If staying on site, how do you get to park entrances? Esp. if you have an ECV or wheelchair?


DIS Veteran
Feb 28, 2000
I think I read that you have to take a Ferry boat from the hotels. Is this true? Do the ECVs and wheelchairs roll on with no problem? Anyone know? What about Hard Rock, do you still have to take a Ferry to entrances to Universal?
Bump for Puffy.


If you are in a wheelchair, I expect attendants will help you into the motor boat that goes between the resorts and CityWalk. I don't know about ECVs; they might be a bit too heavy to lift in and out of the boat.

The Hard Rock is VERY close to the parks and should be a breeze in an ECV. Even Portofino isn't that far.I

Kelly Monaghan
Author of "Universal Studios Escape: The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Theme Park Adventure"Ã
Kelly, Are you saying that there is a walkway to the park entrances ? In other words, a person in an ECV wouldn't HAVE to use the waterway?
Guests using an ECV or wheelchair can get from the on-site hotels to either of the two theme parks or Citywalk by using any of the following methods:

Walkway: Very scenic - although would be a bit of a hike from the Portofino. From Hard Rock to USF this would be the quickest.

Boat launches: All the Universal Orlando Resort boats are fully accessible. There are ramps to the docks - plus the deck of the boats are at the same level as the dock. Super Easy!

Resort busses: The resort busses do have a bus with a lift always running. Although, the busses will drop you off at the parking hub - which is a bit far away.

I would recommend using the boat launches. If you are staying at the HRH and going to USF - then just use the walkway to the parks. Don't forget that the entrances to both theme parks are less than 200 yards from each other!

Have a great time


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