If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead

Joining in! I really enjoyed your Dopey recap and hope scheduling and my knees will get me there some January.

I LOL'ed at your description of your son's "podcast you didn't pick"! I drive my 16-yr-old son to school in the morning, and when he's in a good mood, he does the same thing. I've learned to shut up and ask the occasional question to keep him going -- and now know more about basketball shoes, Chance the Rapper, fantasy football, etc than I ever needed to know. Meanwhile my husband wonders why he "doesn't connect" with him much. So when boys want to talk, I'll listen.
I have been debating since yesterday about whether or not to write a recap on this weekend's race. It did not go how I wanted it to and am down right depressed about it. Not so much with my time. Just that I did not run the race that I had wanted to run.

I feel like this trip was doomed from the beginning. Friday when DH got home from work I went out for a run. About a mile in DH texted me that DS2 had a fever. I knew he wasn't looking good earlier and kinda suspected something was up. DH was freaking out over getting the fever and dropping the kids off at his parents and packing the car so I decided to just go home after only a mile. I gave DS tylenol, talked to the in laws and we decided to go ahead with the trip. So we packed up the car with our two oldest DSs and left. NOLA is 8 hours from us so we decided to stay the night in Mobile.

We got up early the next day and drove the 2 hours to NOLA. I was so excited to be there but was so overwhelmed by all the people. We didn't know where to start. We drove by Cafe Du Monde and the line was down the block. So we decided to park the car in a parking garage and head to the National WWII museum. As we were walking it started to rain. That meant the museum was P-A-C-K-E-D. I mean ridiculously packed. We pushed our way through the crowd for a couple hours and then decided to head somewhere else.

It was pouring by this time so we hopped in a taxi and went to Felix's for a late lunch/ early dinner. When we got there there was a line. We ended up waiting about 15 minutes but it was worth it. The food was sooooo good! Thanks @ZellyB for the recommendation, it was one of the highlights from the trip. We had alligator as an appetizer and then I had shrimp.

After eating we were cold, wet and tired so we headed back to the car and headed to the hotel. On the way we went back by Cafe Du Monde and the line was still around the block in the rain. I was determined to go there now! A couple hours passed and the rain finally stopped and we were feeling recharged so we headed back.

On the way back to downtown NOLA we decided to get our race bibs. They were originally going to be at the Louis Armstrong park but because of the rain they had moved it to the Hyatt. So I ran in and grabbed everyone's bib. I was running the half and DH and both DSs were running the 5k.

After getting the bibs we parked closer to Cafe Du Monde. We went straight there. The line was much more reasonable. 20 minutes later we were almost at the front when we saw a sign that said cash only. Are you kidding me! I really wish they would have had that sign up so we could have known before getting in line. I just don't carry cash, probably a bad habit but it burns holes in my pockets.

From there we walked around the city going into various shops. We saw a couple wedding parties go by with jazz bands. And we found our bank with an ATM! So we headed back to Cafe Du Monde. Finally, I was going to have some beignets.

Here is a window that looks into the kitchen

Mmmmmm so good!!
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We sat down and ate our beignets right outside of the cafe. They were delicious! Thanks @roxymama!!

By that time it was late and we had to be up early to run so we went back to the hotel for the night.

Race recap next post...​
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Oh no! So sorry to hear that things got off to such a rough start. :( And sorry as well to hear the race wasn't all you hoped for. I'm very happy that Felix's was good for you though and that even though you had to wait that you got to experience Café Du Monde. NOLA can be insane when it's really crowded and so it stinks that you weren't able to have a better start. Hopefully DS2 is better now. I'm anxious to hear about the race. Your boys enjoying beignets is perfection though. And now I want a beignet!!
Joining in! I really enjoyed your Dopey recap and hope scheduling and my knees will get me there some January.

I LOL'ed at your description of your son's "podcast you didn't pick"! I drive my 16-yr-old son to school in the morning, and when he's in a good mood, he does the same thing. I've learned to shut up and ask the occasional question to keep him going -- and now know more about basketball shoes, Chance the Rapper, fantasy football, etc than I ever needed to know. Meanwhile my husband wonders why he "doesn't connect" with him much. So when boys want to talk, I'll listen.

