Hey - I'm the first to post!!

Disney Debbie

<font color=deeppink>Survivor<br><font color=blue>
Mar 25, 2000
I really don't have anything to say - just noticed no one had posted here yet!

Welcome to all our UK friends!
Hi Debbie

Thank you for the welcome, I am sure there will be lots of new posts soon :)
Hi Janice,

Love your avator (what ever that means) - wonder why you chose a shopping bag?

Tim ;)
Just thought i'd give the UK boards a bit of a boost!
We are off to WDW in July - staying at ASMo for the 2nd time

went last yr for the 1st time - loved it thought we would go again - dd 8yr and ds 5 yrs are so pleased..

this should be a gre------at!!!! board

:earsgirl: :earsboy: :sunny:
Thought I would bring this one back and see if any of the posters are still on the boards and still disney fans not sure how I found this thread just messing on my iPod :)
Oh that is so funny. I though it was some kind of wind-up because I immediately saw the dates (2001!!!) on the first thread. :lmao:

I recognise 2 DISer names. I won't even ask how you came across this thread. Very cool :thumbsup2

I am assuming the first post was when they first opened up a special board for UK planning?
Oh that is so funny. I though it was some kind of wind-up because I immediately saw the dates (2001!!!) on the first thread. :lmao:

I recognise 2 DISer names. I won't even ask how you came across this thread. Very cool :thumbsup2

I am assuming the first post was when they first opened up a special board for UK planning?

LOL I didn't even notice the dates and was thinking what the!!!!!

I assume Wideeyes means the Ascending and Descending order of posts bit, can set it to show all threads ever and as this was the first thread...

The UK forums were a bit complicated back then as they actually lived in 2 places at once. There was a version where everyone hung out together on a co.uk domain and then there were another set here which were pretty much dead.

Unfortunately the server that the co.uk boards were hosted on died a death and so everyone migrated back to this version on the main DIS. Some people preferred being in a little 'Brit Community' rather than part of a multi-national site...they all went off and started the DIBB.
I assume Wideeyes means the Ascending and Descending order of posts bit, can set it to show all threads ever and as this was the first thread...

Unfortunately the server that the co.uk boards were hosted on died a death and so everyone migrated back to this version on the main DIS. Some people preferred being in a little 'Brit Community' rather than part of a multi-national site...they all went off and started the DIBB.

Aaaah, I see now. I never knew that. Funny thing is, I like this BECAUSE it is multi national. In fact, in my years of lurking I was hardly ever on the UK boards until last year really. I think most of my early posts were probably on the main boards too. Weird.

Thanks. I knew about sorting them. I just interpreted your post differently so I didn't realise that was what you were referring to. :)
Aaaah, I see now. I never knew that. Funny thing is, I like this BECAUSE it is multi national. In fact, in my years of lurking I was hardly ever on the UK boards until last year really. I think most of my early posts were probably on the main boards too. Weird.

I agree! One of the things I've always liked about this site is the interaction with people from all over - I like being social, it makes the world seem like a cosier place :) (My favourite other forum is Restaurants)

I hang out almost exclusively on the DIS as a result :surfweb:
I agree! One of the things I've always liked about this site is the interaction with people from all over - I like being social, it makes the world seem like a cosier place :) (My favourite other forum is Restaurants)

I hang out almost exclusively on the DIS as a result :surfweb:

Same here. I will say though, there is a slight distinction: people on the main boards are friends. Those on this board are family. :grouphug:
Same here. I will say though, there is a slight distinction: people on the main boards are friends. Those on this board are family. :grouphug:

arr Lee thats so lovely, it would be lovely to meet up with everyone, unfortuntly we all all so far apart...maybe one day...with lots of pixie dust xx
arr Lee thats so lovely, it would be lovely to meet up with everyone, unfortuntly we all all so far apart...maybe one day...with lots of pixie dust xx

That would be great! :thumbsup2

I was intrigued by this thread last night and so I went back to the first couple of pages from 2001. It was so strange. Pages of threads with 0 replies on. I can't imagine that. Now we have threads that run over pages in the first day. It was almost eerie.


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