I need the scoop on refillable mugs, please.


DIS Veteran
Sep 14, 1999
I know they are a good deal and that they are available to Disney resort guests.

Would you please let me know where you get them. I assume it's at the resort of your stay. Do you need to show an ID? I'm at the All-Star Sports and I would really appreciate the exact location there for purchasing the mugs. Do you go to Guest Relations or? Also, where are the stations located where you get these drinks? Is this where you purchase the mugs? Finally, can you use the mug at any resort as oppose to only your resort? What are the pros and cons of sharing a mug? I know you get less to drink that way but are there any other reasons not to share? Will Disney give you demerits for sharing? TIA for your help. ;)
In 1998, my dh and I bought a mug at the All-Star Sports Resort. You buy it at the food court there. Then, there's a little "island" where you can get your pop/iced tea/lemonade, etc.... I have used this mug on subsequent visits too. We only bought one mug since you can refill it as much as you'd like. I was able to use the mug at all three All-Star resorts with no problem. However, if you want to use your mug at another resort (i.e. Grand Floridian), you will have to pay a fee (something like $2.00 but don't quote me on that). We didn't do that and only used our mug at any of the All-Star Resorts. I think it's really worth it - especially if you keep it and use it on subsequent visits. Hope this helps!!
We bought ours on our first trip to the Music and have since used it at the Movies.

Yes,you can share a mug,but they don't hold a ton so I think it would kind of be a pain.

I've never heard of a "fee" to use it at another resort.I thought that was a no-no?
Refillable mugs are a great value, especially if you bring them back to use on subsequent trips. But they can only be used at the same or "sister" resorts. You can use ANY All Star mug at any other All Star Resort but at no other resorts. PO's can be used at DxL and visa-versa, but that is it.
Hope that this helps!

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget Board and
Disney for Families BoardCo-Host
You buy these mugs at your resort Food Court. This is also where you can refill them. We've bought these twice and both times we only bought on and shared. We'd get coffe first and then wash out and fill with lemonaid. It's a great idea, but honestly we don't get a lot of use out of it. We're at the parks a lot more than we're at the hotel and a lot of times we got back to the hotel so late at tnight that the food court would be closed and we'd have to buy a soda from the vending machines. I sappose it's worth it even only if you use it a few times though because it's only like $10 and I'm sure drinks would be like $1-$2 each without this mug.
I didn't know you could share mugs, I thought that you had to have your own. Isn't sharing a mug equivilent to sharing an all you can eat buffet meal? I just didn't think they allowed it.



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