Thanks for joining in! Marathon weekend was the best, I hope you get to experience it one day :)

I love that your son tells you about the things he is interested in too. It may seem like trivial subjects but I know it means the world to them. And I will always listen too because one day I know I am going to miss it.
NOLA can be insane when it's really crowded
YES! There were million things going on this weekend. The race, a bourbon festival, Tennessee Williams Literary Festival to name a few so it was crowded.

Hopefully DS2 is better now.
He is much better now, the in laws said his fever didn't come back after the Tylenol. So I felt better about leaving him once I heard that. Thanks for asking :)
Some background on this race, is it was a new location for a racing series call Best Damn Race. They are in a couple cities in FL but are branching out. We have done two of their races in Jacksonville before. They use to do registration blitzes where the first 10 people get in for $1. I was lucky enough to be one of those 10 people this time.

The race was starting at 7:30am, so we were up at 5:30am. We got ready and headed to Louis Armstrong park. I was feeling nervous about running this half. Mainly because I had not run a half since November. It felt like ages. I also knew that it was going to be hot and sunny with highs nearing 80 at the end of the race.

I wanted to give it my all and go for a PR. Looking at the 5k and 10k PRs I had recently gotten it wasn't going to out of the question to get at least a 5 minute PR. But I had my eye on 2:45. The plan was going to try to run an even 12:30 pace. Thinking back on it I don't know why I choose this strategy. I had been doing well with starting slower and then going faster as the race went on. I think I am still trying to find the line of going out too fast and going out too slow.

We found parking without a problem, pinned on our bibs and walked to the starting area. I got in the porta potty line and then went to warm up. DH and DSs warmed up with me. We stopped for a picture.
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I said goodbye to the boys and headed for the 12:30 flag.

They counted us down and we were off.

Here is a look at the course
Right out of the gate there were soooooo many people passing me. I was kinda shocked because of where I put myself at the start. It was making me even more nervous. I kept telling myself to run my own race and not go out too fast. Then the 2:50 pacer reached me. I couldn't believe it. Was I really going that slow? My watch was telling me 12:30 on the dot so what was up. So the whole first mile I was doing math in my head. Was I wrong about what pace I needed to be at? I hadn't done the math lately but I was pretty sure I was right when I had done it before. Running math was proving to be hard but I was still coming up with what I was running the right pace. The group was doing a 4-1 so I kept leapfrogging them. Then I heard a guy say is that the 2:50 pace group to his wife, she said yes and then he said they are going really fast. THANK YOU!!! I knew I wasn't crazy. After mile 2 I finally lost them.

I was keeping pace doing well. It was starting to heat up. I came up on the first aid station and took a few bits out of my Cliff bar and then grabbed what they said was Gatorade. I immediately yelled out NOPE. It wasn't gatorade at all it was NUUN. I should have known better because NUUN was the event sponsor. I am not a fan. I threw it out and grabbed a water. I kept on. We were running in the downtown area at this point. The buildings were nice for shade but it was a bit boring so I decided to pull out my earbuds. My stomach started to hurt but I was doing well.

We were going into the Garden Districts. There were lots of trees lining the route but it was still getting hot. At mile 6 there was another aid station. I grabbed water and stopped for a minute. My stomach still wasn't feeling good so I was trying to think of my next move. I ultimately decided it was something that would go away and pushed on. I was almost to the turn around. And more than halfway! Mile 8 came and went and then it was time to turn around. Less than 5 miles to go. I was extremely hot at this point. The houses were so pretty in this part of town so I tried to tell myself to make sure to take it all in. Where was half marathon bingo when I needed it?

I came up on the mile 9 aid station and stopped again. My stomach still wasn't right. I decided not to eat anything else because I didn't think putting more carbs into my system was going to help. I pushed through again. I was still doing pretty good. I was keeping pretty close to pace, I might have dropped a little from all the stopping. Then I saw a gift from God, one of the homeowners was standing out on the street with a hose!!! He was spraying everyone and It felt sooo good to run through that water. After that all I could think about was the drink waiting for me at the end. I knew that they wouldn't have sports drinks because of NUUN being their sponsor so I texted DH and asked him to find me a blue Powerade.

