I think the reviews about the Disney Wish are wrong

How can a review be wrong when it's an opinion. I did not like the Wish and I'm sticking to my opinion. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It needs some positive reviews.

I agree! Someone's feedback on a ship is just that THEIR feedback. No one is right or wrong. People want different things out of a cruise and that's where their opinions come from.

As for the OP's review, I didn't experience them but I may agree the kids clubs and family water areas are better. I traveled with my DH, no kids. And at this point in life if we travel with kids they are our adult kids. ;)

I agree the atrium is beautiful however that does not affect my enjoyment of a cruise.

I also agree the adult pool area is inferior on the Wish. I spend most days on the other ships (mostly now Dream and Fantasy) in the awesome adult pool/pool bar areas so this one affects my experience a lot.

I won't touch on every point but it just shows while I agree with a lot of the original review here, those opinions still have the Wish as MY least favorite. It all comes down to what you are looking for on the cruise. And I stand by it's a great ship for those with young kids or people who want to be totally immersed in Disney, not in the cruise experience, but I'm not in those demographics. :)
Cadillac Lounge is my favorite of all the ships … something doesn’t need to be inspired by theatrical IP to convey Disney magic IMO …
No it doesnt have to be IP. But still, its just couches shaped as car seats. For us it wasnt immersive. It felt like bars we would find at home.

In saying that we loved the bar for the piano player who was excellent.
How can a review be wrong when it's an opinion. I did not like the Wish and I'm sticking to my opinion. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It needs some positive reviews.
Definately a big subjective element to my and everyone reviews. What i loved others may hate. And there is no right or wrong in that.

However, in saying that, I think nostalgia is swinging the reviews too far to the negative that first timers need to account for when assesing the ship (simply because they dont have nostalgia for certain aspects of disney cruising that many who are writing the reviews do). The nostalgia aspects of a review arent wrong, but they only impact certain cruisers. If the wish was the orginal ship and the classic ships were the new ones I think (and this is just a guess not a statement of fact) that the Wish would have a lot more positive rating and may even be rated as the best ship by the majority. With time I think it will be viewed a lot more favourably.
Disney has a very loyal fanbase and until the Wish, they didn't do any drastic changes with their ships. Magic + Wonder and Dream + Fantasy are identical to each other and the Dream and Fantasy are basically beefed up versions of the Magic and Wonder. There was tons of familiarity.

However, Disney went a totally different direction with the Wish and I think a lot of the die hards had to adjust. And because Disney has such a passionate and loyal fanbase, you had people who didn't like the Wish because they loved the "old school" DCL so much.

Nothing wrong with that, but I think you're always going to have people who don't like the Wish because it's not a classic ship. It has definitely grown on me but I'm just waiting for new itineraries. Not ruling out the Treasure in 2025 or 2026 once the growing pains subside.
I nearly cancelled my Disney wish cruise based on all the negative reviews (I know many have) and I am so glad I didnt. Now I must point out the only other ship Ive been on is the Wonder which we loved. But in our view not only only does the Wish stand up relative to the Wonder but in our view is clearly superior. Here's why:

Kids club: the kids club is better themed and there is more to do on the Wish. Our kids often got bored on the Wonder kids club when there werent interesting activities on. On the Wish our kids never wanted to leave. Having a kids club the kids always want to be in massively improves holidays for families.

Atrium: when the early photos came out i thought the Wishs atrium looked cheap. But in person it looks much better and we actually preferred it to the wonder even if the Cinderella statue is creepy. But where the atrium on the Wish clearly wins is the light show at night with the perfectly choosen song from Cinderella. Its pure disney magic that there is no equivalent for on the wonder. Perfect ending to a night thatvwill make you happy to be alive. The victrophonics (who play in the atrium) were also superior to any of the non theatre entertainment on the Wonder. Unique disney interpretations that got all the kids dancing (and some adults).

