High School Class 2013: Picking Colleges..Check in Here!

Which school in Philly? I know someone at Drexel and I know a few kids at Temple. If it's Temple, I'd have concerns if my kid were there. The one girl we know transferred to Temple from Towson in MD this year. So far, just this fall semester, she has been robbed 3 times. One of the times, she was walking in the daylight- to class- with her iPhone in her hand, and it was stolen right out of her hand. I don't care how good a school it might be, the area is not safe, and I would be a mess worrying all the time.

I haven't heard too much negative about Drexel- not sure where it is in Philly or if it is even close to Temple.

It's University of the Arts. Do you know anything about the area?

Right now at this moment, I just want her FAR, FAR, FAR from Georgia!!! :rotfl:
It's University of the Arts. Do you know anything about the area?

Right now at this moment, I just want her FAR, FAR, FAR from Georgia!!! :rotfl:

I don't know the area well, but I know it is downtown. It is not too far from the Franklin Institute. Honestly, Philly is not known for it's safety. If she is used to a very urban setting, she may be fine. When the girl I know at Temple was robbed twice, her parents armed her with pepper spray. Personally, it makes me nervous- but I tend to be nervous about that type of stuff.
I don't know the area well, but I know it is downtown. It is not too far from the Franklin Institute. Honestly, Philly is not known for it's safety. If she is used to a very urban setting, she may be fine. When the girl I know at Temple was robbed twice, her parents armed her with pepper spray. Personally, it makes me nervous- but I tend to be nervous about that type of stuff.

Thanks. I am nervous about her safety, she isn't. Of course.... I will say that we felt very safe in Pittsburgh but not so much in Winston Salem, NC. Go figure...:confused3
Thanks. I am nervous about her safety, she isn't. Of course.... I will say that we felt very safe in Pittsburgh but not so much in Winston Salem, NC. Go figure...:confused3

I feel safer in NYC than I do in Philly. Just got back from Atlanta for a conference and didn't have a bit of fear walking at night. But, we watch our news from Philly, and it's all crime most of the time.

(I know a lot of kids who go to Pitt, and my friends son goes to CMU. The parents never mention safety. I think Pittsburgh is generally a safe place to be.)
It's University of the Arts. Do you know anything about the area?

Right now at this moment, I just want her FAR, FAR, FAR from Georgia!!! :rotfl:

Very familiar with U of A. Have taken class there myself, and know people who work there, are students and have graduated from there. I was actually just at their open house a few weeks ago (for my daughter who was sick).

U of Arts is located in the theatre district of Philly, Lots of artsy stuff all around (Academy of Music, Merriam Theater, Kimmel Theater) and loads of businesses, restaurants and a few hotels.

The area is always buzzing with activity, day and night. The immediate residential area closest to the school and dorms is filled with a mixture of expensive condos and townhouses, as well as apartments. The area is a far cry from Temple's surrounding neighborhood, but it is located in downtown Philly, so there is still crimes committed like theft. (I have also spent many, many years in and around Temple. I also took class and performed there, and I grew up 15 minutes away. The crime rate is higher there, and the surrounding area is more impoverished than center city Philly.

I love what Temple has to offer, but I don't care for the neighborhood. I love what U of Arts has to offer, but it doesn't give that total college experience (like sports teams).
Wow, SydSim, thanks for the information. U of Arts has been the school that has been on and off the list a zillion times. Today, I think it's back off. I'm not sure she is really wanting the stand alone conservatory setting. That seems to be some of what turned her off at the visit this past weekend.

Does anyone know anything about Marymount Manhattan? It is a BA instead of a BFA, which may be an issue. I can't figure out how much academic core is required, though. I just feel like she needs one more school in an urban area.
Good news here! DD got her latest SAT scores--she went up to 760 on the verbal portion! Her school choices all superscore, so that puts her at 2030. It also puts her at 1340 for verbal/math, which seemed to be mentioned a lot for her schools. Not so much for admission, but for things like scholarships, honors dorms, that sort of thing. Here's hop0ing that this makes more money flow our way. Also, it makes me think she has a better chance at Boston University, which is one of her top two choices.
Does anyone know anything about Marymount Manhattan? It is a BA instead of a BFA, which may be an issue. I can't figure out how much academic core is required, though. I just feel like she needs one more school in an urban area.

I believe I mentioned it - along with some other NY schools - a while back in another thread you had, as I think there's no place to be but NYC for what your daughter wants.

