How does I-10 look?


True master of Disney
Aug 22, 1999
It seems to be in a perpetual state of construction:o :o How does it look from New Orleans to Lake City?
Oh, and how does the interstate and roads look heading south as well?
Thanks for any info... hope it's clear sailing!

I live right off I-10/12/59 in Slidell, travel to P-Cola all the time, very little construction in that area. Hope that helps a little.

WDW never been, going soon!
I drove down a couple of weeks ago, there is some construction between Pensacola and Marianna FL (60 miles west of Tallahassee). On the way down, no real delays. There was heavy traffic and bumper to bumper with stops on the way home (we hit it about 5pm ) who knew those towns had a "rush hour". Other than that area there was some minor construction here and there with no delays.

Of course, things can change within 2 weeks. Hope this helps.


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