Internet Cafe Question


Earning My Ears
Jan 4, 2002
I know you can get unlimited access for $89.99, but can my entire family use that access or is it just for one person?
Everyone in your stateroom can use it, but only one person at a time. At least that's my understanding of it :)

does anyone know the rate for the Wonder? Also, it's vague but I remember someone posting a while back, something about hitting the wrong link and being charged a lot more than they were suppose to be? Does anyone remember the specifics of this (Dave?). Now that we are getting closer to going, I'm trying to pay more attention to the details!
Internet access is available onboard for $0.75 cents/minute. For unlimited access during your cruise, the price is $39.99 on the Wonder and $89.99 on the Magic. Only one member of each family needs to purchase the unlimited package. Other members of the family can share the access package, but only one person at a time may use a single access package. The Internet Cafe (at least on the Magic) is located in a corner of the Promenade Lounge on Deck 3, just forward of the Aft elevators. Teens may also access the Internet from terminals in Common Grounds. There are eight terminals in the Internet Cafe on the Magic and, at times, all eight terminals were in use.

These are just Internet terminals (although they also have AOL loaded on them). That means you can't upload photos from your digital camera and you can't run common business software. However, tezb advises that if you have a laptop, you can download your photos onto a floppy disk, and then upload from the floppy into your email at the Internet Cafe.

Before you go, make sure you can access your e-mail through a web interface. Most e-mail providers do have this option. If not, you can set up Yahoo! mail to retrieve your POP3 e-mail through their web interface.

Disney does offer an e-mail address for you to use while on the cruise if you don't have an existing e-mail address, but you pay $3.95 every time you use this address in addition to the per-minute charges. Definitely use your own web-based e-mail access.

The access speeds are generally very fast... certainly faster than my dial-up at home, but things can slow down if they ever have problems connecting to their satellite.

If you have any questions while onboard, the managers of the Internet Cafe are very helpful and more than willing to help you
Your explanation was great! My computer skills are very basic though and I didn't understand a lot of the technical stuff (although I'm sure I'm probably one of the few). We will be using the internet to keep in touch with my sister as we'll have her daughter with us. She has a Yahoo email account. I'll be checking my mail and checking in with my teen. We both have Hotmail accounts. If I'm right, I should be able to access both of these with the internet provided on the ship? Sorry to sound so dumb.... :~(
the internet cafe, if i want to check my aol account.....can i do that for free or is it .75c a minute?
Marianne, the internet fees apply regardless of what you are checking on the yes, it would be 75 cents per minute unless you get the unlimited access plan. :)
We were told by the manager of the internet cafe that family members could not share internet access and that all four of us would have to pay the $89.00. We didn't.
Originally posted by manatee96

We were told by the manager of the internet cafe that family members could not share internet access and that all four of us would have to pay the $89.00. We didn't.

Sounds more like wishful thinking than actual policy. They know nobody's going to be dumb enough to pay for multiple Internet packages per stateroom.
No, there are no internet connections in the staterooms. If you connect from your room, it would be via modem dial-up at $6.95 per minute.

ok.....1 more question.........can you write your emails off line and then email them all at one time so it's only about a 1 minute connection?
Originally posted by marianne98

can you write your emails off line and then email them all at one time so it's only about a 1 minute connection?

No, the meter is running the entire time you're logged in at the workstation.
But could you not type one e-mail (describing your trip so far) and send it to multiple recipients by putting a semi-colon in between the addresses?
Yes, you can do multiple recipients on one email and save connection times.


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