I spoke too soon about Lisa & Bob


DIS Veteran
Apr 14, 2000
<font face="comic sans ms"> Okay. Lisa just called and said that her car is blowing hot air out all the time, and the air conditioning isn't working. GASP!!!! :eek: GASP!!! <--That's my princess attitude towards no air. ;) She's not a princess. You can't have too many in one family. Well, except for the Dis-Con family. :p She had been trying to call Budget, but she kept getting a busy signal. She asked the front desk if it cost 75 cents every time she called even if she got a busy signal and they said yes. :confused: I didn't know that. I'm just curious if anyone knows if that's the correct information or not. So, I called Budget and worked out a deal for them to drive to Kissimmee and get a new car in the morning. When I called her back, there was a very loud racket in her room. I asked, "What's that?" She said, "I don't know." So, I told her to call maintenance, and they came up in about 2 minutes. Whoo Hoo! Yea, Disney. :D He said that there was something wrong with the water valve in the heating/cooling unit, and he fixed it in a couple of minutes. :cool: So, everything should be okay now {knock on wood}, and as we decided--She's at the happiest place on earth. All these little problems are no big deal. </font>
Hi Dayna!

It cost 75 cents every time you make a call out of your Disney resort room. Doesn't matter if it's a toll-free number or not. Course they really get you when you dial a direct long distance number. It's something like all toll charges, and then they throw about 50% on top of that for using their phone.
<font face="comic sans ms"> Steve, do you know if they charge you if the number is busy? She said that the front desk said that they did, and she had already called it about 8 times. :eek:

She is a little more ( :rolleyes: ) frugal than I. Okay. Fine. You beat it out of me. She's a lot more frugal. She didn't even valet park. Can you imagine ? :eek: :eek: :eek: ***

***If you are reading this and you do not know me, the preceding statement was a joke and only a joke. I'm making fun of the fact that a few people at Dis-Con thought I might have a few princess tendencies. I do actually know how to park without a valet's assistance. I had to when I went to the All-Stars to squish quarters into Dumbo squishy quarters. :p :D ;) :p :D ;) ***

I love and miss you guys. I can't wait another year. I have to come to Barb-Con.
Yep, it doesn't matter whether you have another person pick up the phone or not, they still charge, I believe. That's one of the reasons why I got a cell phone.
<font face="comic sans ms"> Thanks, Steve. I did not know that. I do use the phone in the room to hook up my laptop, but I make all of my calls using my cell phone. Lisa doesn't have long distance on hers. It's just a very basic plan to use here in Norman. I learn something new every day. :wave: </font>


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