I did it I did it!!! Can We Say 3!!


<font color=blue>The TF is busy trying to tag peop
Sep 4, 2000
YEah!!!!!! Ok so I am not always good about this eating thing. And I STINK at the excercise thing. Well yesterday I stayed on plan and my Dh and dog and I took an hour long walk after dinner!! Up and down hills!!! Then this morning I got up and did a walk aerobics tape. It was a 2 mile tape and I did 1 mile then a bit of a cool down. I could have went the 2 miles but due to time restrictions (needing to shower and get to work) stopped at one!!!! I am sooo excited!!!!

Ok I did it 2 days in a row!!!! I stayed on plan yesterday and went for a walk last night!! That is after the 1 mile workout yesterday morning.

Day 3
Had a bit more touble since Thursdays are the day I work a really long shift. Ended up not eating what I took to work since the one site had lasagna!!! And I had a cookie and somechocolate. But the big accomplishment is I wrote everytihng down and did not go over points!! ANd when I work 12-14 hours it is had to excercise so I only got a short 7 block walk in. BUt I thought it was pretty good!!
WONDERFUL!!!! :bounce::bounce::bounce:

Congratulations on setting your mind to accomplishing a goal and then going out and doing just that.

Keep up the good work.

OH MY! You exercised before 7:00 AM (insert mental image of me fainting at the thought of anyone doing anything that requires exertion before 7:00 AM here!) :) THAT IS GREAT!!!!

Good for you!!!! That is the best way to keep up the momentum. Once you make it through and ENTIRE DAY on your plan, with a little exercise thrown in, you realize YOU CAN DO IT! And you can do it every day, FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!! (ok, give yourself a break in a few weeks, but keep going strong for a little while now!)

I am so proud of you and so happy for you!!!! You need to be Queen for a Day!!! :)
Way to go!!!

But, I agree with TigH. I just cannot function first thing in the morning. It's enough of a challenge to get to work, let alone excercising.
I can't exercise when I first wake up, I do silly things like fall off the elliptical (I know--I've tried it).

I'm so <b>proud</b> of you. You are committed! Good job :)

WOW!! Way to go!! Sounds like a commitment to me!

I hope it is contagious....I could use some morning go!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! You are like a steam enginge picking up speed! Gotta love how momentum works!!!

Keep at it! I am crossing my fingers and toes that we'll see a "three days in a row" update tomorrow!!!!! :bounce:
You go girl! We are rooting for THREE in a row!

Go Jiminy! Go Jiminy! :bounce:
Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A little exercise is better than no exercise. You should be VERY PROUD of yourself for staying w/in points AND exercising while working a 12-14 hour shift (OH MY!!!) I know I'm proud of ya!!!

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Jiminy just remember......

When you do nothing, nothing happens. Nothing changes.

Way to go on making it three days of "moving"!! You are on your way to establishing a habit!!

Now, could you send me some of that determination you are exhibiting!!



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