I NEED a trip to DL.

Hey! Yes AZ, Dizzy and I will still be there through Tuesday the 12th, and Staley will be there a few days after that, till the 15th or 17th maybe?? Just planning the big birthday party for everyone on the 10th!!

When do you think you could make it down?


ah so it looks like Im first one up and on this board today...hmmm nice quiet moment before the crazies get here:rotfl2: anyways, unfortunately for you and fortunately for me:lmao: the days that we will be there in june will be from the 12-16th so I will end up missing most of you but Andrea, we still have to meet up when tiff and I come out to vegas in Oct....so you better find a babysitter;)

ps...congrats on your tag albert:D
Probably because people are using some of the DL pages like they are private chat forums. I was on this thread the other day and answered somebody's DL question. I was then called "new" and politely asked to go to another board.

I'll admit I don't like it when people act like they own this board. And I think the post counting games are ridiculous. I've been here for almost 3 years, and have never seen the hijacking that has become the new rage.
If that happened, I'm sorry!!! This is supposed to be opened to everyone! Maybe the question that was asked would have received a better response somewhere else??? And that is why you were redirected? Please consider that reason! Thanks!
HI everyone, In consideration of all circumstances we have decided to move the chat thread to the community board. ALL are WELCOME to join. It's a friendly chat full of craziness and nonsense. It really has no purpose except to make friends and have fun! Please join us!!!


Hope to see you there!
Sorry to say, but it's a hassle for me to find stuff over there! I never go on that board because it moves TOO fast for me! Sadly, this marks the end of chat for me!! But I'll PM you.

I've never understood why it bothers people when a thread like this happens. Guess what? There are threads that I'm not a part of and you know what I do? I skip it and move on to the next that I can be helpful on! It's not rocket science!

Oh well, I digress. AZ keep me filled in on who we are supposed to be meeting. I only read the DL boards, and I barely have time for that most days!

Talk to you all later!

Matterhorn-All you have to do is click on your sign on and click find all posts by Matterhorn threads and it will show you all the threads you are subscribed to.
Matterhorn-All you have to do is click on your sign on and click find all posts by Matterhorn threads and it will show you all the threads you are subscribed to.

Doesn't that pull up everything I've posted on recently or just certain ones?

it pulls up everything you have posted. Also do you get the emails saying that someone has posted on the thread because that also has a link you can pull up. Maybe you could put it in your favorites folder.
You have got to move over there - it would not be the same without you!! If you right click on the User CP on the top, you can open in a new window - and then it will show the threads that you have been on recently. I just tried it and it is showing 6 threads for me.
it pulls up everything you have posted. Also do you get the emails saying that someone has posted on the thread because that also has a link you can pull up. Maybe you could put it in your favorites folder.

Yeah, I thought that's what happened with that. Not that I dont' wanna join, I just like it easy like it was where I only had to go to one place for everything. I am sure that whoever it was is happy that they got their way just as they intended and making more work for us so I just kinda have a problem with it! Thanks though!! (And yes, I am acting just as childish as the person that butted in, what can you do?)

Yeah, I thought that's what happened with that. Not that I dont' wanna join, I just like it easy like it was where I only had to go to one place for everything. I am sure that whoever it was is happy that they got their way just as they intended and making more work for us so I just kinda have a problem with it! Thanks though!! (And yes, I am acting just as childish as the person that butted in, what can you do?)


I honestly agree - and have been upset all day over it. I finally went over there and posted a "I am ticked, maybe will come back later" sort of response. Then I looked into it, I can keep the DL boards open, and keep just that other thread in a separate window, and refresh it as necessary. It actually seems easier to keep up with the billions of posts we tend to make. I can just keep switching windows on the bottom. I totally understand how you feel - but it definitely will not be the same over there without you!! Please come back!! Please!!
Andrea, Please come on board! It's not the same without you. Who's going to stalk you, if you're not around to give clues?? Pretty please wtih "a great big Matterhorn on top!":cloud9:
Andrea, Please come on board! It's not the same without you. Who's going to stalk you, if you're not around to give clues?? Pretty please wtih "a great big Matterhorn on top!":cloud9:

Well since you all asked so nicely, who am I kidding? I could never leave you guys! Alright I'm gonna try this out, here goes.....If I get lost, someone come find me :rotfl:



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