How do you "train" for WDW? Here's what we do...


Earning My Ears
Jan 3, 2001
My family and I have been walking several times a week to increase our stamina while at WDW. We'll be there in 11 day! I'm hoping this will help the kids (7 & 10) to be able to keep up with the walking. Our walks have been something everyone looks forward to even though at first there was resistance from the "troops". Part of the fun is having mini races around the block. We also have fun with follow the leader. We have some silly moves. Hopefully the neighbors aren't looking out the window! I'm hoping this will help the kids and dh and I enjoy our touring with a minimum of piggy back rides.
My fiance and I are 'training' also for our honeymoon Disney-world getaway. We've been walking around the mall about every day. We figure something of a sale might catch our eye for something we could use anyway, so it serves a dual purpose. Additionally I am doing squat thrusts and other excercises from those woman's magazines that my wife-to-be leaves around. They are harder than they look. I hope to be in good shape by early May and ready to walk all day without killing myself. :)
It's a good idea to get into shape to visit WDW.

Here's my WDW Workout plan:

First I must say that training for a WDW vacation can not be done overnight. You MUST begin several YEARS in advance of your visit, in order to get the most enjoyment from your visit.

It is essential that your training incorporates both cardio-vascular and strenght training.
A general "wellness" modular will also benefit your trip.

1) My wellness training focuses on yoga & meditation. Your ability to center your focus in your mind, and close off your surrounding environment will prove valuable as you spend countless hours waiting in lines to see attractions and jump on rides. Avoid "fastpass", this is a shallow and short sighted distraction to experiencing WDW in it's completeness.

2) Strenght Training is vital to enjoying your holiday at Disney. First, it will require significant upper body strenght to consistently, repeatedly throughtout the day remove your wallet and swipe your credit card at all the various shops & resteraunts. This should not be underestimated. I suggest your exerices for this should included shugs & lateral rows.

3) Cardio-vasular Training. This is perhaps the most important, particilarly if you are staying on property. Not only is ALOT of walking required within the parks, but, only the healthiest of heart muscles can endure seeing the bill when you go to check-out!

Seriously, doing what your doing is a great idea!
Have a great vacation! ;)
Just getting out there and walking is good in general but probably gets everyone in the Disney spirit as well.



I so admire you and your family ! It breaks my heart when parents don't use a trip to WDW to promote healthy exercise. I am holding my tongue even though i want to go into my stroller rant ;)

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My friends make fun of me for my pre-Disney trip 'get in shape walks'! Now I feel better that I am not the only one!
i am planning to get my son, 5 yrs old, to start walking with me just so he is used to walking more when we go. my boyfriend thinks i am nuts. i just dont want to put him in a stroller, i think he is too old for them. i am just glad to see i am NOT crazy!!


I can hardly wait to tell DH that we're not the only ones who physically "prepare" for WDW. We take the DSs 3 and 5 for "hikes" around our hilly neighborhood.
I am pretty lucky I guess. I am a waitress in a very busy place, so I guess I work out everyday at work for at least 8 hours. It's also a great way to save change!!

What a fresh thread !

We also prepare for our grand Disney adventures by walking. It especially helped when our girls were 5 and 7. They we so used to walking that we never had to rent a stroller. The only time my dh carried my 5 yr old was coming out from Illuminations with the hugh crowd -- oh, and once we went running for a bus.

At the end of the vacation we had a special ice cream treat to celebrate the money we saved not renting a stroller. The 5yr old was so proud - we told her it was her treat to the family. I never thought our walks would matter as much as they did.

As for training for your honeymoom --hmm. LOL

We live upstate New York,Cold and snowy. We are going to Disney in May. Started to walk almost everyday after Christmas. Cold or snow we do our best. Only thing we can't do is get use to the heat. We walk 2 miles a day,Our 4 yr. old walks part of the way and wife and I take turns pushing her in the stroller.(Should a breeze pushing the stroller in florida after pushing it in the snow)LOL
After my workout at the gym I sit in the sauna for about 20 minutes. I figured that this is a good way to prepare myself for the florida weather in may/june.
My trip to Disney is planned for June. My employer's wellness program just started "Walk 100 miles in a 100 days". So that's what me and my 6 year old are doing. It happened to be great timing. The 100 days ends when we're on vacation.
I consider my job in retail management to be adequate training. I must walk 5 miles a day dispersed out from walking from various parts of the store to the front, to the stockroom, to a phone, etc.. Also I get my stair-climbing exercise going up and down from the upstairs stockroom.

The only exercise I recommend would be patience.


I miss my Christi-bear. :(
We just bought a new treadmill to help get us in shape...and we need it. I like that walk 100 miles in 100 days thing. Can you tell me more??? Is it sponsored by someone or just at your work??

Also that suana thing has some apeal since we are going in July!!! I must really love WDW since I REALLY hate heat!!!
is a program offered each spring by my employer's Wellness Program. You join a team and report your miles weekly with a max of 12/week. If you complete 100 miles you get a t-shirt and if the whole team does it successfully, the we are entered into a drawing for some sort of prize.

I think some larger employers have wellness programs. I work for a hospital so the wellness program here is a big deal. We have a gym, smoking cessation programs, yoga, aerobics, etc. It's either free or minimal cost.

My 6yo old is doing it this year and I told her there are no excuses for me not to walk every evening and she keeps me to it. She says "Mommy, we have to walk, I want a t-shirt"
WE live near busch Gardens / Water Country USA in Williamsburg so we get seasons passes. We will go 2 or three time a week as our trip gets closer and make 2 + laps around the park just to get ready for the walking and crowds we are only about 20 min from the park so after work is easy to do. i work 4 day weeks ( 10 Hr days ) so i go every Friday for 4 - 6 hours this works so well that when we took our 16 yr old god daughter last year she ran out of gas way before us HA HA HA. If you have a amusement park near you give this a try
And when you go on your walks make sure to wear a good pair of walking shoes that will be all broken in by the time of your visit! I did that last year and saved my tooties!

But matter how much training you do, the real thing is always different. But there is always a nice escape from the heat and to rest your feet. For instance, if you cant stand your feet anymore, try going into a show or a long boat or train ride. This will give you a little relaxation time and air conditioning or shade. And also, I beilive you do more standing (in line for an attraction) than you do walking. So practice some standing up techniques. Also, it is a good idea to bring a cooler fan. It looks like a waterbottle with a fan at the end. You turn it on and it lightly mists you as it fans you. Great for those hot afternoons!
My idea of training is lying in the tanning bed several times before I go!

I've got Vioxx for the pain and agony! :D



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