Help....very frustrated!

diz karen

Dec 21, 2000
I am trying to plan a trip for 9 of us. We are trying to get some good deals since our dollar is so bad. I was told of a great resort rate and toll free number if I got the disney club. I joined that and found out I could only call disney travel toll free and not CRO. I do not want to book with them as the payment and cancellation policies is not good for me. Finally a code came out on mousesavers that you could book with CRO. I called and all the rooms at that rate are gone for the dates I want. I thought maybe I could get an annual pass for one person and get that discounted room rate. The person told me those rates are not out, yet even though I see them listed on the mousesavers site. She said to keep calling back to see when those rates are out and hopefully get a room at the discounted rate before they are gone.
Sorry for ranting but how do I plan this trip and actually take advantage of any of these discounts, codes, etc???
My phone bill is going to be a fortune. Thank god that is in Canadian dollars.

Any suggestions?
diz karen

Ap rates came out Sat Jan26th/02
They are from 21April-30th Sept.
I booked this morning, the first time I tried
I was told they weren,t out so I called right
back and was able to book.
I hope this helps.
You don't say when you are planning to go, but if it is before Sept, you should be able to get an AP rate. The AP holder can book up to three rooms at that rate. Also I would keep trying to get the code rate, as cancellations do happen. If your dates are not flexible, I would book rooms at the best rate you can get to be sure you have them, then keep calling back to try to get a discount.
Hi Karen. Have you looked at the rental homes on the mousesavers web-site. They look very nice, really good prices and about 10 min. from Disney. Just another option.
Thanks for your replies. We are very limited to when we can go because of everyone's schedule. We hope to go the end of April. We also really want to stay at the all star movies. I understand that movies is their busiest value resort so they do not offer as many discounts there. I guess we have to be more flexible if we want deals. I just thought that there would be some way to get a discount and still have want we want. Oh Well.
I believe ASMo rarely (not never) has the deals. However, for a few dollars more you can get a moderate. We are going April 20 - 30, 2002. My plan was to spend only $99 USF for a room, that meant if no codes for moderates came out, I would book an ALL STAR or POP for the rack rate $99.00ish. BUT! I got lucky, got a Canadian code for CSR $99.00 for four nights (4 night min.) then the season changes and I got the last 6 nights at $94.00! The same code was getting $59.00 USF at ALL STARS, but you will likely have to book ASMu or ASSp. It's a bugger ain't it. Last April, I spent more on WDW vacation at CBR than we spend on our wedding, honeymoon and rings combined! BUT! We had such an amazing time we are going back this April, since we decided to skip a couple/few years (maybe return 2005), we are making this an 11 day trip. If I combined last years trip and this yrs trip, I could have bought a new car! YIKES!
diz karen:

I give you my support. My husband and I spent last August and September, putting together a family trip to Hawaii, that included 12 people. It was alot of work. Everything worked out, except for one brother in law that didn't want to book when we booked the rest of the group. He did his on Canada 3000 and needless to say, while we were all on the beach, he was back in Edmonton in the snow.

good luck putting together your plans.

would look at a home. Once at Disney you become their slave..... I'd rather travel around and take advantage of other sites.... Universal and Sea World offer tickets at par.....
With the amount of people you have in your group I would definately look at getting a house. The last 2 times myself and my family went to WDW we rented homes. Believe me we were not disappointed. Most of these homes are very new and have everything you need. And depending on when you are going are very reasonable. They start around $99.00 a night and up. Last time we went we reserved a 3 bedroom home but when we got there they were out of 3 bedroom houses and upgraded us to a 5 bedroom, 4 bath, 2 car garage, swimming pool +, +, at no extra charge!!:bounce: It was great and we actually stayed an extra night. So for those of you that may be skeptical about renting a home definately think about it, unless they start getting very expensive we will never look at anything different. Of course if you don't drive down you will have to rent a car, but you can always get discounts on car rentals as well.

It's nice to come back for a swim in your own pool in the afternoon and to get away from restaurant food make some simple meals and have fruit and veggies to snack on. Also all homes are equipped with fridges with icemakers, great for freezing water bottles to take to the parks, also most have dishwashers, garbage disposals, etc..

Most companies rates are about the same but here are the ones we have dealt with and have had no problems. They are: &

If you have any further questions about renting homes feel free to get in touch with me.

Have a Disney Day!!



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