Hotel Help


Feb 23, 2001
I'm looking for an clean inexpensive hotel ($60-$90/night)that is within walking distance to DL. I looked at priceline, but I'm afraid to use them because I don't know if the hotel they pick will be within walking distance to the parks.
Cute hotel, pretty grounds, easy walking to Disneyland, nice continental breakfast. Priceline seems to come up with Anaheim Plaza Hotel, which is VERY nice, and occasionally the Hilton, which is also fantastic. I haven't done Priceline myself for Anaheim.

Other people have remarked on other close motels that are walking distance, namely Carousel Inn, Park Inn Int'l, Park Place, etc.

Have a *magical* trip!
If you want to walk, definitely don't choose Priceline. We are happy with are bids because it has a free shuttle and we didn't particualry plan on walking, our concern was money and we got the Anaheim Marriott which is close, but it is easiest to take a shuttle and the Hilton Suites of Orange/Anaheim which is a mile away or so so definitely a shuttle.



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