Mile 11 yes!! only 2.1 to go I was so close but still so far away. Then I broke down. My stomach was not going to cooperate anymore. I had passed all of the aid stations for awhile so I ran into a nearby bar. When I came out I felt like I had failed. I decided to walk for a bit. I was convinced any hope for a PR was dashed now. I wasn't thinking straight because if I would have kept up the pace I would have still gotten a PR. Then the 2:50 pacer from earlier passed me. That was a huge blow. I briefly thought about joining them but I didn't like the interval they were doing. I decided to run when I could and walk when I wanted to. Did I mention I was hot? Feeling down on myself I started to think about Darkside and why I wanted to run that race because it was going to probably be even hotter than this race. I passed through the last water stop before mile 12. We were back in the downtown area with building shade. I decided to run the shade, walk the sun. But I told myself I wasn't going to do a give up walk but a power walk. I was watching my pace on my watch and I was at 16:05. I have never walked that fast in my life. DH knew I was struggling and called me to ask where I was. I couldn't even think about that. I was just putting one foot in front of the other.

Half a mile left! I could see the park! Then DH and DSs appeared with blue Powerade :littleangel: They came up next to me and walked with me for a bit. I was looking at my watch and I noticed that I was going to be close to my PR. I decided to just go for it. I sprinted that last .3 miles to the finish. I knew by the clock when I crossed the line that I had barely missed my PR. I grabbed my medal and water and found a spot in the shade. My family found me and I finished the rest of the blue Powerade. When I felt better, I went to the food tents grabbed a banana and a Coke and we headed for the car. We needed to get back to the room to shower before check out time.

I told DH all about the race in the car on the way back to the hotel. I was so upset with myself for how things went. I was just rehashing it over and over again. DH dropped me and DS10 at the front door of the hotel. We walk to our room and DS10 started talking to me about the race and then he said to me, Well mom at least you finished. I knew he was right. I did finish. For as much as I wanted to give up because it didn't go my way I didn't. Kids have the best perspective sometimes.

Here are our medals, mine is as big as my hand. They really did a good job with them.​


Writing this recap has helped me realize that the race was not as bad as I thought. My official time was 2:57:08. So I missed my PR by 1:01. I am kinda bummed that I was so upset about missing my goal time that I gave up. I really would have been happy with any PR and I lost sight of that. According to Garmin my moving time was 2:51:00 so I know I have a PR in me. The first 10 miles of the race was a PR for that distance, taking 5 minutes off my last 10 miler in October. Thinking back on my racing history I have never had a bad race like this so I guess I was bound to have it happen sometime. The biggest thing I have learned from this is that I need to work on my racing strategy and that destination races are fun but hard to pull off when you want to do/eat it all :(

Thanks for reading my long recap :)
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I'm sorry your race didn't go as you had hoped, but you are clearly raising up some good kiddos b/c your DS is right! Finishing a half is always something to be proud of!

Also, tummy troubles suck. Sorry. :(

I know you have a big PR in you, so I'm excited to keep reading along! :D
I'm sorry that things didn't go the way you wanted. I'm someone who beats myself up over little things so I know where you are coming from. Hopefully, with a little more time you will remember that it was tough but you still had a good finish, maybe not the one you wanted but only being off by a minute is pretty damn good for how badly things were going. Thanks for sharing your honest feelings and showing that not every race is perfect. I love the medal and being able to do a destination race with you family had to be pretty cool! I hate overwhelming crowds but it sounds like you guys made the best of things and were still able to enjoy some good food. Looking forward to hearing about your next adventure.
Then the 2:50 pacer reached me.
:confused3This is one reason pacers confuse me. Isn't it supposed to be and EVEN pace, and that's when you'd finish? Or...start out too fast, walk for EV er and then book it to the end? :(

I immediately yelled out NOPE. It wasn't gatorade at all it was NUUN.
:crazy2: LOL :rotfl:I can just picture this. Also, to quote DS3, "YUCKO"

