I did a search, but still need help!!


Oct 22, 1999
Hi there!

I know absolutely nothing about IOA/US. Please point me in the right direction! I'm sure these answers have been answered 100 times, but what I need to know is:

what to see and do?
how far from WDW (we have DVC and a car)?
how many days to really enjoy it?
what else should we know?
any tricks?
must read book?

Thanks so much! :)

All work and no play makes Lisa a silly girl

[This message was edited by LisaL on 02-03-01 at 01:28 AM.]
Click on the link below for IOA information or go to www.uescape.com which is their official website.

"What to see": at IOA I would try to do/see everything! Do not skip Seuss Landing because you may think it is to "kid" oriented. It is very well done at the themeing is probably the best anywhere.

At USF; I personally have never gone to see Barney, Woody Woodpecker's Kid Zone, or the Wild West Stunt Show (just not interested). Depending on the time of year you visit 2 days (1 each park) is sufficient or 3 days may be required.(Xmas, Easter, Summer, etc.)

IOA/USF is about 20 - 25 minutes away. If possible avoid I-4 and go straight up Palm Parkway to the Parks. Ask for directions from where you are staying. It is a new road, not heavily traveled.

Visit the Unofficial Guide to Islands of Adventure!

[This message was edited by Dznefreek on 02-03-01 at 10:17 AM.]
Welcome, LISA L!!

My ornament exchange lady!

How nice of you to venture over to the Dark Side!

Dznefreek was right on with his points, especially with the new route. That was new for me!

Universal is a studio, similar to MGM but much larger. Islands of Adventure is a techo-park, brand new and an adventure to behold.
As for books, Kelly Monaghan, a regular poster on this board wrote "Universal Studios Escape: The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Theme Park Adventure", a must read before visiting.

The Unofficial Guide to Disneyworld devotes a couple of chapters to the parks also.

Please let us know if you need anything else. When will you be going?

Hug the girls for me!


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

Thanks so much I am really feeling overwhelmed trying to learn about a whole new set of parks.

Robin, I'm not the person you think I am! :) I'm LisaL, not Lisa L! I've been coming to the boards on and off since 1996, but haven't been around too much this last year because with work and school full time, and my sweet DH, I just don't have much fun time!

We'll be there Apr 20-28! I can't wait! Girl needs a rest! ;)

Thanks again!

All work and no play makes Lisa a silly girl
There are TWO of you???? <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">

My BAD! :D

Anyway, I hope you got some information you can use!


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>



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