How can i get my family to take me to disney world/


Earning My Ears
Jan 3, 2001
I was wondering if you had any tips or ideas to get my family to take me to Disney World? I wan't to go so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Help me out,please? <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused"> <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">

Beg, Cry, and tell him you will be forever in his debt. He'll enjoy himself so much that he will forget about the debt.

before you check these things,go to and play with their vacation resevations to get an idea what disney says your trip will cost. try several different dates,resorts and plans. then when you are familiar with those. Check for sales all across the web and read posts here and ask questions. most of us have been here AT Least 4 month learning how to make our trips Magical and cheaper and just enjoying the Pixie Dust!!
1. Pick a Value Season
2.join Disney Club[$30.]
3.only then join AAA
4.Buy an Annual Pass only if the above don't help you get a good Discount
5.any of the ALL STARS-as low as$79.00 a night in VS w/DC discount
6.or try an off site resort like Holiday Inn Family Suites as low as $89.[a master bedroom,kid room w/bunkbeds& a trundle,nintendo,cd&cassette player,tv w/vcr,livingroom queen sofa bed and microwave,refrigerator plus they have a "two for one" coupon on Or the Swan/Dolphin,they have state & goverment workers rate,teachers & Annual Pass discounts.Entertainment book 50% off rack rate
7.if these are still too much Howard Johnson is $45. a night
8. priceline is another option DIS member have gotten rooms as low as $25.00 but you MUST post to Travel Sheryl BEFORE you USE priceline and rent-a-car as low as $10. a day.
9.use Sunshine Getaway or Fall Fantasy[these are good if you want to stay in the Moderate resort or higher.
10.Order an for Orlando[$30.]use the food coupons to eat off site,use to get 50% off rack rate at hotels off site,rent-a-car coupons
11.AIRfares watch Southwest Airlines for sales,also check and but only for their announcements about air fare wars or sales.
12.DIS has discount tickets to many of the attactions in Oralando,PLus Dis has a Travel Agency that can help also!!
13. shop at the 3 disney outlet stores before going to WDW!!

Now just have Fun Fun Fun,the planning is sooo
enjoyable especially when you can save your Family Money and They reap the benifits while you have all the fun!!!! :D ;) :cool:


[This message was edited by tink2dw on 01-03-01 at 10:50 PM.]
Make popcorn then gather them all in front of your computer. Then show them the many, many, many, many great tips on this board. Tell them if my "hates to save money, one income family' can plan a "Vacation of Magic"-- anyone can. They are dropping change like crazy in our 3gallon jug (with Disney pictures glued on the sides). Which by the way I got the idea to do right here on this board.
God Bless and good luck.
Honey, when I was a young girl Disneyworld just wasn't in my families budget! It IS a very expensive place to visit..............

so here's what I did. I finished school, met someone who also enjoyed the same interests as I did.........and we married! After we got financially more settled *we didn't go to Disneyworld until we were married 10 years*.....THEN we went to Disneyworld.

You've got a lot of years to enjoy visits with the mouse so relax and start saving now to go on your own when your a bit older!

*not the best advice eh? sorry.
:) :)

I have a question to tink2dw or anyone that can answer. On #8(about using priceline) what is you must post to travel cheryl? I am interested in using priceline on my next trip and would like to know. Thanks
Here is a LINK to take you to TravelSheryl's Priceline Board.
Hope that this helps...
DisneyLuver-sometimes dreams of Disney have to suffice. I was 37 years old when I went to WDW for the first time. It still meant as much to me as a 37 year old as it would have when I was 12.
{Hugs to You}

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
And Just ONE of the Beths...and a Dagny :D ... Hosting the Rewards Board</font>
Disneyluver, I can imagine how you feel. If you are dead serious about this, see what you can do to show your parents and sit down with them to discuss it with a plan. Remember that they may still keep it in mind even if they say no at first. So keep calm no matter what their answer is.

Consider a few ways to help make it happen. Can your family drive there or must you fly? What would you be able to do to help them save money on either approach? Is there a way to collect money on a card for gasoline (such as or other points program online - see the Rewards board here)? Look for airfare deals by signing up for email alerts by when airfares drop.

Is your family willing to camp at FWC? See the Camping board here for tips - it's right across from MK and a great spot to vacation. Do you know anyone who could lend your family camping gear if you don't have it? This is most practical for people who drive to FW.

Also, for car travelers, offsite motel deals abound, especially in offseason. If you have a larger family, consider a stay in a suite or timeshare resort offsite. They have kitchens or kitchenettes to save on meals. Have your parents write me for specific suggestions if they are serious.

If you fly in for a short trip, under a week, and your family is only 3 or 4 people, skip the car and stay at All Stars Resort. The savings on the car rental and parking will cover the added cost of the room. Longer trips and larger families do better offsite.

What can you do to help your family save toward a trip? Is everyone willing to make photos their only souvenirs? Are you willing to save up half of your allowance, income and gift money until it's time to go, even if that's a year or more? What about putting any money that your parents are willing to spend on a whim of yours aside for the trip instead? The more consistently you demonstrate a willingness to sacrifice, the more seriously they may take your request.

In the end, it may not be possible. But you may be able to make the difference by calm, mature efforts. And if not, those same efforts will enable you to go on your own when you are old enough. Hope that helps! :)


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