How often do you get to Disney and where do you stay?


DIS Veteran
Feb 5, 2001
I was just wondering how often fellow Canadians make it to Florida? With the exchange rate the way it is, I don't get there as often as I'd like. Even when I do go, I tend to stay off-site in little motels for $25 a night. I'd prefer to stay at the All-Star hotels, but $77 vs. $25 makes a big difference to me. I was wondering how the rest of you do it??
Well being from the West Coast we visit Disneyland instead of WDW (although we are heading to WDW for the first time this December) but we make it down once or twice a year. Lately we have been staying at the Dianeyland Hotel but want to try out the new Grand Californian next year.


11/01 Beach Club
12/01 Wonder Cruise
12/01 AKL

[This message was edited by bashful64 on 03-19-01 at 12:43 PM.]
We try to make it down at least once a year. We really like the HIFS and will stay there each visit, but we also take 3 days to spend at one of the Disney properties. To keep the cost down I also used priceline on our last trip and it worked out great. I know our dollar is bad, but we all need a vacation and we love Disney.

95- offsite
97- Nikki bird
98- Holiday Inn M.E.
99- Days suites
00-ASM and HIFS
00- DL and MOWC
01- Animal kingdom lodge and HIFS
We try and get there once a year usually the first week or 2 of Dec if not every Dec then definateley every other Dec. We just can't handle going that long between Disney trips even with the bad exchange we just don't care this is after all what we want to do for a holiday and even a weak dollar won't change that for us. We always stay on site usualy All Stars that is my favourit place to stay. This coming Dec we are trying BWV and WLV that will make it all 3 All Stars we have tried and Dixie Landings and Coronado Springs. I like All Stars then Coronado it was great to we stayed there on our Honeymoon.
We Love Disney
Darren & Lisa ;
Our goal is every two years, although we'd be very happy to make it more often! We have stayed twice at AS (Music then Movies) and wouldn't choose anywhere else. Our kids are young and just love the theming, and we really can't afford anything more expensive anyway.

Less than 2 years to our next trip!

Co-Moderator Restaurant Board
I'm going down in Nov., solo, for the DIS Convention. It will be a year since our last trip. I would love to go every year but it normally works out to every second or third year. So far we've stayed at:

DXL (2x)
DI, Treehouse


We try to go to Orlando every other year. Being on the west coast, we go mostly to DL. We're currently planning our next trip to DL for October. Last year was an exceptionally fun year in that we went to WDW in May (just my DH and me) and then went to DL in June with the kids.

In WDW, we like to stay at the Dolphin; it's a nice hotel and inexpensive with the Entertainment book discount.
My daughter and I had our first trip to WDW during Spring Break 1999, we stayed at ASMu. We are going back this summer for 2 weeks. We are staying off site at Wyndham Orlando ($30/night plus $20/night AMX bonus through priceline) :D
Hi C&M.....I grew up in Richmond. Small world.


11/01 Beach Club
12/01 Wonder Cruise
12/01 AKL
Well, we're going every year or so. But never stay on site. I found that it's to expensive, because we are from 8 to 11 at night in Disney.
And we prefer spending the money in there. (sorry for my spelling, english is not my first languag) :rolleyes: This year we are trying a bus tour to go to Disney. For 480$ each they bring us to Orlando and it inludes the hotel. That's only the plan ticket!
While I wish we could afford to visit WDW annually (or even twice a year!!), our budget can creakingly allow us a once-every-two-years trip. We just return from one trip and start saving for the next.

We always stay on site when we are in Orlando (we usually stay a week or so on one coast or the other, as well). So far we've stayed at DxL (this past December), CBR twice and All Star Sports once - although it is more expensive, staying on site and using WDW transportation is a real pleasure for us. :cool:
We have been going every 2 years. This year we are trying the 7 day cruise instead of doing WDW.
I am really going to find it hard to wait 2 more years to go to WDW so maybe we will have to try and squeeze in a visit sooner.
We love staying on site. We really like having the disney atmosphere the whole time. We have stayed at All star movies, dixie landings, all star music and wilderness lodge. We have decided that the all stars are our favourite. It really was not worth the fortune it cost to stay at the higher level resorts
We have managed to go every Feb/March for the past 4 years since the kids were born. Just slightly addicted to WDW. We just got back Sunday afternoon and had a wonderfully inexpensive time. Spent $1600 total. We used another couple days of our WDW hopper pass, a day of the Universal/IOA 3 day at par pass and the Sea World at par pass for a couple days. We still have days remaining for next year!!!!
We used alot of coupons to eat out (kids eat free)and picnic baskets for lunch at the parks (Walmart & Publix made huge subs for $5) and drank lots of water to save money - buying pop is a killer. Found a Disney outlet, bought sweatshirts for all under $10 each and bought our daughter a little Snow White dress for less than half at the park price - which she wore proudly all day at the theme parks one day! We certainly did not feel deprived. We drove from Ontario with one hotel stop down and back. All accomodations obtained via priceline. For 11 nights accomodations less than $600 CDN including all taxes and stayed at 3* hotels - Crowne Plaza, Marriott & Rosen Centre Hotel. If we paid the regular rates for all the hotels it would have cost over $3000!!
If you make wise purchases one can go a long ways on our lousy Canadian dollar!!!

:) :) :)
wow, Sonya!!

Sounds like you do your "bargain" homework. Good for you.
With a little creative thinking and planning, WDW is available for most budgets.

Thanks for some of your tips! :)

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<font color=steelblue>SylviaM...formerly known as 'NicksMom'
Moderator ~ Canadian Board
</font color>

<font size="3"><font color=purple><font face="comic Sans MS"> Spring is in the air!!</font></font></font>
We go every year and stay at the Boardwalk because we are DVC members. I save money buying flying out of Buffalo and doing rewards programs for gift certificates and Disney dollars.


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