Im so mad Long rant

Thank you for sympathizing with my Lions pain! LOL!
We too are "vested" in Disney!

I do agree that some things are not being handled the way they should and that our expectations of Disney are much higher than that of other companies. I just try not to focus on the bad things right now and I try to put them into perspective.

Do I agree with all the cutbacks? NO. Do I like them? NO.
But I will not let it ruin MY trip to WDW! That is my point.

SO, while others complain of no EE, I will slow down, sleep in a bit, and eat a nice breakfast.
While others complain of shorter hours, I will use the time to do OTHER things WDW has to offer besides the parks.
And while others complain that the service is lacking, I will compare it to the crappy service we get at home.

No matter what, I will focus on the good and enjoy my trip. And when I am angry or upset at "the all powerful Disney", I will write letters and make phone calls. It has worked for me in the past and I have appreciated Disney's responses to my inquiries and comments.

SO, you can tell I'm a Lions fan, huh??? LOL! If you don't focus on the good (if you can find some), you will drown in a sea of honolulu blue and silver. LOL!
Hey, how bout those Red Wings?!?!? :)

Do I agree with all the cutbacks? NO. Do I like them? NO. But I will not let it ruin MY trip to WDW! That is my point.
Mine too! On this we can certainly agree! (That's why I vent on the DIS! ;))

Hey, how bout those Red Wings?!?!?
HUMP!!!! Them's fightin' words!!!!!:earseek:
this whole sports team has my brain going a million miles an hour... Great thread!

First, gotta say I was blessed to be born into a Yankee home- the Disney of sports, the top of the heap, the most winning of any sports frnachise in history...

(sorry we're a cocky bunch and generally cant help but remind the cub and bosox fans...Couldnt help myself)

Anyway back to my points- I think..

The sports analogy is very dead on- Being a yankee fan i dont get much to complain about (sorry I just cant help myself)- but i do pay close attention to the bosox fans. If i read the Boston papers and the sports reports- they get physically ill at some of the things that go on up there. Yet these same people who want to kill the GM and wallow that there team 'stinks' come down to Yankee stadium when the yanks are ahead by 15 games at the end of august- and they are so proud or pig headed or in love (or whatever you call it) fwith their team that they will chant 'yankees suck'- I mean comeon who's kidding who? For instance- if you mention something to them about how much of an a** carl everet is they would argue with you even though pretty much north america is aware the guy is a s***bag.

So I think what happens here is when you point out the negetive- people have to quickly decide if you're 'with them or against them'. If they think your with 'em - they might reply- 'yeah- eisner is a deadbeat', but if they percieve your against them the reply becomes 'oh yeah well who's better?!?!'

That all aside- my mind then wandered to the expos and twins. The poor guy with the expo's (well how poor he bought 'em knowing the deal..) gets NO support- nobody goes, the place is always empty. So he kinda actually has no choice but to cut his losses. Than the jerk with the Twins, he actually started to make money, started to raise attnedence, started to get a competiitve team , and he decides to be a baby and take his ball and bat home just because his mommy wont build him a new stadium to make even more money. Neither example is anywhere near disney, actually both are on the opposite ends with disney someplace in the middle. But my point is its odd how people (or companies) act and I think sometimes theres more to it than what we can see or imagine....

Now for the record- if your with me-
*Eisner is a penny penching short term idiot.
But if you like universal better-
*What are you totally ignorant? WDW is THE BEST place on earth!

(oh my gosh- I think i just realized land baron doesnt have split personalities....)


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