We were going into the Garden Districts
The houses were so pretty in this part of town
I didn't even ask the route before, based on that map and these descriptions, you ran through some of my FAVORITE parts of NOLA :lovestruc

Feeling down on myself I started to think about Darkside and why I wanted to run that race because it was going to probably be even hotter than this race.
That race starts earlier, even though it's a month later...so there's "hope" that it won't be the same way..plus familiar landscape (whatever that dang route is) might help too, and always more exciting at a rD race!! :dancer:

! Then DH and DSs appeared with blue Powerade :littleangel: They came up next to me and walked with me for a bit.
:love::love::love: This is the best.

You did an awesome job!! I have always had a worse time running even early morning anywhere along the gulf coast. When I lived in Biloxi (Keesler Air Force Base), it was "the wall of nasty" every morning for our walk to the schoolhouse, and then the walk back, THEN the runs for PT... we did a USMC race too and that was really really nasty lol. So great job! And awesome medals!!:joker: (that's kind of a Mardi Gras joker guy. Right?)
I know you are disappointed in the race and I understand that, but it sounds to me like you did really well in tough racing conditions (80 degrees YUCK) and with stomach troubles too. And you were only off your PR by the smallest amount even with what felt like a really bad race. So, think about that. Your next half in better conditions and you feeling well? You'll kill that PR. You absolutely have that in you!!

That medal is insanely awesome. I love it. And running through the Garden District? Heaven. I may have to put this race on my bucket list.
Your son is wise, you finished! Glad to hear your son wasn't any sicker. Congrats on getting through a tough one. I got thrown at a local half when the drink on course was something that was really gross, I had never had it and it was just so bad so went to only water, which then like you probably were, were lacking getting electrolytes in like you normally would if you had powerade/gatorade that your use to. HOpefully the force will be with you at Darkside for that PR!
I went to college for a while at Tulane, and although it wasn't the school for me, I loved living in NO. Sounds like a great course.

Sorry that your stomach didn't cooperate during the race. I think lousy races make the good races even more sweet.
So take this for what it's worth:

Your recent 5k PR (36:34) equals a 2:49 HM.
Your recent 10k PR (1:15:38) equals a 2:48 HM.

So when you set your HM goal time of 2:45, you weren't just trying to beat your HM PR, but also your race equivalent 5k and 10k PRs. AND at 80 degrees! For most people this would be race suicide.

AND YET, in my opinion you absolutely crushed it! Because those 5k and 10k PRs were a 12:38 and 12:42 min/mile for a 10 mile race. Let that sink in... You just ran faster than 10 mile race pace for nearly 13.1 miles in 80 degrees. You shouldn't be disappointed. You should realize you did crush this race. Sometimes our noodle gets in the way and confuses us. My best advice (and a lesson I've learned many many times) is to try and stay as positive the whole race. No matter what happens keep the positivity flowing because positivity has been shown to decrease the perception of effort. It makes a harder race "feel" easier. So just take this race as a learning lesson and move on. You've got plenty of good races coming in your near future! ::yes:: Still one of the strongest runners I've ever met. :cool2:
Congrats on your finish despite how you felt it went! You should be so proud.
Thanks :) I think I am slowing coming around to seeing the good in the race and being proud of what I did.

I know you have a big PR in you, so I'm excited to keep reading along! :D
I think so too. Thanks for your encouragement! I can't wait for the day that I get to post that I hit that PR :teeth:

I'm someone who beats myself up over little things so I know where you are coming from.
Yes I am my own worst enemy.

Thanks for sharing your honest feelings and showing that not every race is perfect.
It was definitely hard and somewhat embarrassing but I don't want to skip over the bad stuff because of that. I know others can learn from my mistakes. Also the encouragement I got from everybody was overwhelming and it has started to change how I felt about the race.

:confused3This is one reason pacers confuse me. Isn't it supposed to be and EVEN pace
It is suppose to be even that's why it baffled me too.

