How are you handling the stress?

We are following Canadian self isolating. Limiting news viewing. Talking on the phone and emailing loved ones. Facebooking with friends. Reading, and listening to CBC Radio podcasts, and a Comedian station.

This morning I grabbed flour off the lazy susan instead of oatmeal and poured it in my date mixture during breakfast.
:thumbsup2 Yes, that does make SUCH a difference, doesn't it! We've whittled ours right down but may I recommend a daily program on the CTV News Network? It's Evan Soloman's "Power Play" and it is archived on the website if you want to watch it that way. It's a concise 30 minutes and expands on only the most recent and relevant developments each day with a very wide array of interviews with people in authority who actually matter. I've been extremely impressed with his calm, fair and balanced approach. If you decide to take a look, let me know what you think. :wave2:
My stress would be fine if random things in my house didn't keep breaking. Our ice maker/water dispenser in the refrigerator totally broke, one of the pipes to our hot water heater started leaking, and we are convinced that our mattress needs to be replaced pretty much immediately due to back pain. Thankfully, I can buy ice, and the plumber came right away and didn't charge me for replacing the pipe, but I just want a break from things breaking during this situation!
I watch minimal news. There are sites I check 1-2 times per day for breaking news and things I need to know. My husband and I, weather permitting, take a 4-5 mile walk every day (being careful to practice social distancing from people we may encounter....everyone we see does the same). I do my Stairmaster/crunches/stretching every day too. :-) I'd say my stress level is low-medium most days using this approach.
Apparently I also stress shop on-line - great deals right now.
I just bought a bunch of clothes for summer and it lifted my spirits tremendously. Doing my part to keep the economy going! :D

(let's hope everything still fits by then!)
Wasn't handling the stress well yesterday, so I put on my audio book and got lost in my puzzle for 2 hours. That definitely helped. Glad I ordered 2 puzzles last week. They just arrived yesterday. :)
Apparently I also stress shop on-line - great deals right now.
I just bought a bunch of clothes for summer and it lifted my spirits tremendously. Doing my part to keep the economy going! :D

(let's hope everything still fits by then!)

I just bought some new kitchen stuff from Target, a new Kate Spade tote, books, etc. I'm doing my part! Sales are nuts right now.
I just bought some new kitchen stuff from Target, a new Kate Spade tote, books, etc. I'm doing my part! Sales are nuts right now.

Sur La Table is having their cookware sale, I have been looking for a pan to replace my one nonstick one that I use to make eggs but since I can't go out to shop I figured I would treat myself, I also bough some of their delicious vanilla bean paste, it makes baked goods taste so much better than just using vanilla extract. As noted above, I also need to buy a new mattress online (this sounds much less fun than buying a pan).
Sur La Table is having their cookware sale, I have been looking for a pan to replace my one nonstick one that I use to make eggs but since I can't go out to shop I figured I would treat myself, I also bough some of their delicious vanilla bean paste, it makes baked goods taste so much better than just using vanilla extract. As noted above, I also need to buy a new mattress online (this sounds much less fun than buying a pan).
Oh no. I don't need to know that. I have a Le Creuset problem...
Eating healthy 80/20 -ok, it was 60/40 over the weekend but I'll get back
Sunlight - just a little is necessary
Patience - especially now that the two irritable, know it all college kids are home
Consuming mostly positive material online - know when it's getting too negative
Gratitude - everyone in house healthy so far
Keeping the laundry flowing
Hulu/Netflix/Disney Plus
Enjoying what we can - we haven't had consistent full family dinners in nearly a decade and now we're eating together every night
Organizing and decluttering -- I'll take any excuse to do that and high school senior needs some work space. Two bags of clothing
going to good will, two bags of garbage so far. I've been on her about that room for months!
Apparently I also stress shop on-line - great deals right now.
I just bought a bunch of clothes for summer and it lifted my spirits tremendously. Doing my part to keep the economy going! :D

(let's hope everything still fits by then!)

Same ! Just bought the family bathing suits and "family and me" tees for our July wdw trip (staying optimistis)

Got DD bathing suits for $10 at justice online and $3 flip-flops
(Free shipping)
I'll be honest, I'm less stressed about the virus and almost all that goes with it than I am about everything that goes with remote learning. I'm a school speech pathologist, and it's been an exhausting transition.

How am I dealing with it? Too much junk food, and dreaming up vacations to replace the one I'm going to have to cancel for the end of April.

I think my biggest difficulty with this current environment is the loss of control over my life and my loss of avenues for escape. We're big on eating out, daytrips and travel, and the loss of all 3 has been absolutely devastating, especially given how much harder I'm working right now. I love what I do for work, but these 2 weeks have been the most difficult of my career, and that's set to continue for at least 5 more weeks.
I’m snacking more, I’ve shopped around online more ) for me things, lol), I’ve scrubbed my kitchen down way too many times, lots of Xtra prayers and Less tv news updates
We re In, we re all together, we re Safe
So it’s all good. Feeling Blessed quite frankly!
Stay In, Stay Healthy All
to all those on the front lines fighting this for All of us!


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