

Earning My Ears
Feb 4, 2001
I have booked the 9:30pm show for my twins boys 8th birthday. We could only get the 9:30 show unfortunately the two earlier shows were booked. Can anyone tell me your thoughts on this show/meal I am having second thoughts, the show will cost us $160.US (Can$ over $240.) and I imagine there will be taxes and tip on top of that. That is also kind of late but what can we do.

Does anyone know of an alternative plan, we will also go to Donald's Breakfastosaurus that morning which sounds like fun.

The other PS restaurants we have planned for our week are Coral Reef, Rainforest at DD, 50's Prime Time, Liberty Square- lunch, I wonder if I should change that to dinner? and Le Cellier. Any thoughts about these choices would also be appreciated or maybe other suggestions too.

Thanks for your input any would be greatly appreciated.

Anxiously counting down 29 more days till Mickey.
We can't wait

:rolleyes: :D
I think this is a show that you have to do at least once. I do not know if I would do it again as it is very expensive. Our kids were 8 the time we went and they had a blast. The kids got to get up and parade around the room. You wave bandanas and hoot and holler. The kids really enjoyed watching the adults act silly.
It is kind of a late time to go. You could always keep calling and hope for cancellations. I know there were people that cancelled or didn't show up at the show we were at. Just make sure you plan a
relaxing afternoon without too much sun and maybe your kids will be okay. Good luck.
I've seen the show about 5 times!! Love it! The price is a little painful though. When I went to the show in '98, we also went to the late show. I know that for this show (9:30pm), you can sometimes get a 10% discount if you use an American Express Card to pay. You may want to check that out. HTH!


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