I didn't even ask the route before, based on that map and these descriptions, you ran through some of my FAVORITE parts of NOLA :lovestruc
It was so beautiful there I wish I would have gone down there on my own to explore, maybe next time when I don't have somewhere to be :)

That race starts earlier, even though it's a month later...so there's "hope" that it won't be the same way
yes, maybe a New Hope :rotfl2: I had the same thoughts, earlier start AND familiar territory is going to help A LOT. Plus Disney.

:love::love::love: This is the best.
It was wasn't it!! The lady next to me turned to DH and said my husband is going to hate you. Mike says why? She says because you just made him look really bad :rotfl:

You did an awesome job!!

Your next half in better conditions and you feeling well? You'll kill that PR. You absolutely have that in you!!
This is what I keep telling myself, I have learned my mistakes and next time I am going to crush it!! Thank you for encouragement :)

That medal is insanely awesome. I love it. And running through the Garden District? Heaven. I may have to put this race on my bucket list.
You should definitely put it on your bucket list. They run a great race. The after party always has the best food too. In Jax we got pizza, this time it was Jambalaya and free beer.

Your son is wise, you finished!
He really was, I am so grateful he said that. I realized he was right and that I had showed him to never give up.

I had never had it and it was just so bad so went to only water, which then like you probably were
I think you are right. I don't want to carry my own water/drink but I think I might need to from now on. I might be able to get away with not carrying at Disney because they have Powerade but not the smaller races.

HOpefully the force will be with you at Darkside for that PR!

Sounds like a great course.
It was a pretty nice course. I am glad it took us out of the downtown area so I could see more of the city.

I think lousy races make the good races even more sweet.
You speak the truth :) They can't all be good and this experience will make the next one even better.

So take this for what it's worth:

Your recent 5k PR (36:34) equals a 2:49 HM.
Your recent 10k PR (1:15:38) equals a 2:48 HM.

So when you set your HM goal time of 2:45, you weren't just trying to beat your HM PR, but also your race equivalent 5k and 10k PRs. AND at 80 degrees! For most people this would be race suicide.

AND YET, in my opinion you absolutely crushed it! Because those 5k and 10k PRs were a 12:38 and 12:42 min/mile for a 10 mile race. Let that sink in... You just ran faster than 10 mile race pace for nearly 13.1 miles in 80 degrees. You shouldn't be disappointed. You should realize you did crush this race. Sometimes our noodle gets in the way and confuses us. My best advice (and a lesson I've learned many many times) is to try and stay as positive the whole race. No matter what happens keep the positivity flowing because positivity has been shown to decrease the perception of effort. It makes a harder race "feel" easier. So just take this race as a learning lesson and move on. You've got plenty of good races coming in your near future! ::yes:: Still one of the strongest runners I've ever met. :cool2:

Well since you put it that way, I guess it went OK :teeth: At the time I had it stuck in my head that I still had so far to go but looking back at the splits I realized I was maintaining a pretty steady pace until mile 11. That is something I should be happy with. Once the negativity got into my brain it was so hard to see what I was actually doing. Hopefully that lesson is learned. Thanks for helping me put it in perspective.

I wanted to say Thank You to everyone again for all of your kind, encouraging words. I was so down on myself after this race and you guys really helped me get past that and see the good in this race. :grouphug:

Last night I had a phone conversation that really lit a fire under me. I have been running for almost a year now and with marathon weekend registration coming up I was thinking of running the marathon in 2017. I told DH that I wanted to run it by myself (he is my loyal running partner) to prove to myself that I am strong enough to do this. So when I told my parents last night that I was going to do it my dad said that's impossible. I asked why it is impossible people run them all the time. He then told me it was not impossible just impossible for me... Thanks Dad :sad1: But I am not going to cry about it I am going to use it as inspiration. I am going to prove him wrong and run the marathon. I am going to use this journal as a way to hold myself accountable during the next 9 months. Please join along and feel free to comment.

Well done!
I have seen you recommend Tailwind to some other people on here and I was wondering if you use it?

I ordered the sample pack from Amazon after reading the recommendation on the running thread. It just came today so I haven't used it yet but I bought it for my half training so I'm excited to see if I notice a difference on the long runs. Interested to hear what other people have to say about it.


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