I love credit cards so much!

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All this talk of @SouthFayetteFan's CSR has me so jealous... I can't wait to get ours! Other than the SPG biz and maybe a Citi AA biz for DH over the winter, I want to really focus on hitting Chase hard as far as spending goes. I was talking with my mom tonight about our Disney trip for next year. She hadn't really said much about it whenever I brought it up before now. I think she was really under the impression that she was going to have to save all this money to pay for it, even though I kept telling her I was saving my credit card points. I guess it kind of clicked for her tonight that she really wasn't going to need to pay other than souvenirs, and she just needed to get in the game on this trip lol. Need to nail down the in-laws, but I'm thinking September 22-28 and do five day parkhoppers! I'd love to stay at Port Orleans, but need to see how much I can accrue in URs if I can make that happen. I need to talk to DH about doing the dining plan too. We love doing it, but I don't know that it's a good idea for this trip. MIL eats like a bird and can't finish most meals at regular restaurants, so there's no way she's finishing a Disney-sized meal. My mom loves to eat but has an allergy to anything mammalian, so all beef and pork is out for her, which takes you down into some of the cheaper options (other than seafood). I think we'd be better off getting some discounted gift cards or even cashing out some URs to pay for food.
Was it your blower motor that went out? My mom literally just texted me that her AC just went out. The unit is running fine but it's frozen outside and running into the house and not blowing cold air inside. She's had problems with her blower motor twice before so I'm thinking it's that again.

It is the blower motor. I think my DH heard it making a noise and just immediately shut it down before it broke more. Reading online it says when this part goes bad your unit probably needs replaced soon. Wahh. Maybe I can time it so we can replace it before it dies so I can be prepared with a new card. It will stink if it breaks unexpectedly with no MSR to be working on.
It is the blower motor. I think my DH heard it making a noise and just immediately shut it down before it broke more. Reading online it says when this part goes bad your unit probably needs replaced soon. Wahh. Maybe I can time it so we can replace it before it dies so I can be prepared with a new card. It will stink if it breaks unexpectedly with no MSR to be working on.

I think it's less indicative of your unit's actual operation than it is of just the overall wear and tear. My mom's first broke when I was housesitting for her in summer 2015. I kept wondering why a helicopter was circling the house when I finally realized it was the AC making that noise. The blower motor had fallen off sort of and was hitting something. It did the same thing last year without the noise, just wasn't blowing air in. I'm pretty sure it's the same thing now, or she's low on refrigerant. But anyways, hers has lasted another 3 years since the first time it did that, so maybe yours can hang on if you're not quite ready to replace it yet.
Got my new Marriott biz today!! I was starting to think they changed their minds about giving me the card. It was taking forever to get here! Anyways, I've always had new Chase cards show up in my online account, including biz ones. But this Marriott is not showing up, and I've verified that I received it, and it's still not there. How do I add it to my profile?
I think she was really under the impression that she was going to have to save all this money to pay for it, even though I kept telling her I was saving my credit card points. I guess it kind of clicked for her tonight that she really wasn't going to need to pay other than souvenirs, and she just needed to get in the game on this trip lol. Need to nail down the in-laws, but I'm thinking September 22-28 and do five day parkhoppers! I'd love to stay at Port Orleans, but need to see how much I can accrue in URs if I can make that happen. I need to talk to DH about doing the dining plan too. We love doing it, but I don't know that it's a good idea for this trip. MIL eats like a bird and can't finish most meals at regular restaurants, so there's no way she's finishing a Disney-sized meal. My mom loves to eat but has an allergy to anything mammalian, so all beef and pork is out for her, which takes you down into some of the cheaper options (other than seafood). I think we'd be better off getting some discounted gift cards or even cashing out some URs to pay for food.

That is so awesome that you can pay for most of the trip, and your mom (inlaws too??) gets treated!! We don't buy the meal plan. My girls and I would NEVER eat enough food to justify the cost. If you don't have big eaters in your group, I wouldn't waste the money. We spend about half of what the meal plan would cost us (yes, I save every receipt and add it up each year just to check and make sure we are still saving by paying OOP) :)
I think I am about ready to pull the trigger on the spg biz. I was going to wait until right before the 26th thinking I needed the extra time to finish up MSR's but I am done now with the Amex BBP and still haven't paid car insurance or dd18's tuition. Between those two, I am way over the Marriott biz 3k, so I need to get that spg biz in the works. Crazy how money just runs through our hands :(
Got my new Marriott biz today!! I was starting to think they changed their minds about giving me the card. It was taking forever to get here! Anyways, I've always had new Chase cards show up in my online account, including biz ones. But this Marriott is not showing up, and I've verified that I received it, and it's still not there. How do I add it to my profile?

