I`ll be in Anaheim on July 4th what should I do?

Tartan Tigger

<font color=purple>I fixed my PC MYSELF!!!!!!!!<br
Oct 30, 2000
I`ll be in Anaheim on July 4th what should I do on this day? Will parks be any busier than they are in WDW late June?
Any advice appreciated.

Stay away from the parks, get a nice hotel overlooking them and enjoy the independance day fireworks!!!! LOL.....just kidding...but can you imagine what the parks will be like on the 4th of July????OMG!!!!
Fellow Scot!
Go but go early. We have been at DL for the 4th 3 times and it is a blast. Yes it's busy but such fun. Try and make a lunch and/or dinner reservation when you enter the park- we did the Blue Bayou last year. Take a break mid day- go shopping to one of the malls if you have a rental car for the great sales. Then go back early evening and stake out a spot for the parade and fireworks.
Have a brilliant time
The 4th of July is the 2nd busiest day at DL we have been and if you can handle the crowds then you will be fine, but all of the CM's that we have ever spoken to have told us that that is the 2nd busiest after New Years...
Have a good time we did...
<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#6600CC>2nd busiest after New Years? I thought the day after Thanksgiving was much busier.

I was there last year on July 3rd to see the fireworks, and it was so crowded!! I agree with wendy. Despite the crowds, it's a fun day. If you go, get there at least a half hour before the park opens & enjoy the uncrowded atmosphere. You can browse Main Street, stop and have some pastry & something to drink, watch the characters and the Main Street Band.

Get Fastpasses early. I think Splash Mountain goes very quickly, so get that fastpass, or go on Indy, then get fastpass for Splash Mtn.

In the evening, because there are so many people who watch Fantasmic, at showtime, the "gate" to Adventureland becomes an exit, and Frontierland becomes an entrance.

After the fireworks (well worth watching), there is a mass exodus for the exit, so just beware.

Relax, enjoy, have a mint julep... :)

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#FF0066>Mary Jo

Disneyland & Techie Boards Co-Moderator

My DL Site
My Sequoia/Yosemite Trip

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Thanks for the tips. I think we will do Disney on fourth because it will be the first time I`ve been in America on 4th July and I know Disney will celebrate in style!


Have a brilliant time! For the first time in 6 years we won't be at a Disney park but in Washington DC for the 4th. However we will be visiting WDW and DL (and DCA) for the rest of the vacation and also fitting in a Magic cruise- oh what a hard life I lead.
Wendym your vacation sounds great. When we leave Anaheim we`re going to Las Vegas for 4 nights and then San Francisco for 4 nights. Hopefully back to WDW next year.

Tartan Tigger
Have a brilliant time- Las Vegas is such fun, even when you don't win. San Fransisco is wonderful but take warmer clothes- we froze in the mornings!
What's with all this "Brilliant" stuff??? In America it doesn't have the same significance that it does in England, sorry! You could say have a "great" time instead. Be careful with other words when you come over to the great USA. e.g. asking for a "rubber" in a drug store could get you some very interesting friends.
Well sorry if I offended anybody- certainly not my intention. Here in SCOTLAND we use that word all the time. Call me naive but I have never heard of it being used to mean anything else.
Wendy thanks for the tip on warm clothes for San Francisco.I`m sure I`ll have a BRILLIANT time and hope you do too!

Wendy come over to the Community Board. Lots of discussion goes on in there.I see you are a teacher,I work in a nursery!

Wendy and Tartan,

I'm not from Scotland. I'm from the US but I have a BRILLIANT time every time I visit Disney. You can have any kind of time you want. I'll be at DL right after you. We will be coming on the 8th of July. I hope they still have some of their 4th of July celebration going. I would love to see it.
Thinkerbell I hope you have a BRILLIANT time in DL. Shame we won`t be there at the same time,we could have met!



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