I'm not real sure where to post this question....


Earning My Ears
Mar 15, 2000
We'll be at HRH 4 days before moving to the Swan, I'm just wondering what we could do on moving day without it being a total waste. We will not have passes at any of the parks for this day and we will be using TTC to transfer. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I would suggest going to city walk before the move or Downtown disney after moving ot the swan. We really love DD. We ate at fultons crab house and rainforrst cafe and loved both.

<font color= red Comic Sans MS> All Star Music-April 2000 </font>
<font color= purple font= Comic Sans MS> Shades of Green- May 2002 </font>
Enjoy your morning at the HRH, then move on over to the Swan....try some mini golf in the afternoon, maybe downtown disney in the evening, try to get tickets to Cirque for that evening...try a new restaurant or just relax by the pool..after your busy universal days-before your busy disney days. Have fun!


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