Is there a limit to how many nights you have to stay in the All-Star hotels?


DIS Veteran
Feb 5, 2001
I know that with some of the more expensive Disney hotels, you have to stay a minimum of 3 nights. Is this the case with the Value Resorts too? Also, does anyone know what kind of rate I could get on-site (or off near Disney) if I were to use my Entertainment book for a stay in early May? I've never used it before for booking a hotel so I'm not sure how to go about it. Money is a BIG concern for this trip
No there is no limit as far as I know. Last year my brother met us for one night and our sister in law stayed two nights. I saved some money on my hotel this year using code I found posted, try that...good luck
None of the disney-owned hotels honor the entertainment book. You can get a discount with it at swan and dolphin but it will still be about $150 a night. Look at the top of the resort board for the "codes" site and check to see if any fit your dates.
The Disney hotels don't have a minimum stay requirement (in general) but some of the special offers have a 3 night minimum and certain times of the year (New Years Eve) some of the hotels have a minimum stay.
Only the Disney packages require a minimum number of nights... and, with a package, yes, the minimum is 3 nights at the All Star hotels.

<font color="#6600CC"><font face="BOOK ANTIQUA">
<marquee>"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them."
- Walt Disney</marquee></font></font>
<font color="#FF0066"><font face="BOOK ANTIQUA">
ASMusic 10/27/00 to 11/02/00
ASMusic 10/25/01 to 11/03/01
BWV 10/2002
We have a trip booked for may and found we would be in orlando a day soon then we thought. Just booked 1 night at asm for that night no problem and i found another discount code for that night so it won't cost anymore then staying off property .


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