Family Water area: disney wish wins. the split pools on the disney wish meant we sometimes had a pool on our own or with only one other family which made it more enjoyable. On the wonder it was always people soup in the main pool. Couldnt move. Had to keep telling the kids to not get in the way of others. The Aqua mouse is also a massive advantage over the wonder which has no waterslide for people over 10. And that one slide had a ridiculous queue all the time. It was a waste of time. However, If you timed it right you could sometimes ride the aqua mouse continuously without any need to queue or even climb stairs (on Castaway Cay morning you basically get the aqua mouse to yourself). The kids also really loved the cartoon skits on the aqua mouse. Me and my wife didnt get the appeal but the kids loved that aspect and after the 10th ride in a row they just wanted to keep going back for more.

Adults pool area. Disney wonder wins clearly. Its just way better on the wonder. Althhough we never used the adults pool areas on either ship so didnt impact us at all. Cruise pools just arent our jam due to lack of size.

Restaurants: this is close but again the Wish wins. The Arrendelle dinner show is amazing. Seriously this is disney magic at its peak. This isnt a show where the characters just sing a standard rendition of the Frozen songs. The renditions of the songs are all unique and amazing. Especially the violinists. You will also never guess which characters sing Let it go and its brilliant. I would pay money for a soundtrack of this. Im stunned people arent talking about this show more. We all had tears at one point. The equivalent Tiana restaurant show on the Wonder simply doesnt stand up in comparison. The music is just mostly background noise with Tiana singing a couple of songs. Admittedly the surprise finale after dinner is also peak disney magic on Tianas but it only last a couple of minutes. Animaters Plate on the Wonder is better then Marvel. If you like Marvel though you will enjoy the Marvel show. But animaters plate is clearly better and would work well on repeat where I cant see how the Marvel show does. Walts is better then Tritons. It feels sophisticated and the art work is amazing. Tritons looked cheap and has no disney magic at all. As for the food we could really not spot any difference in quality in any of the rotational restaurants across both ships. Its not great. But its not bad either. Adults restaurants better on the Wish cos you have an extra restaurant. And its more up market. Enchante dinner was great.

Adult drinking areas: here the wish clearly beats the wonder. Seriously the theming of adults areas on the Wonder is terrible. The Cadillac bar with seats that looks like parts of car is the best they can do on the Wonder for theming? Reallt? Just very little magic. The star wars lounge on the Wish however was great. I know a lot of people knock the decor but we liked it. People seem to forget that not everywhere on star wars looks like an industrial outpost dive bar. We felt it was completely immersive and we loved watching the space ship window. Drinks were unique and solid without being fantastic. We also loved the Rose and Nightingdales when the piano was on (although we thought the piano player on the Wonder was better). Both have some amazing drinks and great presentation. The sports pub and bayou were also better themed then the wonder equivalents. The wish adults areas did seem smaller but they were rarely full so it wasnt an issue for us.

Theatre shows: i will give it to the wonder just. But its very close. The goofy sea captain show on the wish is too short but it has a couple of absolute banger songs. Disney dream probably better cos theres more to it and we liked the integration of peter pan. Aladdin and frozen are line ball as the best shows on each ship. Little mermaid and golden mickeys are not as good but each have their moments.

The lack of walking track on the wish and the lack of feeling like you are on a ship: here is the biggest negative Ive read of the wish (along with the adult pool area). But on the shorter trips I dont think its that big a negative unless you have an addiction to outside jogging and cant stop for 2-3 days. Longer trips i can see it being more of a problem. Plus you can walk, there's just stairs. And there is a big plus to the wish walking track that no one is mentioning. You can walk to the front of the ship on the wish and the view is stunning. Both looking out to the ocean and then looking back at the front of the enormous ship. Some people complain you dont feel like you are on a ship on the wish. For me I didnt notice any difference with the Wonder at all in this regard and you never felt more that you were on a ship when you are standing outside at the very front on the Wish. I have a feeling if the older ships had this and then they took it away on the wish there would be a lot of complaints.

So am I wrong about the wish and the reviews are right? Probably to a certain degree as taste is subjective. However, I think nostalgia bias is weighing on a lot of the reviews. People overvalue the good things taken away and then undervalue the good new things they didnt previously have. Its just the way people are wired so we all have the same bias. If you are considering not going on the Wish because of the reviews then please reconsider. This doesnt mean the negatives of the wish arent negatives. But there are a number of things the wish does better (I havent even mentioned the pirate night show) and there are unique magical disney experiences on the Wish you dont get anywhere else that for some will make the Wish the best ship of all.

