I hate

Reducing the stress in your life can alleviate it or even cure it.

Yeah, that's what they say, but frankly, I developed this at the age of 14 at a time when I really didn't have any stress in my life. I've been managing it for 26years and there is no rhyme or reason to my attacks. I have had times of no stress, low stress, high stress, etc, and nothing seems to directly correlate to my symptoms at all. In my case, it seems hormonally driven (female cycle) more than anything else. I've had all the diagnostic testing and done all the food elimination diets to try and find a trigger, and nothing has been identified as a specific trigger. I also have migraine and apparently, both conditions occur together frequently and mostly in women.
When I worked in the kitchen going thru college our chef whom we were all scared of absolutely hated Tuesdays!!! It was really weird!

IBS. It is a such a life ruiner, and there is no cure, but at least it won't kill me...so I guess I should be happy?

As someone else with a life ruining non fatal life long disease, I totally hear ya.
People who slurp and suck hard candies loudly
People who talk with their mouths full
People who chew with their mouths open

From a Mental Floss article:

That deep lump of rage welling up inside you at the sound of someone’s obnoxious gum-chewing or lip-smacking? It has a name, and for some people, it may be of clinical severity.

Misophonia—a term coined by researchers studying ear ringing in the early 2000s [PDF]— means “hatred of sound,” but it generally refers to a hatred of specifically human sounds. These are often related to eating (like lip smacking or chewing) or related to repetitive sounds like breathing or pen-clicking. These sounds don’t just annoy, they cause extreme distress and anger, often resulting in the patient lashing out verbally or physically. Animal sounds don’t affect misaphonics, nor do sounds they produce themselves.

Hate the Sound of People Chewing? You Might Have Misophonia

(What you're describing doesn't sound like it's completely like this, but close enough for me to link the article. :D )
...people who remove the fat from their meat with surgical precision.

This is me - hate visible fat on meat, even though that's the type steaks/chops/roasts I buy as they're more flavorful. Dh loves prime rib - I hate it, as I can't remove all fat.

Hate 'out of control' kids in restaurants, and parents having their conversations and are totally oblivious.
Letting people pull out in front of me in their cars and they don't even acknowledge that I've done them this small, yet friendly/ nice, favor.
Wave, nod, do something that indicates a 'thank you'.


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