It has a regular academic requirement (for BFA too afaik), which was why you shot it and something else down last time, heh. However, it's got a renowned theatre program and like many of those in the City, gets viewed and once well-trained, there are a lot of connections and such to be made that can get internships and paying gigs (at smaller, non-union theatres), union contacts, etc. Same as Tisch at NYU, other places.

I'm late to this thread, but keep having the kid take the tests. Many colleges do a "superscore" where they take the highest grade of each test to roll it into a composite. DS got 36/36 on his ACT for Reading, and that stuck with him for each time he retook the test, so by the time he did his 3rd ACT his composite was in the 30's. When you're in the 30's for your ACTs, the Merit Aide rolls in from colleges. (He did well on his SATs, but the ACT is what's been beneficial for him.) DS has been offered very high merit scholarships from several private schools and admitted to the Honors Program at many others, but his best deal thus far is Indiana University Bloomington as he's a direct admit to the Kelley School of Business with the IU Excellence Scholarship that takes care of almost all tuition. We'll be able to cover just about all the rest with little debt to him, and there will be more scholarship $$ rolling in too, likely from Kelley. The September ACT test here is known as the $50 that brought in $36000...

Once you're admitted to a college, there is additional scholarship money controlled by the school besides the Merit Aide which is based on grades and test scores. DS has been doing dual credit for the last two years and that will transfer to IU, but not the private schools, which makes IU that much more attractive. Purdue does not have as much in Merit Aide as IU, which is also a reason why IU is such a good deal.

He started testing in spring of junior year, and all of the college applications were completed in August. Many universities have a limited amount of money to hand out, and its gone early. He's had most of his admissions for several weeks now, which has been nice--but disconcerting to classmates who did not apply as early.

So start testing early, and often--because it can be 'worth it' for scholarship money. We will do the same thing for DD (currently a sophomore) just to see where her test scores might be and where she may end up for college. She has better grades than her brother but probably will not test as well. Will know in a couple of weeks when the PSATs from October show up.

People should be VERY careful if they think about trying that - a lot of top tier schools now require full disclosure of all tests taken.

Once you get above three it starts to look neurotic - if you took like, the SAT and ACT four or five times each, and for no discernable reason, schools will just think you're odd and way overly focused on testing.

Also, even if all the schools a kid is applying to superscores, you have to be careful - you wouldn't send four scores regardless, you wouldn't send tests where there were wild swings, as it just makes people wonder what the heck, etc.
I believe I mentioned it - along with some other NY schools - a while back in another thread you had, as I think there's no place to be but NYC for what your daughter wants.

It has a regular academic requirement (for BFA too afaik), which was why you shot it and something else down last time, heh. However, it's got a renowned theatre program and like many of those in the City, gets viewed and once well-trained, there are a lot of connections and such to be made that can get internships and paying gigs (at smaller, non-union theatres), union contacts, etc. Same as Tisch at NYU, other places.

People should be VERY careful if they think about trying that - a lot of top tier schools now require full disclosure of all tests taken.Once you get above three it starts to look neurotic - if you took like, the SAT and ACT four or five times each, and for no discernable reason, schools will just think you're odd and way overly focused on testing.

Also, even if all the schools a kid is applying to superscores, you have to be careful - you wouldn't send four scores regardless, you wouldn't send tests where there were wild swings, as it just makes people wonder what the heck, etc.

My son is at a top tier school, and they did not ask for full disclosure. He is a freshman. I sent two ACT scores from his junior year.
My son is at a top tier school, and they did not ask for full disclosure. He is a freshman. I sent two ACT scores from his junior year.

I was very surprised to learn how many schools required full disclosure when my DD was applying back in August. I remember reading on so many sites how you could pick the scores you wanted to send, but that wasn't always the case.

My DD only took the ACT twice and her second score was great. However, her first score was not so great. She took it cold, without any studying at all. I thought it would help her with her test anxiety to get a feel for it that first time without any pressure. It worked and she has yet to get a rejection letter, but I may have rethought that strategy had I known she would be forced to report that first score.
Update to my second guessing:

My DD should hear, one way or the other, from her ED school sometime around December 15. We have decided to put any additional applications on hold until she knows the decision. If she is deferred to regular or denied then she will go forward with one or two further applications. The two schools will be UArts and/or Marymount Manhattan. Both have rolling admissions, so we are okay with waiting. I know it may be risky, but she and I are both comfortable with it. I am still concerned about the amount of core at MMC, but I've looked at the requirements carefully and think, with a little effort, she can handle it. Obviously, we are just hoping and praying that her ED is a yes and all of this will be complete.