Solid Review, this type of opinion helps for our booking of a first time Disney Cruise!
Definately a big subjective element to my and everyone reviews. What i loved others may hate. And there is no right or wrong in that.

However, in saying that, I think nostalgia is swinging the reviews too far to the negative that first timers need to account for when assesing the ship (simply because they dont have nostalgia for certain aspects of disney cruising that many who are writing the reviews do). The nostalgia aspects of a review arent wrong, but they only impact certain cruisers. If the wish was the orginal ship and the classic ships were the new ones I think (and this is just a guess not a statement of fact) that the Wish would have a lot more positive rating and may even be rated as the best ship by the majority. With time I think it will be viewed a lot more favourably.

I disagree. I've cruised on other cruise lines just like many others on here that reviewed the Wish. I never expected the Wish to be like the Magic. I was hoping it would be better. There are things about the Magic I don't like either. My favorite ship isn't even a Disney ship. I know how I like a ship designed and the Wish certainly isn't it. I really don't think nostalgia had anything to with it. If it did you would have seen negative reviews on the Dream and Fantasy when they launched. The Dream and Fantasy are very different then the Magic and Wonder and there was more than a decade with just the two original ships.

I think people were expecting them to take the things that were lacking on the other ships and improve on them and many people felt that they didn't. Such as the adult area. The food court on the Wish is definitely an improvement.
Cadillac Lounge is my favorite of all the ships … something doesn’t need to be inspired by theatrical IP to convey Disney magic IMO …
Same. It really is a nice warm place to sit and enjoy the scenery on an Alaska cruise. I also enjoy the windows to sit in on deck three. I've been on a lot of cold cruises as of late. I'm kind of starting to long for the boring Caribbean.
From the deck plans and reports in this forum, you should be able to have some single-level (no stairs) space I’ve marked with lines on the deck plans (you can ignore the arrow points).

Port and starboard straight, midship on Deck 4
A U-shape, forward Deck 5
Access them by the elevator lobbies.
Maybe not ideal, but it might be better than the treadmill.
If you want to run/ walk, you will make it work.

View attachment 862976

From the deck plans and reports in this forum, you should be able to have some single-level (no stairs) space I’ve marked with lines on the deck plans (you can ignore the arrow points).

Port and starboard straight, midship on Deck 4
A U-shape, forward Deck 5
Access them by the elevator lobbies.
Maybe not ideal, but it might be better than the treadmill.
If you want to run/ walk, you will make it work.

View attachment 862976
As someone that's been a runner for 25 years it doesn't work. I know people that don't run wouldn't get it, but running up down stairs isn't how most runners train. It could also be dangerous.
As someone that's been a runner for 25 years it doesn't work. I know people that don't run wouldn't get it, but running up down stairs isn't how most runners train. It could also be dangerous.
I get that - which is why I addressed where/ how much distance they could get without using the stairs (having the option of decks 4 OR 5), as my response was to someone who sounded like they could be happy with doing turn-arounds. For hard-core runners, that pivot move to retrace the route probably isn’t favored, either, as you need to slow or risk an ACL or Achilles’ injury?
With the haunted mansion bar, moana show, aladdin atrium and coco themed restaurant the Treasure sounds super exciting. Might have to make a trip back to Florida.
Yup, to us, the draw of a Disney product is in storytelling, themes, and the attention to detail. The software. You take them out, and we are not paying a cent more to sail on a Disney ship.

Except for the Wish. Its hard product holds up very well to the modern ships being launched today.
I am someone who is not a Disney Wish fan and who loves the Wonder and the Magic.

The Wish isn't a bad ship. But it, and its itinerary is not for everyone. We did a Wish cruise in October 2023 and a Wonder cruise in March 2024. My kids found the activities in the clubs on the Wish to be really lacking. In Edge in particular but also overall. But my kids really prefer the Lab on the classic ships and they really missed some of the activities that are in the lab such as Space Goo. And when we did our Wonder cruise in March they were thrilled to see those again. But everyone is different.

