How to use all the discounts together


Feb 13, 2001
Hi all, I am new to this board, and I have really gotten alot of useful info from all of you. I have a few questions that I hope somebody can help me with.
Now that I have an entertainment card, loew's membership and univ fan club card, what is the smartest way to use them all.
Do I give them my entertainment card and loews when I first make a ressie at HRH, or do I wait and give them my loews card when we get there?
Since I joined loews for my hubby and myself separately, will they honor both cards even though we will only need 1 room?
Also, with the entertainment book, I get 10 universal script dollars(?) with each 3 day pass bought. Do I have to buy them at the park, or can I order online and pay the 89.95 price for the pass? If I have to order at the park, do I get a discount from the univ fan club? One last question (but not for long, I am sure), at HRH, does anyone know if they take 2 yr old at the kids club? And how much they charge?
Thank you so much to anybody who can help me figure this out. I stopped working 2 years ago to have a baby, and the better I get at this savings game, the less grouchy my hubby will be.
thanks again
Barb :)

okay, all I know is when I called US myself, they said that you CAN'T get the $10.00 script coupons, UNLESS you do this in person at the gate. I wanted to order online also, but they said no you can't get the "coupons" then. However, if you call US yourself, you can indeed get the Universal Fan Club discount.... a whole $4.00 off !!! (It used to be 10% off, but she said they discontinued that deal!!) :eek: Now, if you go to is 98.00 for 3 day pass, but of course you miss out on the script bucks...the plus side though is they'll mail them 4 free,the UStudios deal over the phone, will only have them at the "will call" window, or they will mail them for a fee! I don't feel like waiting in line,... so I will just eat the 10.00 script bucks, and at least have tickets in my hand.Hope this info helps you out. :rolleyes:
Thanks for replying, I guess I will buy them at the gate, I heard it was 100.00 for a three day pass, so it seems better than the fan club discount.
I still need advice on the hotel room, do they upgrade with the loews card when reservation is made, or will they only do it when you get there.

Thanks to anybody who can help me. I appreciate it.
Barb :)

The kids club starts at age 4. You might have to look in to a private in room sitter such as kindercare or fairy godmothers. Read many good post about both.
I can't help you with your other questions, I am wondering myself, but I do know that the kids clubs start at age 4. I asked because our grandaughter will just turn 3 right before we go. I guess you can get kindercare to come to the room, but we didn't feel right about that. Who would want to be couped up in the room all day?! We were hoping to take her to the parks one day and then let her play with the kids at the club the other 2 days. Shes used to DayCard and last year at WDW begged to "go to babysitter. Play with kids" My son finally got her into the employees babysitting place on the last day. Boy, it sure made the day alot easier not having to do baby swap!! She really enjoyed it more too! I think these places would wise up and get something going for younger children. They do it at ski resorts! :rolleyes:
Thanks again, I know my 2 yr old would not go for somebody strange coming into the room to watch him, and I would not like that either. I just thought that if my 2 yo and 10 yo could go play in the game room for an hour, hubby and I could go have a drink. No biggie, though, this kid has been attached to my hip for such a long time, I actually feel strange if I do go somewhere without him.
Thanks alot for the input!

I agree it is too bad they don't have care available for the younger ones. My youngest is 4 so I'm lucky that seems to be the age for alot of the clubs.

I would do a search on kindercare. They don't just have to stay in the room with the kids. I've read many post where children are taken for dinner, outside walks or swimming. I believe this is all arranged with your'e permission of course. I also think they bring lots of games&toys with them. Never heard anyone say there kids were bored being in the room. Just something to consider!
As far as complementary upgrades, you have to wait until you get to the hotel. But when you make your reservation mention that you are a Loews first member. When you check in they should ask you what you want for a goodie: cookies and milk, wine, fruit(we had this, it was all hard!) and 1 other choice,mmm.

Have fun!


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