HRH Rocks[Day 1] Dirty sheets

Gator Kate

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Aug 18, 1999
Kathy : (aka Gator Kate) 47 years young
Robin : my sis , 42
Nancy : my best friend since 7th grade, also 47


This was the worst experience of our entire trip.It was late,we were tired and when I pulled down the covers to crawl into bed there was blood and pubic hair on the sheets. How gross is that???
Clearly the sheets had not been changed from the previous guest. I was on the phone immediately to "star services". They said housekeeping would be notified. We waited 15 minutes, called again and were told they were on the way. About 5 minutes later the night manager of housekeeping arrived. He was very apologetic and proceeded to change the sheets. We told him we wanted both beds changed,he left for more sheets and returned with another staff member to speed things up. Needless to say this was an extremely unpleasant experience, not to mention highly unsanitary. We vowed to voice our displeasure to a manager the next day.

[This message was edited by Gator Kate on 03-08-01 at 09:20 AM.]
I'm speechless!!! Just reading that gives me the creeps! What did the management have to say about it?
Not as much as they should have! I think they're taught to be polite but not to overreact. It puts them in the weaker position. I recall him saying they would investigate the situation and to let him know if we had any further problems. The bare minimum, if you ask me.

WOW! :eek: I will be sure to check my sheets when we check-in. Kate, did HRH comp you in any way for what happened? I can not fathom anything like this happening to me, I don't know how I would react.

Imagine a really neat Jurassic Park pic here!
They sent us a bottle of wine and a cheese plate. Better then nothing but in my mind not an adequate compensation.


This same exact thing happened at a WDW resort, reported on the DIS trip reports board! I can't believe two hotels could be so stupid!

I would write a letter to management and just wait for an answer. A cheese tray and wine could not make me forget either. I'd keep at them until I get some solace.

Good luck.


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

Hello Robinrs,
Thanks for the encouragement. It was so disgusting I almost hated to repeat it, but felt you all should know. Any advice on who I should write?
By the way, I appreciate the good job you're doing on these boards.



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