If RCID is dissolved, what happens with DVC?

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See, I'm not sure that this is entirely accurate. It could be, but it doesn't "feel" as if that is the whole story. States, Counties, and Municipalities create special tax environments, zones, and incentives for businesses all the time, so in theory, that can work both ways. I don't think it is a forgone conclusion that any increased debts or operating expenses will automatically be borne by all taxpayers within the counties.

I don't know. Where I live the operating expenses of the city and the county are born by all.....the tax rate is set to cover the expenses that are needed for all services.

If RCID is collecting the money from Disney and that is what is used to provide certain things that would have been part of the county, then when that is what will need to be charged to taxpayers as they will not be providing the service.

Right now, Disney pays the whole bill because they are the only ones part of RCID. So, in that sense, I do think that any services that the county has to provide that they are not providing now, will need to be born by all.

It is obviously much more complex than this but the 'mil rate' that is used, at least how I understand it, is based on the actual expenses and then applied based on the assessed values of properties.
The piece is that once Orange County has to absorb all of those costs, technically, their expenses will go up and that could, in turn, raise the rate that each resident is charged. So, it is possible that everyone sees a change if no new type of agreement is made.

What they can't do though is to just charge DIsney...it has to be spread to everyone...now, it is not...RCID and Disney are the only players.
It's safe to assume nobody has any data on how much of that captured tax base Orange county has been collecting from Disney was actually put into their roads and infrastructure, correct?

I'm thinking if Disney has been buying their own roads, without changing tax rates Orange county just inherited a bunch more roadway to maintain (along with any other infrastructure) - but now the family who used to have to argue to get their road redone every 5 years has to start sharing that money with Disney... ouch.

Plus I read that if they actually disband RCID, not only does Orange/Osceola inherit all that debt, but if they reincorporated technically the "new RCID" would have to vote to approve taking over the debt going forward. Talk about a huge mess to create just to prove you can bully a company.
Without knowing much about this at all, I don’t like it. Why poke the big bear that is Disney? Now, you have politicians and a massive massive corporation seemingly at war with each other. In those situations, I usually find that “we” end up being the losers. I hope that’s not the case.
Because County can't just single out Disney, and it's not that simple.

Disney needs to be taxed at same rate as any other entity in the same classification. The taxable value of Disney would have to be reassessed once RCID is no more, and the last time the County Assessor tried to apply new and unique criteria to Disney, it lost in court. (Not exactly apples to apples, but property taxes are complicated and disputes often end up in court).
Tongue in cheek, glad I don’t have to find multiple real estate comps for WDW…even U & SW are of apples to oranges

No worries from me, it’s going to be tied up in litigation for so long, they certainly have time to for the tides to shift again in their favor.

being such a large employer. you’d think their employees would vote with their wallets.
Without knowing much about this at all, I don’t like it. Why poke the big bear that is Disney? Now, you have politicians and a massive massive corporation seemingly at war with each other. In those situations, I usually find that “we” end up being the losers. I hope that’s not the case.
Surely we will be the losers. Maybe Chapek will give us a livestream tour of his next new yacht or mansion to try to ease the pain.
Exactly, it's not a comparison among equals. So many resorts, plus the golf courses, and areas in between like crescent lake, etc. That takes a lot more infrastructure management. It's not just roads and signs; there are solar farms, waste management, infrastructure related to pest control (Disney does a lot of innovative things to keep the mosquito population down, for instance). WDW is just huge, UO is more skin to Disneyland plus a water park. But essentially, two theme parks and some adjacent hotels. Not a lot of land and infrastructure to manage. The counties aren't going to go the extra mile on any such things. Disney can work it with them, perhaps, to keep doing some stuff on their own, but we don't know the financial impact of any of it.

This is why, as a DVC owner and Floridian, I would advocate both the government and Disney to proceed carefully and calculate everything. I don't like my government ruling by vengeance, there are many financial interests at stake. Hopefully the impact to WDW can be minimized within the next year or so before RCID expires. I would think Disney would put their best lawyers and lobbyists on the case.
Wait does Disney own the property or does it belong to the municipalities? If Disney owns the 27K acres or whatever encompasses WDW why would the municipality be responsible for its roads and signs beyond getting folks from the state routes onto the property? As far as infrastructure wouldn't the property owners be responsible for the costs associated with their project as would any other prospective business? This is convoluted because of the sheer size of the property but I don't believe a municipality would or should be on the hook for all the things mentioned above
Maybe this has already been covered , but I read for the special district to be eliminated , the district itself has to agree , is this incorrect ?
RCID exists to allow Disney ... . ...
What does this mean for DVC? Probably nothing. Until Orange County steps up and says that this is a good thing for them, and not (as we expect) a major headache for them, I don't see this as happening.
It is happening. The Florida house just passed it and as I type this, t is on its way to Governor DeSantis for signature.
Wait does Disney own the property or does it belong to the municipalities? If Disney owns the 27K acres or whatever encompasses WDW why would the municipality be responsible for its roads and signs beyond getting folks from the state routes onto the property? As far as infrastructure wouldn't the property owners be responsible for the costs associated with their project as would any other prospective business? This is convoluted because of the sheer size of the property but I don't believe a municipality would or should be on the hook for all the things mentioned above
yes. Disney would still be responsible for maintaining their property. Think of it like your driveway. The government doesn't pay to maintain your driveway. The roads on Disney property are like their driveway. They will continue to have to maintain those.
Wait does Disney own the property or does it belong to the municipalities? If Disney owns the 27K acres or whatever encompasses WDW why would the municipality be responsible for its roads and signs beyond getting folks from the state routes onto the property? As far as infrastructure wouldn't the property owners be responsible for the costs associated with their project as would any other prospective business? This is convoluted because of the sheer size of the property but I don't believe a municipality would or should be on the hook for all the things mentioned above
They are public roadways, Disney has been maintaining them. It's like if you owned two lots across the street from eachother at that point. The road is maintained by the county (or some cases a larger city)
Private roads and residential roads are maintained by the property owners.
Without knowing much about this at all, I don’t like it. Why poke the big bear that is Disney? Now, you have politicians and a massive massive corporation seemingly at war with each other. In those situations, I usually find that “we” end up being the losers. I hope that’s not the case.

Seems like Disney poked the big bear, not the other way around. Now they are on the receiving end. Maybe they will think before acting next time.
<snip> Talk about a huge mess to create just to prove you can bully a company. <snip>

With all due respect, and politics aside, it is convenient to neglect the fact that the FL governor nor the FL legislature started any of this. 'This' wasn't even on anybody's radar screen. At ALL. Disney did this to themselves. That is a statement of historical fact.
You keep saying this, but it's really not so simple. If it was, they would have asked for RCID to be repealed themselves.

Um actually I was the one that said why doesn't orange county just charge WDW what they (WDW) are currently paying, $105 Million.

But have been corrected multiple times that Orange County can't do that. And that Orange County is already charging them the tax rate for those services.

Therefore it seems obvious that WDW will now get those services from OC, so that will save them the $105 M.
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