It isn't really about right or wrong. People want different things from their cruises. The Wish isn't a bad ship. I do think there are some things in particular that need improvement, such as balancing the show feature of the dining rooms with well, the dining part but overall most of my complaints are really down to the fact that the ship and itinerary combo for the Wish isn't for me.

It doesn't make the reviews wrong though. We should all read all reviews with a critical eye to determine if the various criticisms and accolades are relevant to our particular interests.
Cadillac Lounge is my favorite of all the ships … something doesn’t need to be inspired by theatrical IP to convey Disney magic IMO …
My favourite cocktail, period, not favourite DCL, or favourite Disney but favourite cocktail altogether is the Pink Cadillac in the Cadillac lounge.

I love the Cadillac Lounge. Keys on the Magic is also pretty great. I did find that the Wish was somewhat lacking a quieter, more chill lounge venue. Nightingales was the attempt I think but it was too small for the purpose.

BUT! I honestly don't think that the majority of Wish cruisers are really looking for chill vibe lounges to wile away some late evening hours because the itineraries are so short.
My favourite cocktail, period, not favourite DCL, or favourite Disney but favourite cocktail altogether is the Pink Cadillac in the Cadillac lounge.

I love the Cadillac Lounge. Keys on the Magic is also pretty great. I did find that the Wish was somewhat lacking a quieter, more chill lounge venue. Nightingales was the attempt I think but it was too small for the purpose.

BUT! I honestly don't think that the majority of Wish cruisers are really looking for chill vibe lounges to wile away some late evening hours because the itineraries are so short.
The itineraries can (and probably will) change in the future of course.

What I can’t imagine is that the majority of Disney cruisers find a running track so important. I can understand some do, don’t have to explain me why. But the majority?

Haven’t cruised the Wish yet (overpriced), but I do have the impression as well that it gets a lot of criticism because people like what they are used to and don’t easily adjust.
What I can’t imagine is that the majority of Disney cruisers find a running track so important. I can understand some do, don’t have to explain me why. But the majority?
It's not just a "running track". People also use it for walking and having that traditional all around the ship on one level promenade is something appreciated by many simply for after dinner walks and such.
We went on the Wish last year. Some of the first words out of cast members lips were that they hoped we liked it (the ship). It is different-the ship. But we did. The lack of a running track or promenade is what I missed the most-athough I enjoyed being able to stand at the bow. The dinner shows- too many-we skipped Marvel and dined in Palo. But for us-it was fine. We take those short, long weekend style cruises from time to time and hook a trip to WDW or a birding trip to Merritt Island on either end. So it is perfect-for us. The Wish is a beautiful ship and we enjoyed her. I am glad we gave her a try!
I agree with the OP that the inital reviews for the Wish were off-putting. Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion but still. IMO, most of the original reviews were DCL cruisers who are adverse to change. JMO. :duck:

We've cruised every DCL ship except the Treasure. For us, Wonder and Magic are small, Dream and Fantasy feel like there is more to do (although there is not), and on Wish we loved the adult area being aft as we could totally avoid the family/kid areas. LOL. The Wish's mezzanine viewing area finally allowed me to enjoy funnel vision without the incessant noise generated by the family pool area.

Each ship we've walked the level 4 and every time was amazed more runners haven't been hurt. Every single time on Wonder, Magic, Dream, Fantasy the crew has been washing the deck so there are hoses everywhere. On the Wish I did prefer the upper level where the walkway is around the entire ship without stairs but we did notice the front of the ship is roped off during most of the day so this walk was only available in the AM on our cruises.

I think the food and dinner entertainment is better on Wish. I prefer the larger movie theaters on the other ships. After many cruises we have decided we're not theater people so we no longer go to the live performances. I prefer the bar/lounge areas on Wonder, Wish and Dream, which doesn't stop me from enjoying the Fantasy and Magic. We prefer the adult pool bar on the 4 older ships.


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