we were put on lock-down in November.
Hope you are ok. I have heard of people feeling really icky and fatigued after the Shingles vaccine so there is a decent chance it's that, fingers crossed!

PS- just occurred to me what a weird time we live in if we are rooting for vaccine malaise.


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