I was wondering the same for mine, if it will show up in my account list on chase.com.
All this talk of @SouthFayetteFan's CSR has me so jealous... I can't wait to get ours! Other than the SPG biz and maybe a Citi AA biz for DH over the winter, I want to really focus on hitting Chase hard as far as spending goes. I was talking with my mom tonight about our Disney trip for next year. She hadn't really said much about it whenever I brought it up before now. I think she was really under the impression that she was going to have to save all this money to pay for it, even though I kept telling her I was saving my credit card points. I guess it kind of clicked for her tonight that she really wasn't going to need to pay other than souvenirs, and she just needed to get in the game on this trip lol. Need to nail down the in-laws, but I'm thinking September 22-28 and do five day parkhoppers! I'd love to stay at Port Orleans, but need to see how much I can accrue in URs if I can make that happen. I need to talk to DH about doing the dining plan too. We love doing it, but I don't know that it's a good idea for this trip. MIL eats like a bird and can't finish most meals at regular restaurants, so there's no way she's finishing a Disney-sized meal. My mom loves to eat but has an allergy to anything mammalian, so all beef and pork is out for her, which takes you down into some of the cheaper options (other than seafood). I think we'd be better off getting some discounted gift cards or even cashing out some URs to pay for food.

You also might consider the dining plan for some of the people. That's my current plan for our Christmas trip -- 3 people (one room) with the deluxe dining plan and three people (a second room) without the dining plan. We do a lot of TS but no way do we need 6 appetizers or 6 desserts at every meal. Hopefully the waiters will be good about allocating full meals to the dining plan and charging the single entrees separately.

ETA @disneybirds beat me to it, if I had only kept reading before replying :)
Well life happens and unexpected expenses come up! It looks like I will probably need a new furnace and air conditioner. Fortunately the company I plan on using will take a credit card payment so I should be able to clear both the CSR and CSP MSRs.

This also leaves me with no place to charge approximately $3,000 in Apple devices this fall. I know another Chase card is off the table. I do not want to risk a shutdown. I called Citi and it will change one of my current cards to a Double Cash card without a hard pull. The rep said I would even keep the same account number. I figure 2% cash back is better than nothing.

I know I was hesitant about business cards, but I see they are my best option to continue this new obsession. I am glad I got the CSR first because it really is the card I want and plan on keeping in my wallet. If I continue with UR cards, is waiting 6 months from my CSR/CSP double dip too risky?! A February/March CIP application will align with my insurance renewal so another easy MSR met.

Any other suggestions? I am trying to get a solid plan together with this new large expense.

You hadn’t got any new cards before this latest double dip? If so you might be okay to do the CIP 30 days past your CSR/CSP. Others follow the Reddit threads though and can chime in.

Meanwhile I would pick an Amex business to get. One of the hotel, airline, or membership reward cards.

Sorry about the expense! I know it’s necessary but I hate paying for stuff like that. Not fun at all...

Last May the girls and I stayed in one room and my folks in another. Deluxe plan on one room. It worked really well. 2 snacks a day is quite a bit for one person plus the other meals. We pretty much had every character meal offered. Which is what grandma and grandpa get when they go with just me and the grandkids as my husband was not there to add a level of sanity. It was an epic Disney food fest!
do u have a card list posted? follow the shut down rules guide... stay below 4/12, 3/6, 2/3.
do they take amex? there some amex cards with high MSR.

I did not have an official list posted since the CSR/CSP double dip are my only two cards since my Disney Visa in January of 2016, but I will start!

08/18 CSR 1/24
08/18 CSP 2/24

I have a long way to go! A CIP 6 months from now would be 3/7 so I would be "safe." I think that would be the last Chase card I would attempt in a 12 month span since I hope to make the CSP a Freedom and the CIP a CIC. I like the categories of the CIC, but the CIP bonus is calling me.

I will call tomorrow and inquire if they will take Amex. The Amex biz card would just be a hard pull and not count against any Chase guidelines so I would be safe. I know platinum was just 100,000 from reading the thread and now I am only seeing 75,000 online.

Ugh...on the unexpected expenses...but good you can meet the MSR.....I haven’t double dipped but I would think you should be fine with 6 months between double dipping and applying for the CIP.......it wasn’t a double dip but I applied for the CIP I’m May and just got approved for the CSR

Yes, unpredictable, but there is a silver lining. Nice! I saw you mentioned a very high CL on the CSR earlier. I will definitely call about mine if Chase does not automatically adjust since there is no way I need what I got. I figured give it a little extra time after the double dip in between applications so it is like 3 months in between each.

I feel you on the unexpected expenses. I am having a bad week. 2 of our cars are having ac issues. The kids car is 12 years old and they said it needs new compressor for over $1000. My 9.5 yr old van ac goes in and out. Haven’t brought it in to be looked at yet but we are supppsed to drive 7 hours (one way) this week to move my DD to college so don’t really have time before we leave. And Friday my house AC died. :sad: I really thought they would say we need a new unit. And we probably do. It is 24 years old. But they said they can replace the motor for approx $300. So we will do that for now. Thought ok things happen in 3s and I’m done but nope. A huge storm went through today and now I see a water spot on the ceiling. :sad::sad:

But on topic- I was also very hesitant on the biz cards. I have been following this thread from the beginning and I finally did it early this year. I started with the SPG biz. Amex biz seemed less scary to start. I did finally go for the CIP last month and very happy I did. Good luck in your decision!