I also know that my second guessing is because of the visit over the past weekend. We had such high hopes, and it just fell flat. That got me thinking of all the possible negative outcomes. It is truly a roller coaster ride, isn't it?
DS got his first acceptance letter yesterday! Yay!!
Now he just has to finish up the rest of his apps so he has some choices ;)
DS got his first acceptance letter yesterday! Yay!!
Now he just has to finish up the rest of his apps so he has some choices ;)

Congrats!! It's a great feeling, isn't it?? (does he have a Dec deadline for the other apps? Just curious. Most of my DS's were Dec deadlines, and I really had to clamp down on him to get them done and sent in!)
marcyinPA said:
Congrats!! It's a great feeling, isn't it?? (does he have a Dec deadline for the other apps? Just curious. Most of my DS's were Dec deadlines, and I really had to clamp down on him to get them done and sent in!)

Thanks! Yes, it is a great feeling to know something :-)
And yes, Dec 1 deadline for the rest. He's really close to done on 2 of the 3 left, and asked if I could help him later (i.e., pay). The last one he'll probably finish up tomorrow as it has a longer written part that he's been thinking about, but hasn't written anything down
Congrats to all those first acceptances. I tell my students that at least someone wants you.

I am celebrating this weekend in that I finished what I think is my last letter of recommendation on Tuesday:cool1::cool1::cool1: This was a light year I only had to do 14. Last year by the end of the year I had done 30.
How exciting to read about all these first acceptances. Congratulations to you all!

DD finally submitted her common app. about a week or so ago. So, she has now applied to five schools. The sixth school needs a separate essay and it is her last choice of all the ones she was planning on applying to so I think she is waiting to see what happens with these early applications before she decides whether to apply there or not. She has time, so that is fine with me. Her report card for the first semester came in the mail yesterday and she made honor roll so she should have some good transcripts. Quinnipiac had sent some emails saying if she applied prior to December 1st they would give her early consideration for acceptance and scholarships, so I am hoping they will respond fairly quickly once the transcript is received. Now we are just waiting......
My DS finally submitted two of his applications last night (he's done two already). These are definitely reach schools for him so not holding out much hope but these applications required the most work. They both used the Common Application (what a pain that thing was for him--it's too bad more schools don't use it because then it wouldn't be so bad). The two schools required supplements so, besides, the common app essay, he had to write two more for one school and an additional essay for the other school.

I think he's exhausted!! Of couse it didn't help that he's had to work all four days of the Thanksgiving Break. Holidays are busy when you work at a dog resort!!! They had 130 dogs this weekend!

Anyway, two more applications for him to do, although these almost done. He's just getting down the finer details of those essays.

Then, this coming Saturday is the SAT Subject Tests: Math and Literature.
Congratulations to all the new acceptances!! We are on a lull here as any new acceptances won't come in until after auditions/interviews. The next one is December 15. It's for Point Park in Pittsburgh, but they are coming to Atlanta, so no travel on that one! :thumbsup2

We have some exciting news, though. I'm sure you all remember my rants about evil director man and that my DD is scheduled to be in two classes with him second semester. Since we are on block scheduling, that meant HALF her day would be with him. :sick: On the suggestion of several people here, my D contacted the Artistic Director at her "new" theatre group about the possibility of doing an "internship." Our system has Work Based Learning for juniors and seniors, so this would fall in that category. The director was thrilled at the prospect. (Who wouldn't want free help in a theatre?) Tomorrow we will start the process of applying for the WBL and internship. Keep your fingers crossed that all this works out and she will be totally FINISHED with the school drama!
Oh my goodness, I think I'm about to burst into tears or get sick right here in my classroom. I went on to the CMU site to check my D's application status. Yesterday everything was just as it has always been, but today I get a message: Error Retrieving Applicant Data. Contact Admissions Office for more information. I have a horrible feeling this is not good news. :worried: We were supposed to hear from them by December 15, but now..... My DD and I both knew this would be a huge, huge stretch for her, but she is going to be devastated. :( I've got to figure out how to console her if it's bad news. Sigh....the ups and downs of senior year....


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