How easy/difficult to rent out these points?


MK is my happy place!
Jan 17, 2002
Hi All,

Although I've just recently found these boards, I've been a DVC member since 1993. I never knew there was such a resource for point rental and am wondering if it would work for us.

We've got a March 02 trip coming up that's split between offsite and OKW. The points are borrowed from an Aug. 2002 use year. Checkin date is 3/14-3/19 in a 1BR at OKW. I don't "have" to rent my points, however, it would be advantageous to do so (to go into details on that would be too time-consuming!). Now, if I do rent the points, I would need to rent them before my 31 day point, which is around 2/10 or so. My concern is the points need to be used by the end of July 2002 and because they are borrowed, they cannot be transferred into another member's account. If I am limited to renting only if reservations are available in the next few months, what are my chances of finding good availability?

I would appreciate any thoughts you might have.

I think you still have a pretty good shot of renting them. Most things don't last more than a week or so on the rental boards.

Just don't go into all of that detail. Give the dates that the points are good for, where they are good for, and how many you have to rent.

I would also list the reservation you have in case someone wants that.

If you have a signifigant amount of points, you may find you may not rent out exactly the same amount; and you may have to borrow a few more to make a reservation--perhaps you could give a preference (or price break) to someone who took them all or took your current reservation.

I would post it ASAP and see what happens.


Thanks for replying. Though I have seen how quickly the points can sell, we've decided not to do so right now. We're not in a situation where we need to sell the points, and with the restrictions on them due to being borrowed, I'm just too worried about the possibility of not being able to sell all of them successfully. It will be something to consider with the points from future use years.

It certainly sets my mind at ease that there *is* an outlet to sell points.


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