Oh no! That must be so stressful. Hopefully the $300 fix is enough to get you through! Mine is over 20 as well so I guess it is up there in age (for heating and cooling equipment haha). The biz cards seem essential in all of the plans. I thought I could resist, but that ended fast. haha I will have to look at the whole Amex biz portfolio. Thanks for the recommendation.
You hadn’t got any new cards before this latest double dip? If so you might be okay to do the CIP 30 days past your CSR/CSP. Others follow the Reddit threads though and can chime in.

Meanwhile I would pick an Amex business to get. One of the hotel, airline, or membership reward cards.

Sorry about the expense! I know it’s necessary but I hate paying for stuff like that. Not fun at all...
Nope, my last card was January of 2016. Total newbie! I had been tempted by the Amex platinum personal card early on, but did not think I would make the annual fee back as easily as other cards. The biz is $100 less, but does not offer Uber or Saks credit (this would probably be barely by me anyway). I particularly liked the gold status for my corporate travel since I do not stay at the major hotels enough throughout the year to maintain anything with decent benefits. I will have to look at all the Amex biz options.

Would there be any restrictions on how soon I could apply for an Amex biz card after 2 Chase personal cards? I think the only "downside" would be a second hard pull on my credit.

Agreed, definitely need it, but not as fun as say... DVC points to buy haha
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I don't think it's just that. Don't know about the Biz Green but the personal Green is the first card to fall apart in hubby's wallet. It usually doesn't make it until it expires before needing a replacement. He had just got a new one and about year later I saw it and asked him when is he due for a new one, it looked pretty bad. He came back with "it's not even cracked yet and I can still see some of my signature and the strip still works". (yep, he waited until it literally didn't work anymore to ask for a replacement the one time. I was surprised people took it, it was missing pieces at the bottom where it cracked under the embossed name) And really, it's not like he uses it a lot anymore, just AmEx offers now pretty much. My free cards seem to have better plastic than that one.

Speaking of AmEx offers, I just got my Biz Green card today and added it to my AmEx login -- how is it that I have 74 offers that I don't want (and not a single one that I do)?

Also, I noticed that my personal Gold card had exactly 100 offers. I recall reading on Doc a while ago that a possible reason that some people were not getting some new offer was that 100 is the max for offers. Anyone know if that theory got confirmed or denied? Just to be on the safe side, I added about a dozen offers that I have no intention of using.
Last May the girls and I stayed in one room and my folks in another. Deluxe plan on one room. It worked really well. 2 snacks a day is quite a bit for one person plus the other meals. We pretty much had every character meal offered. Which is what grandma and grandpa get when they go with just me and the grandkids as my husband was not there to add a level of sanity. It was an epic Disney food fest!

Did you have any issues using fewer TS credits than people? My thinking is that most TS meals (only have one buffet planned), we will use 2 or 3 TS credits and pay OOP for the rest. Is that going to cause confusion? Since at least 3 people have suggested this to DisneyMandC in the past 10 minutes, I'm guessing it's a pretty common thing, but I would hate to have to deal with a lot of hassles about the bill.
Last May the girls and I stayed in one room and my folks in another. Deluxe plan on one room. It worked really well. 2 snacks a day is quite a bit for one person plus the other meals. We pretty much had every character meal offered. Which is what grandma and grandpa get when they go with just me and the grandkids as my husband was not there to add a level of sanity. It was an epic Disney food fest!

How did you handle the character meals since those are so pricey OOP?
Would there be any restrictions on how soon I could apply for an Amex biz card after 2 Chase personal cards? I think the only "downside" would be a second hard pull on my credit.

Just the hard pull. You saw all the Amex craziness with the referrals and stuff last week, you can apply and be fine with the biz. It sounds like you already know an MR card would work better than a hotel or airline card and you know you'll have the spend to meet as long as they take amex. Or if it's something you can plastique, though I can't remember if it's a/c or something else and you can't do contractors with amex so it may not be an option.
I think it's less indicative of your unit's actual operation than it is of just the overall wear and tear. My mom's first broke when I was housesitting for her in summer 2015. I kept wondering why a helicopter was circling the house when I finally realized it was the AC making that noise. The blower motor had fallen off sort of and was hitting something. It did the same thing last year without the noise, just wasn't blowing air in. I'm pretty sure it's the same thing now, or she's low on refrigerant. But anyways, hers has lasted another 3 years since the first time it did that, so maybe yours can hang on if you're not quite ready to replace it yet.

I thought mine had something seriously wrong as it was making the same sounds after we had a power flicker last week. Turns out is was the radon mitigation fan was making some funky loud noise. Turned it off for the night and restarted the next morning fine. I'm sure that now I am posting this, the a/c will break tomorrow.
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