I'm such a bonehead (wish I bought an AP) ...


DIS Veteran
May 29, 2000
Went to Universal in July .... bought two-day pass.

Went last weekend ... bought another two-day pass ... so, total is now the same as an annual pass ... but I probably won't go again before July ...

Yesterday decide I am going to Orlando this weekend (to see the first XFL game) ... guess I'll be buying another two-day pass ... DOH!

I don't suppose I can get them to credit the price of my ticket from last weekend for an AP this weekend ... I doubt it ...
*OUCH* :( I would try!! I doubt they will do it but hey you will feel better trying. I know if you buy a pass and take it to guest services they will upgrage to an AP. I'm sure thats because it hasnt been used yet though. Okay now say you do it again thinking you arent gonna get back...and you do? <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused"> <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">

Dont feel too bad...I did the same thing! This time I'm getting the AP! ( I think) ha ha

Try it at Universal Guest Services, IOA guest services is not too friendly!!!
OOPS! It's below!

[This message was edited by Dznefreek on 02-01-01 at 04:32 PM.]
I know WDW will apply your single day ticket purchase price towards an AP upgrade if you do it within 7 days of use. It never hurts to ask all they can do is say "No". Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

<a href="http://members.tripod.com/~dznefreek/IOAGuide1.html">Visit the Unofficial Guide to Islands of Adventure!</a>
Generally they will allow you to upgrade any ticket before you leave the park. Guest services at either park are generally quite easy to work with, although USF is usually quicker/less crowded. Give it a try, I bet they would let you upgrade.

I went to Guest Services at Universal Studios when I got there, and they let me upgrade the pass. The girl who helped me there said it would be pre dated to the previous weekend when I used my ticket.

When they actually made the pass at Vacation Services though, they dated the day I got it, not the previous weekend :)


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