I wanna go to IOA! Help!


<font color=#FF0066>Future Belle on Broadway<br><f
Aug 30, 1999
Hi, I'm in Florida on the WDW college program right now, living at an apartment complex called Vista Way. I was supposed to get to go to Islands of Adventure before I return home on May 11th, but I've run into some complications. :(

I have a friend named Chris who works at MGM whose cousin works at IOA and was going to get me and my friend Jillian in for free. We were all set to go this Thursday, my last day off, when Chris tells me that his cousin has to used her free passes for some family and that she won't be able to come that day either. That means Jillian can't come because she can't afford it . Then last night he tells me that we won't be able to go at all because he won't have any transportation! His dad works, his mom has to stay home because they're selling the house, and he never learned to drive. :( Is there any way around this? Even local transportation so I could go by myself if I had to (I didn't bring a car)? Otherwise, my only hope is talking Jillian into spending the money because she does have a car. Any suggestions?? I'm really crushed...


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