If I need urgent care for an eye issue, which would you recommend near WDW?


Parsing the same ee cummings poem for 20 years
Mar 22, 2001
I am here at WDW. Great trip!
I’m managing an autoimmune blistering disease with both Bullous pemphigoid and mucus membrane pemphigoid.

So far the MMP has not spread to my eyes, but I woke up this morning with my eye bright red and stuck shut. I’m giving it till tomorrow with drops, but I may need to get medical care for steroid drops if it doesn’t clear.
Out of the range of options in a drive distance (we have a car), does anyone have a recommendation for an urgent care for ocular issues?
Most urgent cares deal with things like needing stitches or testing for strep throat.
For a possible eye problem I would be going to the ER as they can either have an ophthalmologist come in or at least contact one affiliated with the hospital and request that you have a walk in emergency visit.
If you go to an urgent care for this you are likely going to waste time and have them tell you to go to the ER anyways.
we are offsite at the Vistana, after a couple of days at AKL.
I think the suggestion just to bite the bullet and go to an ER is probably wise.
I will probably have to go ask the Vistana staff which one! 20 years ago our DS had to be hospitalized overnight after Universal served him something with tree nuts by accident. It was Sand Lake hospital then, but there now seem to be a lot of contenders. I’m really hoping the eye calms down till I get home.
Maybe call your own eye doctor and see if they can write a prescription to a national chain of pharmacies (Walgreens, CVS) and then you can pick up the prescription.

Tagging on to this idea, I know for sure that CVS has local delivery, and I believe most Walgreens do as well; if your hometown eye doctor can call it to a local (at home) CVS or Walgreens, you can call and ask the Orlando location to fill the prescription, and have it delivered.

I know that Turner Drug fills orders and delivers to local hotels, but I don't know if your hometown doctor could just call the prescription directly to them or not.
Maybe call your own eye doctor and see if they can write a prescription to a national chain of pharmacies (Walgreens, CVS) and then you can pick up the prescription.
Also a great idea to get a scrip called in. The pemphigoid doc is a dermatology specialist in Philly with next available appointments in October, so the idea of trying to call the practice simply did not occur. Since if the eye condition persists it is new, I have no idea if he would prescribe without being seen. But it is worth the call, that is for sure.
I know you stated that you were staying offsite, but if you ever need urgent care while on Disney property, first aid will get you to the shuttle that takes you to one of the urgent cares nearby. They will also take you by ambulance to the ER! (Yes, two "rides" at Disney I hope I never have to do again) They never billed me for the ambulance.
I can recommend P. Philips hospital and ER.

I ended up spending 12 unplanned days/nights in their urgent care for a stomach issue. I lucked out getting a surgeon who didn’t rush to operate and gave it time to fix itself while I had an ng tube down my throat. His decision saved me from many weeks more recovery had cutting me open been his course of action. All the staff their were great.
I don't know if you're still there/still may need care, but the optometrist for the Orlando Magic (and the whole of the NBA when they were in the "bubble" at WDW) is in Winter Park, about a half hour drive away from the Vistana.
This is their website: https://www.performancevisioncenter.com (If you can't get over there or need something more "serious" maybe you could call and see if they have a local recommendation for you?)

Hopefully your eye is better and you don't need any of this info!


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