If the flattening isn't working is it time to face reality?

For those who still think this is comparable to the multitude of risks we all share in life, I'd like to crowd fund you a week long trip to the outskirts of Milan to visit a different hospital and its town each day. Let us know all the ways this compares firsthand.

For me, I'm off to work now. Down to Clifton and Jersey City which is quickly becoming the hardest hit area in the US. Please wish me well and I will do the same for you, always :) <3
35,000 people died of the flu last year and nobody batted an eye. What about their lives? Why were we not doing more to prevent those deaths? I mean since we are so concerned about money over lives and all...

Your doctor doesn't strongly urge you to get a flu shot to help protect you every year? Have you never wondered why some stores have signs up for months regarding flu shots being available? Are you completely unaware a vaccine against influenza is produced yearly in an effort to reduce people either contracting the flu, or potentially reducing the effects should they get it? Are you unaware that if you get the flu and are in the very early stages when diagnosed you can potentially receive an anti viral known as Tamiflu to hopefully shorten the duration and lessen the effects?

We are an indeterminate amount of time away from potential vaccine or anti virals being ready for distribution for covid-19.
35,000 people died of the flu last year and nobody batted an eye. What about their lives? Why were we not doing more to prevent those deaths? I mean since we are so concerned about money over lives and all...
There is a flu vaccine. The flu isn't as contagious as this. The flu isn't as deadly as this. Flu patients don't overwhelm hospital systems.
And what % of people get flu shots? probably pretty low. And remember it’s a different strain every year.
Further, I am getting the sense that either some people cannot think this through logically, or they have a vested interest in seeing the economy tank:scratchin using the “fear” of coronavirus as a handy excuse.
Or maybe they are thinking very logically and have come to different conclusions? Does that make your list of possibilities?
Your doctor doesn't strongly urge you to get a flu shot to help protect you every year? Have you never wondered why some stores have signs up for months regarding flu shots being available? Are you completely unaware a vaccine against influenza is produced yearly in an effort to reduce people either contracting the flu, or potentially reducing the effects should they get it? Are you unaware that if you get the flu and are in the very early stages when diagnosed you can potentially receive an anti viral known as Tamiflu to hopefully shorten the duration and lessen the effects?

We are an indeterminate amount of time away from potential vaccine or anti virals being ready for distribution for covid-19.
Everything you said is true but yet a huge number of people die from the flu each year. Should we as a country tank our economy each winter to lessen this number?
Just incase anyone is contemplating this, the answer is no.
It seems the government and most states are on the right track to help provide for everyone in order to prevent financial ruin. The latest federal bill provides 100% unemployment insurance, meaning 100% of the salary you were making if you lose your job, for 4 months and can continue to receive your current health benefits. They are going to be providing stimulus checks, likely as long as necessary. Most mortgages are going to allow freezing of payments.

It seems the protect the economy at all costs group is ignoring these measures.

Let's hope there can be agreement.
In the meantime there is nothing wrong with the powers that be coming up with a plan that allows our country to get back up and running. The fact is that those things will still have to be paid for.
And what % of people get flu shots? probably pretty low. And remember it’s a different strain every year.

"Probably" -- why should I accept your guess?

Do people have access to influenza vaccines and anti virals, as in do such things actually exist?

Is a new influenza vaccine produced yearly in an attempt to cover the strains that might be circulating each year?
Just chiming in to say honestly, my life hasn't changed all that much. :rotfl:

I'm actually enjoying working at home everyday and apparently my social life wasn't as hopping as I thought because I don't miss anything yet. We still get out for long walks everyday.

I think it's easier to do this in the city as I still can look out the window and see everything around, hear/see neighbors right next door in their yards, see the cars that are still out and no feeling of isolation at all.

I do hope flattening the curve works sooner rather than later, because everyone's job will be in danger the longer this goes on.
There is a flu vaccine. The flu isn't as contagious as this. The flu isn't as deadly as this. Flu patients don't overwhelm hospital systems.

Not just a vaccine (which to be fair doesn’t cover all possible strains), but also proven anti-vitals.

There is neither yet for this SARS-COV-2 virus, and that is the reason for going through such lengths. If we had either one, we can start relaxing things. But, an FDA approved vaccine, even if it’s fast tracked, won’t happen for a while.
35,000 people died of the flu last year and nobody batted an eye. What about their lives? Why were we not doing more to prevent those deaths? I mean since we are so concerned about money over lives and all...

Ok, the difference is they mainly just died. Only 1.5 percent of flu cases are hospitalized. For this virus 20 percent of those that are positive get hospitalized and not just for a day but for a week or more. Then I can't find the figures, maybe someone can, but 1 -2 percent of those infected need ICU with breathing assistance. Then, Covid seems to be much more contagious to medical personnel. I've seen much higher numbers of those treating this virus need to be hospitalized and some have died. This virus affects the entire healthcare system more than the flu. That is the concern. Also, it is looking like many of those that get this illness have lung issues as a consequence.. Whether that function comes back, we do not know. But that is why everyone is so upset about the virus. It is about more than a death rate. If people just died without passing it on to others or requiring such a big amount of resources to treat, it probably would be more like car accidents or the regular flu. Plus, with the flu as others have mentioned, we do have vaccinations for it, so you can DO something to prevent it to a certain extent.
What blows my mind about this outbreak is how economically focused people are. The reality is that this is bad. We didn’t prepare for it. And now it’s going to bite us. If we would have spent some money preparing for this, the economy would be in a better spot. Now, we have to deal with the consequences of not spending enough.

But we can defend our country against nukes. Gotta love Bill Gates.
Ok probably 99.9% of people get flu shots every year.

in Fantasyland,

I'm confused, is the number of people who receive flu shots yearly "pretty low" or 99.9%, which I would characterize as a pretty high statistic? Perhaps you're denying the existence of an influenza vaccine altogether?

Fantasyland is closed. I thought that was well known info on a Disney centric board.
There is neither yet for this SARS-COV-2 virus, and that is the reason for going through such lengths. If we had either one, we can start relaxing things. But, an FDA approved vaccine, even if it’s fast tracked, won’t happen for a while.
That's what worries me. Are we expected to stay in this "semi lockdown" state until a vaccine is available and out in the public in great numbers? Personally, I don't think we can wait until 2021 to get "back to normal". Do I think it should happen next week? No. But 2021 isn't realistic either.
Let's hope there can be agreement.
In the meantime there is nothing wrong with the powers that be coming up with a plan that allows our country to get back up and running. The fact is that those things will still have to be paid for.
Sure, but if the plan doesn't include the advice of experts like Dr Fauci, then it's probably going to make the economy and public health worse. Just opening everything back up in a week isn't going to do the economy any good.


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